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Puntland's new flag should include a crescent moon and star

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Of course Puntland won't. North West Somalia has already proven how useless that is. We are coming to the end of this decade and they were unable to get even one nation to recognize them. Since 1991, nothing has changed. Why would Puntland waste it's time?


We are definitely sure, that Puntland won't bother with that nonesense.

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Oodweyne, et al.


To paraphrase T Pain’s memorable lines, a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, a habit of hallucinating that one’s fortunes lie in a political course even when all available data shows that particular course has utterly failed, that long habit of yours perhaps creates this justifiable sentiment of yours of being right. But know this, yaa failed splittist, that Puntland has neither the political infrastructure nor the historical grievance to resort separatism as a strategy to attain bigger share from the national pie--- for that is what that sort of political tactic could ultimately amount to in the Somali context.

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For me, the behaviours of Somaliland and Puntland can be summed up by the following scenario.


One big family broke down for various reasons but mainly because the father was abusive. The mother and her children are left in disarray, with no means to feed themselves, with no friends to help, and with the debilitating feeling of a future without promise.


One of the sons, perhaps a little impatient and selfish, decided to flee and cross the high seas to puruse a better future. One can pilory this son for not having the compassion of helping the mother to cope with her serious misery, but at least he left and made things better for himself. The mother never heard from him, and is worried about him. But she is hopeful: either he will come back and do what he didn't do at her greatest hour of need later, or atleast he will survive by himself and there will be a progeny left behind to perpetuate the race.


The other son, like a moron rejected by fellow peers, doesn't leave the house premise, nor does he help out. He torments what is left of the mother, sometimes fighting to takeover the only kettle the family and all the guests who come to the house queue to boil their tea. He foolsishly shares information to house breakers, who managed to come at the darkness of the night and stole two furaash's and broke the hand of a daughter while looting.


Maalinwalba, he is hurling an avalanche of stones at the house to the dismay of the ailing mother, asking for "his share" of the national cake, when the fact is the mother had no idea of what a cake is. Twice he blindfolded two minors (oo qoxooti soo marityey ahaa) and sold to human traffickers. Whenever, the mother summons some of the children at the house to discuss what to do to get out of the quaqmire, he sets preconditions of " there will be no discussion nor agreement unless my unique contributions are recognised". This, against a backdrop of dhagax-tuur and hagardaamo joogta ah that has been the hallmark of his contribution to the house!


So, which son is the grvaest danger to the resurrection of the dismantled family? The one who is minding his own things in another land, or the one who is stifiling any progress at the house, and also threatens the one abroad?

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^So Somaliland is doing good, has not caused trouble or taken any disputed territory since the civil war and has no ties with Ethiopia or handed over ONLF. On the other hand, Puntland is everything that is trouble in the county and they collaborate with enemy , Ethiopia, handed Somalis twice as you say?


This sounds one sided waryaa, bal come back

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What you don't realise about my frustration with Puntland is that there is no justifiable motive for its actions against the people who are resisting oppression and colonisation. Absolutely no reason why they should be hostile to them.


It is not the case with Somaliland.


On the issue of Somalia, it is not somaliland that has stalled all attempts at creating governments there. It was Yey who was used many times to sabotage the formation of a credible central government. It is Faroole who is now busy on ego-centered undermining of the weak but inclusive Sharif government.

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"On the issue of Somalia, it is not somaliland that has stalled all attempts at creating governments there. It was Yey who was used many times to sabotage the formation of a credible central government. It is Faroole who is now busy on ego-centered undermining of the weak but inclusive Sharif government."


At that my friends is the nub of the matter.

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Our lad A&T and his little ONLF outbursts, one understands his frustration and angst at the failure of his clan centered projects from Somali Galbeed, ONLF to Warlord Ahmed Madobe, the man does not have a pot to piss in.

He is needed to “liberate” his folks from Ethiopia and Kenya, the majority of whom ironically work for and are citizens of, and the Al Shabaab that some of them travel from distance lands to be suicide bombers for.


The strain on his mental faculties are highlighted by his recent outburst at Puntland and its flag, and the fact that out of sheer desperation he calls on the likes of JB, and the soft voiced and long winded waffler Oodweyne. Two secessionists who love the ONLF and Xasan Turki as much as A&T. :D

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^Let them be envious and angry sxb for all it takes for them is to cry foul about a future flag that a Regional State within Somalia will adopt what will you think they'll do if there's much more tangible development on the ground than that?


Probably they would go mad.

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speaking of envy, I thought Fiqikhair, you were ninka ilaa shalay nin dhan ku haystay calan aan abuuraad iga xaday, as if putting few graphics togather for a meaningless flag is an issue.


Bal adigoo lacag lagaa dhici lahaa waxaad samyn lahyed ka waran?


We feel pity not envy for Puntland. What you say is like what the old spinster Theresa used to say whenever I was sent to buy potatoes from her house. She lived in a mud house, with no electricity. But her worries were always Micheal, a big shop owner whose mansion is next to hers, will send thiefs to steal her furniture. Also she always used to say "my enemies are many. their gossip is killing me, more than my poverty".


Who will envy the three sandy villages with searing heat?

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A&T that's beside the point, what you excel in is nothing but antics as you're very eccentric in your persona here on SOL.


You're in fact crying to be noticed and seeking attention the same reason you pen obscene 'stories' for the same kind of attention.


But let me tell you one think I seriously was beginning to think that you're suffering from schizophrenia or some kind of attention deficit syndrome that makes you retract of what you said a few minutes ago it seems you're going in circles and thus never misses an opportunity to not disappoint in what is expected from your persona. How much ever your entertainment value is I will try to not be to hard to you as I think I owe you in that.


You're not much of an adversary as the only thing you really excel in is to 'shock', bemuse and probably engage one or two of the folks who don't know you in a 'scandal' of sorts so I will leave it to you, your antics that is. No hard feelings at all adeer.


If you feel a grieved or humiliated by Puntland's presence or being than just say so but don't hide in saying 'Puntland is a desert, its worth nothing and its flag is cloth that is wasted etc' whilst at the same time camplaining day and night in and out about Puntland having done something to you and the rest of Somalia, these are contrary to one another but what would I expect from a mildly but nevertheless schizophrenic guy of your calibre. :D

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A&T, you remind me of the prisoner who is busy painting his cell while insulting free men walking outside.

Adeer no city in your clan space can compare to those in Puntland, the greatest thing we have is our freedom, while you had to learn Amharic that was never a problem for us, and now you like Ahmed Madobe you have to learn the language of Al Shabaab, like that soft Cangeero you guys get eaten up and all you do is come here and complain to free men while painting your cell. I hope you get out of prison soon my brother. :D

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