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Future Mogadishu Genocide!!! (Genocide proposal for some parts of the city) Qaadisiya

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Qaadisiya is saying, that, they have incrediable and secretive insights of a horrendous genocide being prepared/planned to take place in some areas of Mogadishu! Apparently the genocide is being prepared/planned and executed by the 'Workers of the Tigree' (whoever they might be)! Their sources come from military officials close to the 'Workers of the Tigree'!


Also they say that the Resistence urges the 'Mujahideen' to be vigiliant and change their methods in order to prevent the onslaught and genocide from happening by changing tactics and lowering their profile and attacks!


I really like Qaadisiya, they're a fake religious site that is motiviated by clannish feelings! They sure know how to make up false and fake news! But where will their sensationalism lead them to? Only god knows!


Shaqaalaha Tikreega oo Wada Qorsheyaal dhowaan lagu xasuuqayo Shacabka laguna weerarayo Xaafadaha Muqdisho Qaarkood.


Baydhabo,12,February-07 (


War Sir ah oo ay inoo soo gudbiyeen qaar katirsan Saraakiisha iyo mudaneyaal kale oo katirsan Shaqaalaha Tikreega ee ku kala sugan Muqdisho iyo Baydhabo ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Shaqaalaha Tikreega ay qorsheeyeen Arrimo aad u fara badan.



Waxaa kamid ah Arrimaha la qorsheynayo oo aanu ku helnay Warbixinta Sirta ah in dhowaan ladoonayo in la weeraro Xaafado kamid ah Magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan Xaafadaha looga shakisan yahay in ay kusugan yihiin Ragga kawada Dalka Hawlaha Muqaawamada ah.



Hadaba ragga hawlahaasi wada oo si weyn looga dheragsan yahay waxay ku baaqeysaa Xarakada Wax iskacaabinta Shacabka ee Dhulka Hijrooyinka in ay ka feejignaadaan Shacabka Arrimahaasi iyo sidoo kale in ay ka feejignaadaan Weerarada lala damacsan yahay Xaafadaha qaar in mar keliya lagu soo degto xitaa xasuuqna laga geysto.



Sidoo kale Mujaahidiinta katirsan Muqaawamada waxaa lagula dardaarmayaa in ay badalaan qorshahooda isla markaana ay ka ilaaliyaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Xasuuqa lala damacsanyahay.



Si kastaba ha ahaatee Xasuuqani lala damacsan yahay Xaafadaha qaar ee Magaalada Muqdisho iyo shacabka kudhaqan ayaa waxa uu kusoo beegmayaa xilli qaar katirsan Shaqaalaha Tikreega shir ay kuyeesheen Baydhabo kaga heshiiyeen in mar keliya la xasuuqo intii laga shaki qabo sidoo kalena mar keliya lagu kordegto si aan loogu aaboyeelin.

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^^^They even made up an interview with President Yusuf, and the claim to be religious incredible. As for the parts of the city being targeted is their clans? I wonder..

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

How is a Website fair and balanced when their headlines include fake interviews and "QARAX QARAX QARAX QARAX" every other second?

Even General Duke concedes is a trusted site. For instance, days ago, the sites General Duke trusts reported Sheikh Sharif was already in Yemen (when he wasn't), but reported the truth. That's evidence of what reports is trusted, fair and balanced.

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