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Kenya police kill suspected Islamist at Somali border

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Kenya police kill suspected Islamist at Somali border

GARISSA, Kenya, June 19 (Reuters) Kenyan security forces killed a man on the border with Somalia today where two Kenyan policemen believed to have been kidnapped by Islamist fighters were found murdered, witnesses said.


Regional police commander Anthony Kibuchi confirmed there had been a shootout between Kenyan police and Somali militia at the border town of Bella Hawa.


''There was contact this morning between our officers and Somali militia. They shot at our officers and our officers had to reply,'' Kibuchi told Reuters.


However, he did not confirm a man had been killed, saying he was on his way to the scene.


Witnesses said police shot the 20-year-old man after he defied orders to stop, as he was crossing into Somalia with a donkey cart laden with food and household items.

''Armed relatives of the deceased rushed to the scene and exchanged gunfire with Kenyan forces for 15 minutes. Two people were wounded,'' resident Hassan Arab said.


The bodies of the two Kenyan policemen were found on Sunday.


The local authorities believe they had been kidnapped by Islamist fighters along the remote frontier, where tensions are running high over the arrest of scores of suspected Somali Islamists trying to enter Kenya after they were routed from Mogadishu in January by allied Somali-Ethiopian troops.


Leaders of Somalia's former Islamist movement see Kenya as an enemy after it detained members trying to cross the border, sending scores into the custody of the Somali interim government and its Ethiopian allies.

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Nin Shacab Ah Oo Lagu Dilay Xuduuda Soomaliya Iyo Kenya

Jun 19,2007

by B/Xaawo-GEDO-NN

Nin shacab oo aan habybtiisa la aqoon ayaa lagu dilay Xaduudda labada magaalo ee B/xaawo iyo Mandheeraa. Dilkan ninkaan shacabka ah ayaa waxaa ka dambeeyey ciidanka booliska Kenya kadib markii uu shalay amar ku bixiyay gudoomiyaha deggmada Mandheeraa Mr.Kimaani Wawiro in la toogto qofkii xaduuda lagu arko una soo talaabaya dhanka Kenya.


Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya inay jiraan dad dhaawacyo kale duwan ka soo gaareen rasaas ay fureen ciidanka booliska ee Kenya kadib markii qaar ka tirsan ardada reer B/Xaawo ee dugsiyada ka dhigta Mandheeraa jirdil lagu sameeyay, dadweyne faro badan oo ka xun jirdilkaasi ay ku banaanbaxeen xuduuda labada dal u dhaxeysa.


Mar la weeydiyay gudoomiyaha Mandheeraa sababta keentay in xaduuda si aad ah loo adkeeyo ayaa waxaa uu sheegay inuu cadayn u haayo labadii nin ee booliska Kenya ahaa in ay dileen niman ka soo gudbay xadka Soomaaliya, xadkuna uu xirnaan doono cidii lagu arkana la toogan doono ilaa iyo inta laga soo celinayo hubkii laga qaatay askartaas la dilay iyo raggii kale ee ka dambeeyey dilkaasiba.


Mar wax laga waydiiday aradada dugsiyada ka barata Mandheera ee reer B/Xaawo inay soo gudbi karaan ayaa waxaa uu yiri "xaqba umaay laha aradayda soomaalida ah inay Kenya wax ka bartaan, mana soo gudbi karaan".


Si kastaba ha ahaatee maamulka B/Xaawo ayaa sheegay inaysan wax lagu ku lahayn arintaas dad ka soo gudbay xadka soomaaliya labad nin ee booliskana aan maydkooda laga helay xadka soomaaliya arintuna ay tahay "waxii xunba xaawo saar". Isku soo duuduuboo waxaa cirka isku sii shareeraysa kala fogaanshaha magaalooyinka B/xaawo iyo Mandheeraa iyadoo ay muuqato xaalad colaadeed oo horay uga dhicin xuduudka labada dal.


Cabdirizaq Aleuxiir-GEDO-NN-B/Xaawo

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"Witnesses said police shot the 20-year-old man after he defied orders to stop, as he was crossing into Somalia with a donkey cart laden with food and household items."


Doesn't sound an islamist. Judging from the history of NFD, the madaxkorankor are back to their tactics of intimidating ethnic somalis.


The man killed was probably a small trader whose aim was to make a living. This kind of actions is what somalis in western somalia and the NFD encounter under the gumeeysi hands.


It is a revenge killing. My bet is that a lot of women have been raped, countless people have been arrested and suddenly any somali in that region is a shifta (wrong;actually an islamist) that is the buzzword. So vicious is the gumeeysi.


Xaduud ku lahaa!


Maamulka degmada Beledxaawo???? Gedo-NN waxba kama ogo wax meeshaasi ka dhacayaao.

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