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^Ninyahow doodahaaga irrelevant-iga ah ayaad iska gashaa! read the topic and all the posts then put yours forward considerably.


This is what Isseh wrote:

Abtigiis, Insha-Allaahu guusha inagaa iska leh, goor dhowna wey soo hoyan doontaa.

Which I politely asked to define or measure goor-dhaw for me interms of understandable scale...


Now you come and say it might be months, years, decades and even mentioned to continue forever, in this modern logical world that's not how u interprate goor-dhaw or at least is percieved, not the likely Guul whispered to you, is it?



PS:Mideeda kale Saaxib adiga lagulama wadi karo discussion, qudbaddo dhaadheer iyo howlo meesha aan oolin baad iska gashaa

PPS: Forget about all the aspects that evade me...

PPPs: Calm down, take it easy, you are flooding the site

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^ I thought I defined "goor dhow". If it means something different to you, I don't care. Goor maan shaah cabnaa la isma waydiin, we were talking about Struggle. Any sane person, knows goor dhow in that sense is not after few hours or something close to it.


Don't mind the floods, I think they will stop when I go back to work. And it is you who is resorting to critique of my style and not my message. Dib isu eeg, adigu. Aniga wax aad ii sheegi karto ayaa iska yar.

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Whats with the new names abu mansuur abu hebel abu geel jire damn walaahi its funny man whats with the wave of arabization loool.. Saw this interview with sheikh shariif in djibouti in meeting with omar guelleh and the guys says fakhamatu raiis lool dear madaxweyne loool when did madaxweyne become raiis.... And the even funnier thing was yusuf garads telling about ceyrows taarikh on the bbc and said ''ninku la ma mid aheyn raga kale ee maxaakimta oo laa bixin magacyada carbeey abu hebelada '''Trying to make him look more nationalistic loool I laughed ma he was even worse then them cuz magac qabiil buu la baxay :D:D Ceyrow never seen other people name theyr kids qabiil names but this guys topped he named himself that title.

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Abtigis, if you don't care why even bother talk to me, I haven't asked or talked to you.


I am not criticizing your style, it is disturbing and annoying to many SOLers, and I didn't nickenamed you Maqiiqane...


Aniga wax aad ii sheegi karto ayaa iska yar.

Dagaalkaagu waa ala style of keyboard commando, please screenka lee ha iiga soo dhaxbixin.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Hadda saas baad dagaal urabtaa, hodhaw marka kuwaas hubka keenay ee wax qarxinaaya lasoo qabqabto oo lalaayo halkaan baad kula soo ordaysaa booyin iyo waa laxasuuqay shacab...

LOOOOOL, So true. All the abu hebels in the world cannot save these psychopaths from their fate in some kinda jail or six feet under.

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adigaa dadka afka ii galiyay intaad tidhi waa Maqiiqane, kaalay oo iga saar. :D



abti, adna ma ogtahay kani adaygii reerahaa kugu dhan oo cidiyahaad ku dagaalami. war hedde Truce bal aan samyno, go'e!!

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^ Ragga ha ii lug qaban go'e. :D Waad ogtahay bohoshaan galay!! Mohamed Mooge (AHUN) muxuu yidhi, " Jiiclaha (?) libaaxiyo,Jaandeerta doobkiiyo, Waayeelka,,,Wixii Jiidha waaga, jeenigu xanuunaa". The relevance is waxbaan jiidhay.

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^ Waan hurdayaa? Wiirsi 2008 baad wadaa. Waa caadi xaaladu saaxib. I just wanted you humour yesterday. I am enjoying it now. No loss.

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

...And the even funnier thing was yusuf garads telling about ceyrows taarikh on the bbc and said ''ninku la ma mid aheyn raga kale ee maxaakimta oo laa bixin magacyada carbeey abu hebelada '''Trying to make him look more nationalistic loool I laughed ma he was even worse then them cuz magac qabiil buu la baxay
Ceyrow never seen other people name theyr kids qabiil names but this guys topped he named himself that title.

Horta hubso intaadan iska dhoolacadcadeen afka. Possibly it was not his name. Aabihiis or awoowgiisa la dhihi jiray as a nick-name, so Yuusuf Garaad is right, lama bixin magacyada Carbeed. Magac naaneys qabiileed ah Soomaalidii hore wey u bixin jireen qofka, siiba qof qabiil kaligiis ka ah degmo cusubna degay tolkiisa dagneen loogu magacdari jiray.

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^Still is a clan name whether it be from his forefathers or not, he was nicknamed after his clan, I guess that was the point WA was making, not important to search for the source.... However, I see no problem with that...


Abtigis, truce saaxib, I see nothing is better than having truce with you, waxay sidaa kudhaanto majidho, qaab laguula diriri karo malahan...

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:D great men ... uncle sam donates used and outdated military vehicles .... what do the brave lads do ... they import the heavy stuff :D

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^Haha its over mate, your fakelords are rounded, killed and detained by the day, what you boost is all about hit-and-run, hide behind women and kids... so much for bravery!

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

Whats with the new names abu mansuur abu hebel abu geel jire damn walaahi its funny man whats with the wave of arabization loool.. Saw this interview with sheikh shariif in djibouti in meeting with omar guelleh and the guys says fakhamatu raiis lool dear madaxweyne loool when did madaxweyne become raiis.... And the even funnier thing was yusuf garads telling about ceyrows taarikh on the bbc and said ''ninku la ma mid aheyn raga kale ee maxaakimta oo laa bixin magacyada carbeey abu hebelada '''Trying to make him look more nationalistic loool I laughed ma he was even worse then them cuz magac qabiil buu la baxay
Ceyrow never seen other people name theyr kids qabiil names but this guys topped he named himself that title.

lol, man wax baad isku dhex qastay! Cyber nicks like ABu Geeljire and real-nife nicks aren't the same. Funnily enough, my login in name is Aw Barkhadle and that is the name I tried to use as my nick, but it seems sum body has it!Abu Geeljire has cultural and philosophical connatation which the literal mind wont capture...... ;) Yeah, and nicknames are given by other people.. :D .....normally people don't name themselves Qabil names!

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