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More freedom fighters and new anti-tank weaponry reach Muqdisho

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Ciidamo muqaawimo ah oo Muqdisho soo gaaray & rasaasta lagu qarxiyo Taangiga oo ay heleen xooggaga kacdoonka


Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo aanu ka helnay ilo kala duwan ayaa inoo xaqiijinaya in xooggaga muqaawimada ee dagaalada kula jira ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah in ay helaan hub casri ah, waxaana hubkaasi ka mid ah rasaasta nooca lagu qarxiyo baabuurta nooca dagaalka ee loo yaqaan Taangiga & Beebaha oo ay ciidamada muqaawimadu baahi weyn u qabeen tan & intii ay dagaalada kula jireen Itoobiyaanka, waxaana hubkan oo maalmihii u danbeeyey soo gaaray muqaawimada laga dareemayaa goobaha ay ku dagaalamayaan labada dhinac, iyadoo weeraro loo adeegsaday hubkan cusub ee soo gaaray muqaawimada xalay & caawo loo adeegsaday guluf lagu qaaday xerooyin ay ciidamada Itoobiyaanku ka sameysteen Ex. Xeradii ciidamada Asluubta Soomaaliya & Ex. Warshadii Baastada.



Ciidamada Muqaawimada oo horay guulo waaweyn uga soo hoyey goobo ay kula dirireen ciidamada Itoobiya, ayeysan horay ugu suurtagelin in ay helaan rasaasta (Anti Tang), waxaana haatan oo ay soo gaartay rasaastaasi la waayey Taangi Itoobiyaan ah oo magaalada Muqdisho dhexmara.



Dhinaca kale, ciidamo aad u fara badan oo taabacsan muqaawimada ay maalmahan soo gaarayey magaalada Muqdisho, ciidamadaasoo ka kala yimid gobolada dalka, waxaana laga yaabaa in maalmaha soo socda weeraro abaabulan lagu qaado ciidamada farriisimooyinka Itoobiyaanka.


Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile

Goternburg, Sweden ,

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^Hadda saas baad dagaal urabtaa, hodhaw marka kuwaas hubka keenay ee wax qarxinaaya lasoo qabqabto oo lalaayo halkaan baad kula soo ordaysaa booyin iyo waa laxasuuqay shacab...

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^How do you measure goor-dhaw, bal issoow if you can give an estimation please, imisa intee le'eg weeye goor-dhaw?

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^LOol, I see you are being very careful in throwing out a direct answer to that but for the sake of argument I will give you a number and let me know if you think its adequate for your hero Indhacade to kick out the foreign troops...


A month, or three months, no let it be one year from now until the elections 2009, what say you my man?

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^^One thing I will tell you now is that the much awaited Gen. Abu Saalim has come home to Muqdishu. The rest is for your eyes to see and ears to hear. You don't need timing since the end is neigh. Insha-Allah.

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^LOooool @ much awaited Abu Salim, maxaad niyada isku dhistaan nimanyahow loool, you one funny man, I have never ever heard of Abu Salim... Perhaps tomorrow you come up with Abu Jacaylbaro joined the resistance, at least I know JB, just imagine how big that is Loooooooool. It's evidence they are weakened and losing thus resort to naming unknown usual Abu's to perhaps prove they stil exist and unshaken... poor attempt.

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Emperor's infatuation with what economist call "the short-run" is evident. That myopia of yours aside, I can reassure you the fight will go on as long as it takes. Months, years or decades!!That is our planning horizon. I know you will be disheartened by the determination of the freedom fighters. Ninkuu wakhtigu ku dheeraan waa ka kursi day-dayga ah ee rabba jago uu hadda ku boodo.


Even the Tigres managed to fight for 17 years. And if you know the living condition of those people and the terrain they live in, you would have been surprised. It needs heart to wage a war and nothing is insurmountable. I saw Xinn saying not all Somali's are fighting this fight on another thread, but where did all the people fought to liberate a country. There has always been divisions, betrayals, doubters and the disengaged in all fights recorded by history.


That aspect evades you.

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Emperor's infatuation with what economist call "the short-run" is evident. That myopia of yours aside, I can reassure you the fight will go on as long as it takes. Months, years or decades!!That is our planning horizon. I know you will be disheartened by the determination of the freedom fighters. Ninkuu wakhtigu ku dheeraan waa ka kursi day-dayga ah ee rabba jago uu hadda ku boodo.


Even the Tigres managed to fight for 17 years. And if you know the living condition of those people and the terrain they live in, you would have been surprised. It needs heart to wage a war and nothing is insurmountable. I saw Xinn saying not all Somali's are fighting this fight on another thread, but where did all the people fought to liberate a country. There has always been divisions, betrayals, doubters and the disengaged in all struggles recorded by history.


That aspect evades you.

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Emperor's infatuation with what economist call "the short-run" is evident. That myopia of yours aside, I can reassure you the fight will go on as long as it takes. Months, years or decades!!That is our planning horizon. I know you will be disheartened by the determination of the freedom fighters. Ninkuu wakhtigu ku dheeraan waa ka kursi day-dayga ah ee rabba jago uu hadda ku boodo.


Even the Tigres managed to fight for 17 years. And if you know the living condition of those people and the terrain they live in, you would have been surprised. It needs heart to wage a war and nothing is insurmountable. I saw Xinn saying not all Somali's are fighting this fight on another thread, but where did all the people fought to liberate a country. There has always been divisions, betrayals, doubters and the disengaged in all struggles recorded by history.


That aspect evades you.

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Emperor's infatuation with what economist call "the short-run" is evident. That myopia of yours aside, I can reassure you the fight will go on as long as it takes. Months, years or decades!!That is our planning horizon. I know you will be disheartened by the determination of the freedom fighters. Ninkuu wakhtigu ku dheeraan waa ka kursi day-dayga ah ee rabba jago uu hadda ku boodo.


Even the Tigres managed to fight for 17 years. And if you know the living condition of those people and the terrain they live in, you would have been surprised. It needs heart to wage a war and nothing is insurmountable. I saw Xinn saying not all Somali's are fighting this fight on another thread, but where did all the people fought to liberate a country. There has always been divisions, betrayals, doubters and the disengaged in all struggles recorded by history.


That aspect evades you.

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