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Diiradda WC:- Joogitaanka Sheekh Cali Warsame ee Muqdisho iyo Shakigga Xukumadda Somaliland!!



Muqdisho, Khamiis, Oct. 19, 2006









Tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay markii Xukumadda Somaliland ogaatay inuu Muqdisho ku sugan yahay Wadaadka Reer Burco ee lagu Magacaabo Sheekh Cali Warsame waxaa cirka isku sii shareerayay shakigga iyo xasaasiyadda Xukumadda Somaliland ka qaaday socdaalkiisa ku beegan xilli Golaha Maxaakiimta ku sii fidiyaan Goboladda dalka Somaliya,ayna gacanta ku dhigeen inta badan goboladda koofureed, taas oo riixday inay aad u hadal heeyso Warbaahinta Somaliland ,laguna faafiyo warqad ku qoran Af Carabi oo Madaxtooyadda Somaliland qaybisay.


Warqadaas laga qaybiyay Madaxtooyadda Somaliland oo lahayd Looggadda gaarkaa ee Golaha Maxaakiimta ,waxaa ku qornaa go-aan ay wada jir u saxiixeen Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys iyo Sheekh Cali Warsame,laguna qaarijinayo 13 Mas'uul oo ka tirsan Xukumadda Somaliland,qaarkoodna ah Wasiiro xilkii laga qaaday ,laakiin Warqadaas Saxiixyadda ku yiilay Saxaafaddu way cadeeyn wayday inay yahiin Saxiixyadda Sheekh Aweys iyo Sheekh Cali,balse Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda ayaa tibaaxay in saxiixyaddu yahiin kuwa labadaas Mas,uul ayna heleen Sirdoonkoodda dhinaca Maxaakiimta.


Inkastoo Sheekh Cali Warsame isku difaacay inuu Muqdisho u degan yahay Reer, oo uu bil walba oo Ramadaan tago,hadana qiilkiisa sanadkaan dhinaca Somaliland kama dhaadhacayo sinaba,waxayna qabaan inuu Abaabul ugu jiro sidii Golaha Maxaakiimta ugu luga fidsan lahaayeen dhinaca Somaliland,iyagoo waliba rumeeysan inuu gacan dhaqaale iyo mid maskaxeed ku lahaa Cajaladii muuqaalka ahayd ee lagu faafiyay Internet-ka laguna muujiyay wax u dhigma Sheekh Maxamed Ismaaciil oo la jirdilaya.taas oo qudheedda Somaliland u aragto marmarsiiyo Maxaakiimta ay u soo marayaan weerar ay dhinaca Somaliland ku qaadaan.


Sheekh Cali Warsame oo ah Sheekh da'diisa xilligaan lagu qiyaasi karayo 62 jir ,waxaa uu xidid la yahay Gudoomiyaha Golaha shuuradda ee Maxaakiimta Islaamka Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys oo uu qabo gabadh la dhalatay,waxaana Muqdisho u degan caruur ay u dhashay Aafadiisa la dhalatay Sheekh Aweys,laakiin mudada uu jooga Muqdisho oo la qiyaaso inaysan ka badneeyn 29 cesho oo qura,ma ahayn nin ka soo muuqda Fagaarayaasha Xafladaha iyo kulamadda Maxaakiimta,waxaana markii ugu horeeysay lagu arkay xaflad abaalmarin tartan Qur-aan akhrisa oo ay soo qabanqaabisay Shirkadda Xawaaladda Qaran Express laanteedda Muqdisho,isagoo jeediyay khudbad ka nasahan arrimaha Siyaasadda Soomaaliya ,aadna u koobneed oo uu kaga sheekeeynayay qiimaha barashadda qur-aanka kariimka ee caruurta iyo waayeelka iyo dhiirigelinta abaalmarinadda la siiyo ahlu qur-aanka, xaafidka ah.


inkastoo Sheekh Cali Warsame lagu tirinayo inuu degan yahay Burco una dhashay Beesha Reer Sheekh Isxaaq ee Somaliland,hadana lahjad ahaan marka uu hadlayo waa nin Reer Koofur ah,oo ay adag tahay sida lagu rumeeysto inuu yahay Reer Somaliland,marka la isbar bar dhigo qaab lahjadeedka Culumadda kale ee Somaliland sida , Sheekh Mustafe Haaruun iyo Sheekh Maxamed Dirir,waxaayse taasi Marqaati u tahay sheegashadiisa ku saleeysan inuu isagga waligii ka mid ahaa Mashaa’iqda Reer Muqdisho ,uuna inta badan noloshiisa deganaa .


Dad Reer Burco ah ayaa u sheegay in Sheekh Cali Warsame ,labadii sano ee ugu dambeeysay Xukumadda Somaliland ilgaara ku eegeeysay,iyadoo rumeeysan inuu ka mid yahay madaxda sare ee Ururka Al Itixaad,hasseyeeshee Sheekhu wuxuu ahaa beey leeyahiin Reer Burco,mid ku kooban masjidka iyo gurigiisa oo xitaa kama mid ahayn culumadda Muxaadirooyinka u qabta shacabka,waxaase tuhunka ugu badan ee dhinaca Somaliland abuuray baa la leeyahay Sheekh Cali Warsame oo mar soo noqday Gudoomiyaha Ururkii burburay ee Al Waxda Al Itixaadiya.


Eedeeynta Somaliland u jeedineeyso Sheekh Warsame iyo is difaacidiisa qunyar socodnimadda lagu laray,waxaa basiin ku sii shubaya warar duul duul ah ,hadana marka la eego loo qaateena oo sheegaya in Sheekh Cali Warsame Muqdisho loogu diyaariyay afartan gawaaridda dagaalka iyo lix boqol oo Ciidamadda shabaabka Maxkamadaha,kuwaas oo bacdul ciid u galbin doona dhinaca Burco si ay fariisin uga dhigtaan degaankaas.


Shakigga Somaliland ee ku saleeysan weerar qorsheeysan oo dhinaca goboladda koofureed looga qaado,ma ahan oo kaliya mid ay ku tuhmayaan inuu horjooge u noqon karo Sheekh Cali Warsame ,hasse yeeshee Saraakiishoodda dhinaca Ciidamadda iyo nabadsugidda ayaa aaminsan in weerar Maxaakiimtu ku qaado Somaliland ay horkici karaan Rag ay ka mid yahiin Ibraahim Faarax Meecaad Afakhani iyo Axmed Cabdi Aaw Maxamud Godinle,oo labada la sheego inay ku jiraan Maxkamadaha gaar ahaan Quwaatul Amnigga guutadda shabaabka.

Marka la isku soo xooriyo Sheekadda ,lama ogga in Sheekh Cali Warsame qorsheeynaya weerar uu ku qaado Somaliland iyo inuu eedeeymaha nuucaasa ka nasahan yahay,hasseyeeshee wuxuu u muuqdaa Sheekh Cali,Hogaamiye wayn oo masraxa hogaanka sida bisha oo kale uga soo dhex muuqda,isagoon waligii sheegan inuu yahay nin siyaasadda ku lug leh,sidoo kalana la arag isagoo qori sito ama saaran gaari Ciidan,balse waxaa hogaamiye nuucaaya ka dhigay Warbaahinta oo aad u buunbuunisay iyo Xukumadda Somaliland oo u jiibisay buunbuunintaas lagu beegay waqti uu bisha Ramadaan ku sugan yahay Muqdisho.


Dahir Abdulle Alasow

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Sheikh Cali Is A well known Humble Wadaad. He is not involved with this extremists who wants to take the somali people back to the 7th century.The corupt riyaleAdminstartion wants to use the sheik in their motives of diverting the peoples attention from Real Issues within the state. I beleve that If Sheik Ali wants to destabilise Somaliland he can Easly mobilise for Follwers From where he hails From "Caynabo" not even Burco as many keep saying And if Caynabo goes UIC then Laascanod Will and Boom A big Trouble for for both Lands Adminstartions

Hope doesnt happen cause iam Against the extremists. My message to somaliland Is that they should stop from exagirating and Creating this fear Cause horaa loo yiri The worst Fear is the Fear Itself, Hadda somaliland Cabaadka maxaa ugu wacan? Puntlandba lamasoodhaafine. To the wadaadada seef laboodka ah Please stop using and religion for you ulterior Motives and Worse Stop using The humble Cali Warsame as Patway to Disatbilize these Regions.

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yes I do agree that Cali Warsame is very humble religious figure,and that Riyale Kahin and the corrupt Udub party need to get their act together and stop blaming the ICU for their own problems.


The ICU has not made any threats as proven,but for some reason,the Udub party are mouthing off on every little move made by the ICU towards right direction.I think they are in this mode,not because they are in fear of losing their power in Somaliland to the ICU,it's more to scare the civilians into hating the ICU,which isn't going to happen.


This is dirty politics played by Riyale and his mostly corrupt party.


Moreover, Mr. Nabadshe, I don't understand how you can blame the ICU and praise Cali Warsame at the same must know if Cali Warsame isn't up to distablizing Somaliland then so are the ICU, since he is among their spritual leaders. So don't make any exceptions,because if you think Cali Warsame is humble Wadaad,well do also consider that Shariif Axmed is humble shiekh himself,thus they are on the same side of the aisle.


One final point that I would like to make is that,no one is being used here, and definately not Cali Warsame.Be also adviced of refering the noble ICU of being extremism, those kinda comments are FOX NEWS CHANNEL motivated, and not ones to be made by a Muslim such as yourself.

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He is not involved with this extremists who wants to take the somali people back to the 7th century.

He is attributed to be the co-founders of Alitixaaad in late 1980s, an organization which involved a lot of wars in early 1990s.


And those wadaada ku sheega at Xamar today are the former followers or leaders of Alitixaad with new, more twisted militant newcomers, so if they are "extremists," he too should be. If they aren't, he isn't. Ma kala haraan.

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Moreover, Mr. Nabadshe, I don't understand how you can blame the ICU and praise Cali Warsame at the same must know if Cali Warsame isn't up to distablizing Somaliland then so are the ICU


It seems Brother Red you lost direction since the So UIc revolution swept the region. From one side you seems to be supporting the UIC but On the other hand Somaliland Patriotism Always creeps up along the way. Waa meeshii Beerka Jecli Xaydha Jecli. Now coming Back to Sheikh Cali Warsame Issue Just Tell me Or Show any Evidence That This Sheikh Is involved in Any Politcal Doings Since Those 80s iyo Wax Lagategay.About UIC Being Noble I dont Understand How Youll call Noble The Bunch Of thugs That Used to Terrorise Somali PPl Few Months Ago just because they sudenly Turned Better Muslims Overnight.Cmoon The Word NOBLE Is too prestigous for that.

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He is attributed to be the co-founders of Alitixaaad in late 1980s, an organization which involved a lot of wars in early 1990s.


And those wadaada ku sheega at Xamar today are the former followers or leaders of Alitixaad with new, more twisted militant newcomers, so if they are "extremists," he too should be. If they aren't, he isn't. Ma kala haraan.

Sheikh Ali Warsame, eventhough he once was the head of AI-AI, he was seen and still regarded as the most moderate of its leaders. Even during the war in which AI-AI fought with Col. Yey in the early 1990s, he was the head of the peaceful wing of that organisation.


So your assertion that all of AI-AI were extermists is not necessarily true.



inkastoo Sheekh Cali Warsame lagu tirinayo inuu degan yahay Burco una dhashay Beesha Reer Sheekh Isxaaq ee Somaliland,hadana lahjad ahaan marka uu hadlayo waa nin Reer Koofur ah,oo ay adag tahay sida lagu rumeeysto inuu yahay Reer Somaliland,marka la isbar bar dhigo qaab lahjadeedka Culumadda kale ee Somaliland sida , Sheekh Mustafe Haaruun iyo Sheekh Maxamed Dirir,waxaayse taasi Marqaati u tahay sheegashadiisa ku saleeysan inuu isagga waligii ka mid ahaa Mashaa’iqda Reer Muqdisho ,uuna inta badan noloshiisa deganaa .



Lets just say that he is fluent in both accents.

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Once again I'm confused with Red Sea's perspective in this ISSUE.


Waryaa Maxkabadahan aad sheekaysaa they're the cadaw of Somaliland....every body knows that.


They're using this religion political vacuum to mess with your mind. As long as they have people like Turki in their organization they will remain the enemy. I visited some of the mass graves in Somaliland over the summer. I can still hear them screaming for justice.


The worst kind of people are those who use the name of ALLAH for internal motives.

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^^^lol@still hear them screaming.


War nimankani waqooyi dad kuma layn, and as long Riyale (former NSS officer) is in the helm of the Somaliland admin you are not credible with your past grievance yaa Jaylaani !

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Rayaale is a Somalilander and WE WILL DEAL WITH HIM ACCORDINGLY when the time is right. TURKKI and others were out siders.

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^^^ typical secessionist rubish!, sxb, H Turki cid ka xigta malahan Waqooyi Galbeed. Waa shaqsi somali ah, markaa waxba mid ha soo dhowesanin midna ha saarin.

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

^^^ typical secessionist rubish!, sxb, H Turki cid ka xigta malahan Waqooyi Galbeed. Waa shaqsi somali ah, markaa waxba mid ha soo dhowesanin midna ha saarin.

You’re entitled to your opinion but things are different in real world.

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^Jaylaani iyo Nabadhshe, marka aan kasoo gudubno wadal hadalada kale ee idin dhexmaraya idinka iyo Somaliweyne propagadists, ma iisheegi kartaa,goortay yidhaahdeen waxaan qabsanaynaa amaba xumaan ugaysananaa Somaliland?


Sh.Axmed shariif Afkiisa ayuu ka yidhi in aanay Somaliland wanaag mooyee xumaan u hayn,markaa anigu waxaan leeyey cayda ka daaya dad aydaan garanayn waxay yihiin amaba ku salaysan yihiin.


Somaliland cidii cadow ku ah, ana waa ii cadow , kaasi waa Riyale kahin iyo mujrimiinta UDUB party,ee maaha niman Xamar ka imanaya,mana iman doonaan.


Anigu sidaan horay kuugu sheegay, hadii ay inalagu xukamayo diinta Islamkaa oo taas samaynayaan kuwa jooga Somaliland,waa khayr.sidaan horay ba kuugu sheegay, waan taan rajaynayo,laakin yaan waxba laga sheegin ICU da, waayo wanaag iyo sharaf ayuunbay kusoo kordhiyeen koonfur.anigu xaqa ayuunbaan ka hadlayaa,mana jecli in aan is indha tiro,oo hadii meeshu ay noqoto uun tolkaa wax laqab,dee mar marka qaar hadii ay qaldan yihiin oo ay ku hadlayaan wax aan wanaagsanyn in aan kasoo horjeesto ayaa wanaagsan.anigu cidii xumaan aan ka dareemo in ay wado,waan kasoo horjeesanaya, haduu noqdo ka iigu xiga iyo hadii kaleba.So get use to it.

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

^^^ typical secessionist rubish!, sxb, H Turki cid ka xigta malahan Waqooyi Galbeed. Waa shaqsi somali ah, markaa waxba mid ha soo dhowesanin midna ha saarin.

Okay, then ha ku cantacoonin marka layidhaahdo ICU ayaa iminaya Gedo, fake wadaads this and fake wadaads that.Amaba dadka kale wax ha kasheegin.

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