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Ramadan Mending Habitits and Developing Charater

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RAMADAN - Mending habits and developing character

11/1/2002 - Religious - Article Ref: IC0211-1776

By: Sadullah Khan

IslamiCity* -




Ramadan is the month of heightened Allah-consciousness, of attaining taqwa (piety), of training ourselves to be the best we can be; a month to initiate improvement of reputation, character and for the cultivation of good habits.


People who try their best to live by the highest values are surely people of integrity and indeed people of moral conscience. What is morality though?


Morality describes the principles that govern our behavior and relates to our behavior at three levels...


how we as individuals ensure that we are honest, just and compassionate.


how we interact with and contribute to society, as asset or liability.


how conscious we are of our accountability to our Creator.


Taqwa in an amoral world


In a world, increasingly amoral, perception is considered reality. How one appears to the world has overtaken the substance of who we really are. Impressions, whether real or fake, are given more credence than it deserves.


Though name, image and reputation are what we perceive of people; character is the essence of the "real self"

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