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Truth Seeker

What is the Solution for our Problems?

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Everyone must have a solution they believe will solve our problems?


Surely rather than comiserate with ourselves in relation to the pitiful position the Muslim ummah is in we should put forward solutions to solve this. After all Islam is a complete way of life and for this to be the case it must have a solution to our problems.


It is best if we have a clear structure to our discussions so we can take the most from it, so if we can answer using the following structure:


1) Solution


2) What will it solve?


3) How do we go about making this happen?


4) Evidence to support our solution.


So as to not discourage people from contributing anyone can offer on any of the above points and then we can all discuss it using the four headings.


I think this would be the most constructive way of addressing the variouos issues and would allow us to have a meaningful discussion that we can all learn from and work towards a solution that will give this Ummah its Izzah back.

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