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Foreign oil workers evacuated from Puntland exploration site

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BOSSASO, Somalia June 7, 2008 - A group of foreigners working in Somalia's Puntland regions have been evacuated from an oil exploration site set up last month, informed sources tell Garowe Online.


Six to eight foreign workers were secretly transported Friday night from the operations camp in Ufayn town, which is located 90km east of the port city of Bossaso, the northeastern region's economic hub.


The workers are currently staying at an undisclosed location inside Bossaso, the sources added.


Somali news agency Garowe Online conducted an independent inquiry into the evacuation and its causes, with emerging reports indicating that the foreign workers were evacuated for security-related reasons.


Earlier this week, clan elders in Ufayn town informed senior government officials in Puntland that they could not guarantee the personal safety of the foreigners – who are contracted by Canada-based Africa Oil Corp.


Secret talks have been taking place in Bossaso and Ufayn all week, as Puntland officials and local elders tried to reach a settlement.


According to insiders, elders representing the dominant clan in Ufayn have demanded that they receive the original contract signed between the Puntland government and Africa Oil.


In response, Puntland President Adde Muse dispatched Liban Muse Bogor to Ufayn to convince the clan elders to support the ongoing exploration project.


But local elders rejected Mr. Bogor's mediation efforts, with some elders openly questioning his role due to his position on the board of directors of Australian mining firm Range Resources, Ltd., Africa Oil's joint partner in the Puntland exploration project.


The Puntland leader has not yet addressed these new developments, but confidential sources said the clan elders have pledged to protect vehicles, tents and other equipment at the exploration site in the mean time.


Currently, clan militias under the order of the elders are standing guard at the operations camp in Ufayn, locals reported.


Since mid-2005, Puntland leaders have been trying to explore for oil in Somalia, a Horn of Africa country mired in 18 years of political anarchy.


Many armed clans in Puntland have opposed the exploration project from the onset, citing the lack of a strong national government in Somalia and the lack of legality and transparency in the ongoing push for exploration.



Source: Garowe Online

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Where do you go to collect this garbage articles, Ooh I must know its that sore loser Faroole's Garowe Online... Haha haha


Qashin arooris badnidaa!

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06/07/2008 Was the date of the article, today is 06/11/2008 and not a single back up. Faroole is desperate, he made a deal with the devil and lost.

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I stop responding to this secessionist none sense. They'll post articles of new states being formed, articles against the peace process or this garbage. Never ever one positive or one negative about there's.


But if we post something from negative agaist riyaale they'll dismiss it saying it is written by the other party..UNBELIEVABLE.


Truely desperate times!!!


Duke, did you see the post where they said UK embassy officials from ethiopia, yemen and kenya came to Hargeysa and all they produce is a pic of one white guy sitting at a table. Hilarious!!! Nice to start you day off with a laugh!

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Don't tell me the people who started what we finally thought was a big breakthrough for drilling oil simply took off. We were getting our hopes up, I thought we were rich. :confused:

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^^^lool.Dont worry adeer the prjoect is on course. Mr faroole's boys are losing the plot, but you dont know Mr Faroole right.


We are already rich, and if we get oil then by all means join us in Bossaso.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lool.Dont worry adeer the prjoect is on course. Mr faroole's boys are losing the plot, but you dont know Mr Faroole right.


We are already rich, and if we get oil then by all means join us in Bossaso.

How about you keep whatever resource you have in your beloved state to yourself..and we'll do the same. Tell your uncle to leave the people in the south as well. Peace can only come next. Peace will only come as soon as Somalis realize Somaliwayne is dead.

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^^^lool. We are not debating Somalia adeer, it exists as a nation it is in a transition.

You are a province of Somalia.


Our wealth we will share with everyone as its Somali wealth. What you try and do means little outside the secessionist gang.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lool. We are not debating Somalia adeer, it exists as a nation it is in a transition.

You are a province of Somalia.


Our wealth we will share with everyone as its Somali wealth. What you try and do means little outside the secessionist gang.

You keep denying SL existence surely means you don't want peace to come. Millions of Somalis lives will be saved by accepting SL existence. Your Somaliwayne dream is just a delusion my friend...You believe this as well otherwise you wouldn't boast about PL. If I still believed in Somaliwayne there wouldn't be SL the province and other clan based states..I accepted reality a long ago.

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^^^Adeer Puntland is my regional state its part of Somalia, I am proud of its development.

Somaliland or NW is doing fine I am proud of its development, I just dont like the secessionists ideals. Its based on the Queen being their mother and that they are better and all this nonsence.


The NW Somaliland I have respect and love for.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lool.Dont worry adeer the prjoect is on course. Mr faroole's boys are losing the plot, but you dont know Mr Faroole right.


We are already rich, and if we get oil then by all means join us in Bossaso.

Stop lying to me. Pland is no rich place. Forgod sakes they were protesting about the bariis prices just recently and the fat man himself was caught putting out fake currencies. :D That is haram and I want no part of that. But the oil, that is going to be good move. ;)

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^^^Adeer Puntland is rich. Its as developed as any region in Somalia. The Oil will just add to its richness. But hey secessionists are known for being envious. :D

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Stop lying to me. Pland is no rich place. Forgod sakes they were protesting about the bariis prices just recently and the fat man himself was caught putting out fake currencies

It always reverts to insulting other states to make you feel better!! Even this post was started by a secessionist. No one is insulting your province! You should put more focus on protecting the one thing that was your ace, DEMOCRACY. Which was thrown out the window!

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