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Rest assured that the prime concern of the TFG is the welfare of the civilians hence they do not just wage 'hit and run'.

Juje you know well that TFG is a union of Warlords who have a history of abusing their power at the expense of the civilians.

what makes them know saints?


So using 'welfare civilians' is the lamest excuse.

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And you want me to believe that the ICU are newly born people who have not contributed to the mayhem of civil strive? That is stale sxb. And you know what you will find hard to sell that notion in Xamar today, also Kismayo, Barawe, Marka, Jowhar, etc..

The believe that everything is rosy is a forgone misleading conclussion now sxb. The pictures emerging now is that they are more hell bent than the warlords, that they have no vision except each and every one of them having his wn ill conceived believe of the Sacred Koran. That they are generating incoming which has no ends to fulfill nor accomplish except to feed their appetite. Justice to them narrows down to the judgement of the militia in the street. Worse of all they are unknowingly fulfilling the agenda of foreign intervention which wants to make Somalia a war zone between them and the Americans hence succeding their desire to shift attention from other battle grounds. I could go on and on.

So dont come here with your brain washed mind sxb.

I know what the TFg stands for and what nimanka 'cimamadaha wata' is. the former is to bring back the pride and statehood of Somalia the latter to send Somalia to gutters.

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Yet we have not seen this national force for over 16 years when did this phantom force come to exist. And if it is military ranks than one can argue that ICU have well trained men some who studied in the prestigious sand Hurst school.


Let us go back a little while, when the courts dispelled those warmongering thugs out of the capital they immediately put their hands up and said we recognise the TFG as the government of the country. They told the TFG to bring their government to the seat that is fit for a national government. I personally though this would be the end of 16 year night Somali people had been, little helped me understand the logic of the steps that the TFG took, they not only invited the men that refused to let them in but they called the men who opened the doors terrorists and persisted on the foreign troops issue.



Do not disillusion yourself old chap it is not the ICU that is being pushed back to a corner, any person with strength would resist such pressure, but that the key word “strength” something the TFG lacks.


Best option for them would be to get back in the negotiation table, if not prepare to be liquefied a word out honrafrique book

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I know what the TFg stands for and what nimanka 'cimamadaha wata' is. the former is to bring back the pride and statehood of Somalia the latter to send Somalia to gutters.


So your point of reasoning is in order to save the state you have to destroy it.

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Originally posted by Thierry.:

Do not disillusion yourself old chap it is not the ICU that is being pushed back to a corner, any person with strength would resist such pressure, but that the key word “strength” something the TFG lacks.

May be in your vocab 'strenght' means the one who kills, maims and rules through fear of any preception. In general terms 'strenght' can be attributed those who practice patience and resist all forms of offence with minimum risk. Exactly what the TFg has been doing exactly.

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Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:

So your thought of reasoning is in order to save the state you have to destroy it.

You have a problem understanding your A's from B's.

Transitional Federal Government (TFG) --- Islamic(self proclaimed) Courts Union (ICU), tell me sxb in your own words which is state and which is not.

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stop playing with words.

Your support of TFG is your desire to see a somali state.

so how will a somali state be formed by its enemies?

what i know is that if outside influence was Zero they TFG N ICU would come to a negotiating table to compromise.

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Tell me Juje where in history a group have aligned themselves with the enemy in order to preserve statehood and national pride. The only condition to avert this is communicate with your brother independently so that a common consensus can be agreed upon by brothers and tells the nation that that occupies large part of our land to get out if they don’t ask for help from your brother to help you get them out.


But to state that we want state hood yet we have sworn allegiance to a state which occupies large part of hour land does not make sense and it sure does not sound like national pride, unless in your vocab it means being subservient to others

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Originally posted by Thierry.:

Tell me Juje where in history a group have aligned themselves with the enemy in order to preserve statehood and national pride.

Indeed that is sad. But tell me sxb, who is the enemy. Those we perceive to be enemies and who have continuosly fought every other Somali State since independence untill the civil war. Or those who have single handedly and deliberately and also due to severe lack natianalism and patritism destroyed the core of the state they had, Somalia.

The worst enemy Somalia ever had has come from within it. Hence it is irrelevant to bring the banner out now "Ethiopians are our enemy". Trying to sell that to numerous who were persecuted, traumatised, raped, looted, maimed etc. by the very those who were next of kin in term of ethenticity, Somalis and not Ethiopians.

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Those who consider ethiopians and somali as enemies forget one very important truth.

Its only the somali that is made by his creator. Somalia is a man made country as all countries are. So is ethiopia another man made country.

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

Those who consider ethiopians and somali as enemies forget one very important truth.

Its only the somali that is made by his creator. Somalia is a man made country as all countries are. So is ethiopia another man made country.

Piss off.

before you embark on preaching learn to leave with your breathrens the Hamaseen.

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I have disagreed with Juje on many occasions and my views and his are way far from each other but his explanations on this thread are quite reasonable for they touch the whole essence of patriotism.However much things are explained,Ahmed gurey would never cease to look beyond his shoe laces.Ahmed,Honestly,what is it that u do not understand?Could it be that maybe u ought to understand ur own stance before trying to understand the more complex issues?Maybe!

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