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Somaliland Making Significant Progress

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UNISA academic speaks at Somaliland roundtable discussion in Ghana: Somaliland making significant progress


Last month UNISA's Iqbal Jhazbhay from the College of Human Sciences was invited to speak at a roundtable discussion titled 'Somaliland – Africa's Best-Kept Secret? - Unpacking recent Somalia & Somaliland Dynamics at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra, Ghana.

This roundtable discussion attempted to present innovative policy ideas and engaging commentary on the issues of the day, as the African Union (AU) Commission and key African states struggle with taking forward the AU's 2005 report on Somaliland.


Jhazbhay suggested a framework of inquiry based on his two recent studies: "Ethiopia, Somaliland & Somalia amid an Islamist rising storm on the horn: The African Union & the case for urgent preventive diplomacy" and "Security, Governance and Development: The braided strands of future prosperity in Africa".


Somaliland making significant progress


Jhazbhay argued that Somaliland had taken healthy, yet difficult steps towards making the triple framework of security, governance and development a reality. Somaliland's security emerged with effective demobilisation, a modern-cum-traditional-elders' compact of governance with budding institutions of state building along with a home-grown economy.


However, Jhazbhay said that Somaliland is faced with challenges as its works its way of balancing the executive and legislative arms of government. Currently, the executive arm is in the hands of the ruling Udub Party while parliament is in the hands of the opposition Ucid and Kulimiye parties. He said the existing tension of media freedom remains, as the government over-reacts, while the media comes to terms with covering the office of the president within a code of acceptable ethics of reporting, balancing the demands of a robust democracy and traditional norms of dignity.


Jhazbhay stressed that Somaliland's economic development prospects have been hampered by the lack of international recognition and has left Somaliland with further problems, which this blossoming democracy can well do without. This innovative democracy is fragile and can well be threatened, less its home-developed efforts be supported, nurtured and protected.

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JB, lets be clear one thing ma friend, any african shitty countries, organizations or say greedy individuals like this Jhazbhay who try to show support to SL's insanity or at least do help the secessionists mafia in their empty persuit of some sort of ONE CLAN state within the republic of Somalia then they (organizations) will regreteblly pay the price @ higher cost. One thing is true my firend, no matter all these hardships and tragedies that Somalia is going thru for sure Somalia will come out of the ashes and bounce straight back at forefronts of speedy developing 3rd wolrd cauntries, yes it is ture and insha'Allah it is true!

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

JB, lets be clear one thing ma friend, any african shitty countries, organizations or say greedy individuals like this
who try to show support to SL's insanity or at least do help the secessionists mafia in their empty persuit of some sort of
state within the republic of Somalia then they (organizations) will regreteblly pay the price @ higher cost. One thing is true my firend, no matter all these hardships and tragedies that Somalia is going thru for sure Somalia will come out of the ashes and bounce straight back at forefronts of speedy developing 3rd wolrd cauntries, yes it is ture and insha'Allah it is true!

Sxb ,, Somalia has gone long time ago ,,,, and now Habashis are making in the center of Mogadishu ,,,,,,,, don't wait until you see the truth coming to your eyes but you better know it before it happens.

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Jacaylbro, Your minister is fired now, and you went back all the way to where you came from with a major defeat. What border did you secure?? Dont you know the reason that was fired this Minister was just the same case of Israel when Ehud Barak blindly invaded Hisba Allah and underestimated their art of war. Well, the authority of Puntland is already under controll of Dhahar,Xingalool,Shinbiraale, and the entire region. Soon, the hight ranking officers will isue a press release over the lay off of the minister :D:D




The smile, is only dedicated to you :D

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You don't read the news sxb ,,,,,,,,,, only Ministers went back to Xiingalool but the army is still there ,,,,,,,, give a call to Dhahar horta :D:D

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looool. Jacaylbro, I just called Dhahar. Waxaa lay sheegay inay ciyaalkii ku heesayeen :D


Dhag Dheer dhimatoo


Dhulkii Nabadeey



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