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Joint Press Release

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Joint Press Release from the Speaker of Somali Parliament and the Chairman of Executive Committee of the Council of Islamic Courts




Saturday, December 16, 2006








H.E. Ali Abdalla Salah, President of Republic of Yemen, has extended to both H.E.Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, Speaker of the Somali Parliament and H.E. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Chairman of Executive Committee of the Council of Islamic Courts to visit the Republic of Yemen , the period of 13- 16 December 2006.


H.E.the President of Yemen received both leaders ,and carried out with them extensive discussions on the current political situation in Somalia in order to help the process of the Somali reconciliation efforts which sponsored by the Arab League and Igad, The following points have been agreed upon :




1. The Council of the Islamic Courts commits itself to continue the dialogue with the TFG as the best way to resolve their differences, in the forthcoming Khartoum meetings, and with the participation of all other concerned parties.

2. To avoid by both sides all hostile actions which can lead to a military confrontation.

3. To fully implement the already signed agreements by the TFG and The Council of the Islamic Courts.

4. The two sides reaffirm non-interference in the internal affairs of Somalia by any Governments of the Region or anyone else, to respect the borders between Somalia and its neighbors, to start dialogue between the neighbor countries, removing any mistrust and to strengthen the principal of good neighborness and peaceful co-existence.

5. To resume the dialogue in Khartoum between the Transitional Federal Institutions and The Council of the Islamic Courts for the achievement of the political settlement, which guarantees for all parties the participation in the Government.

6. To call on the international community, the Arab and Islamic Governments, and the International Humanitarian Organizations to provide urgent assistance for the Somali People affected by the destructive floods.

7. The International Community, the Arab and Islamic Countries are also invited to contribute in the reconstruction of Somalia after the attainment of the Somali National Reconciliation.

8. The two leaders express their thanks and appreciation to H.E.Ali Abdalla Salah, the President of Republic of Yemen for his efforts to achieve peace in Somalia and for his kind invitation to visit Yemen; they also commend the role of Yemen for the solution of the Somali Problems.






Aden,16 December,2006

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Desperate times call for desperate measures. One of them is signing a pact with a 'invalid' person. Someone should tell nimaanka cimamadaha wata Odeygi wa hore ayu albaabka xirtey.

"So joog ninka laga wayo so jiif aa laga hela."

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4. The two sides reaffirm non-interference in the internal affairs of Somalia by any Governments of the Region or anyone else,
to respect the borders between Somalia and its neighbors,
to start dialogue between the neighbor countries, removing any mistrust and to strengthen the principal of good neighborness and peaceful co-existence.

Anyone in Mugadishu, aspiring to be the next ruler says it when they find themselves in tight spot.

As usual Kenya will be the first one to recognized, then after some bargain will be ethiopia.

I don't see the word Jihad on ethiopia anymore in any ICU talk or statement. Jihad will be the first casualty from the hollier than thou Mugadishu gang called ICU. We ethiopians told them that Jihad call is not something to be taken lightly, it seems they got the message.


I think a Somali ethiopian put it long ago something to this effect:

If Ethiopia told Hassan Tahir that they will recognize him, he would be the first one to kick ONLF or anyone else out of Mugadishu.

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Originally posted by Juje:

Desperate times call for desperate measures. One of them is signing a pact with a 'invalid' person. Someone should tell nimaanka cimamadaha wata Odeygi wa hore ayu albaabka xirtey.

"So joog ninka laga wayo so jiif aa laga hela."

looool! comedians dheh!

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Originally posted by Juje:

Desperate times call for desperate measures. One of them is signing a pact with a 'invalid' person. Someone should tell nimaanka cimamadaha wata Odeygi wa hore ayu albaabka xirtey.

"So joog ninka laga wayo so jiif aa laga hela."

In The Art of War, the oldest military treatise, Sun Tzu wrote:

All warfare is based on deception.

Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable;

when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we

are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away;

when far away, we must make him believe we are near.


So good Juje, although it may seem that sages have labored mightly to produce a mouse as it were yet those among us who are well versed in the art of diplomacy would hardly miss its political subtlety!

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Listen you guys seem to have the upperhand.

Ethio blessing and the UN resolution

Whats keeping you back aent they 'Terrorists' , 'Alqaida'.

Its action time why dont you smoke them.

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^^^You guys seem to be losing the plot, it was the clan courts and their puppets who were making the threats of war and parading women and children with gun, why then the U-turn on the celebrated 7 day threat by Amir IndaCade of lower Shabbele? Its becoming a farce trust me.

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Parade no Parade arent you guys the recognised Govt while these folks 'outlaws'.


Gedi said he will march to Mogadishu even prior those parades whats taking that long?

It seems the longer the duration the more militia defections.

It seems that it will be Puntland/Meles Vs ICU.

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Ahmed-Guure when the Government forces among them many decorated sarakiil Somaliyeed decide to move and eradicate the hoodlums who have taken control of south Somalia, trust me you wont untill you see them in your doorstep.

Rest assured that the prime concern of the TFG is the welfare of the civilians hence they do not just wage 'hit and run'. It will be calculated with the minimum loss of innocent civilians be it those who are caught up in between or those that have been brainwashed that they are fighting for their diin and country.

Why else do you think the maxakamiins are desperate for truce cause they know the opposing forces are not a rag tag army, but well trained and displined army who will uproot them.

Just wait and watch how things unroll, if the leaders of the TFG have their way they will rather see the ICU concede and disarm.

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Saxib let us come down from cloud number nine, I do not know who you intend to fool but the facts on the ground state a completely different story.

Even the prime minister of the “weak interim government” contradicts your view. Where was this sarkills when burhakabo and diinsoor a supposed TFG controlled region was being taken?

If what you claim is to be true then why request foreign troops. Saxiib if it is military might that you are comparing then you fool know one the TFG is no match for the ICU other wise they would not have been surrounded from every corner in the small village that they reside in.


Give us a break mate we know where hundreds of soldiers are defecting from every other day. So come up with something else

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Originally posted by Thierry.:

Give us a break mate we know where hundreds of soldiers are defecting from every other day. So come up with something else

I think u should give yourself a break sxb, specially from websites that are predomiantly biased towards the ICU. If you were to beieve there is a mass-defection of hundreds per day, am sure you will come to the conclussion we only have President Yusuf with AK47 alone remaining in there and PM Gedi manning the tanks. But you did not do your calculations you basically took the rubbish your fed with.

On the other hand sxb, the TFG has yet to put together the effort to attack bearing in mind its consequences, hence they are at the moment resorting to defense and repulsing the suicidal attacks put together by the ICU.

Also bear in mind you are here comparing a National force and punch of cimaamadleys who have no other purpose but to eliminate those they deem will bring an end to their ill conceived plan.

TFG is coming home sxb, the sooner you realise the better it will be for good natured sense. TFG will not bargain with people who want to alter the constitution that protects every and each Somali citizen through the barrel of gun. The TFG is led by a man who has experience of what fear, and also what the fruits of victory are after confronting and overcoming that fear. It is just bad luck for the ICU that they emerged at the watch of President Yusuf.

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