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Is Sharif Ahmad the leader of the Somalis now?

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Can someone answer. Are we allowed now to refer him this title? Is the vaunted leader who has risen and now will lead us to a peaceful horizon? Is he our Mandela, Ataturk and Mahathir Mohammed rolled into one?


If so, then I welcome him. As I... do like him and respect what he stands for. As many of you know. I'm a staunch secularist.


There are consequences that face us then. One issue I have been thinking about is the personal safety of the good man.

What if they assassinate him? Good leaders as you know are very very rare in that part of the world. What fate that he does not befall that fate. As many of you know, that, many good men who are daily being gunned down in Somalia.


Are you concerned as well?

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I. As many of you know. I'm a staunch secularist.



? [/QB]

Care to explain what it actually means to be a 'stuanch secularist'

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^^^^ It means either:


a) He smokes Cuban cigars, or

b) He watches ESPN and ESPN2, or

c) He would never have the titles Sheikh or Mujahid, or

d) He practices Wicca, or

e) He believes the universe is 14 billion years old and we all descended from single-cell organisms that lived some 3.6 billion years, or

f) The last time he was in a mosque was age 2, or

g) He lives in Italy, or

h) All of the above


Sorry, don't mean to hijack.


Sheikh Sharif is the defacto leader of Somalis. I really want to him to be but nowadays he keeps bad company. May Allah guide him and us through these tough times.

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Originally posted by Resistance:


I. As many of you know. I'm a staunch secularist.




Care to explain what it actually means to be a 'stuanch secularist' [/QB]
Yes. What it means. Is that I'm opposed to a Islamist form of government with the laws of the land interpreted from the Qu'ran.

I want a secular liberal democracy. I can tolerate a mildly moderate Islamic leaning state as it is in Malaysia. But nothing more than that.

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Originally posted by indhayare187:

If you are a "staunch secularist" then your best friend is yeey, and the TFG.


good question resistance.

As many of you here as well know that I campaign and fight against the tfg.

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Saxiib, the man above is the only man that can gain the support of all Somalis, and even make them coffer up their pennies earned in the Diaspora :D His name if Farax Jamac Xussein Obama.



Joking aside, I don't really get your question or the this thread-altogether!


I think what you mean to say is that: is Sheikh Shariff an influential leader of Somalis? The answer to tha yes! But I wouldn't say is the "leader", since Somali has multiple political/clan/religous groups all with their support bases, which Shariff just happens to be one of them!

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what is han yaraantan in english, bruv?



ps. i see, that's was typo. I meant to say "yes" he's an influential leader, but not "the

" sole leader" of Somali, if that is what the poster was asking!

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^^lol. Take it as a homework, and vacate this thread so we can celebrate Sharif's leadership quailties.



War yaan loo sheegin. Please yaan loo sheegin.

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^^saxiib it was a typo......i meant to say yes.HE's influential....lakin not "the"..leader.



bal hada noo sheeg! what does it mean?

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^^Saa idheh saaxiib. Waan kuu sheegayyaa laakiin berri baan kuu sheegayaa! Dhowr jeer baad si jilicsan u hadashay! Marka waa inaan xooggaa ku canaadaa.

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Originally posted by peacenow:

quote:Originally posted by Resistance:



Care to explain what it actually means to be a 'stuanch secularist'
Yes. What it means. Is that I'm opposed to a Islamist form of government with the laws of the land interpreted from the Qu'ran.

I want a secular liberal democracy. I can tolerate a mildly moderate Islamic leaning state as it is in Malaysia. But nothing more than that. [/QB]
^ Well here is where the problem lies, if a domcracy means the will of the majority prevails then what u will sopport that majority if they chose to be governed by the Quran or does that not qualify as democaracy in your books.


All u are saying is my thaughts and ways of governing is better than the maj.

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