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Gedo: Hiiraale not safe even on home turf

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War deg deg ah: Col.Barre Hiiraale oo ku dhaawacmey miino loo aasey



War naga soo gaaray magaalada Baardheere ee Gobolka Gedo ayaa sheegaya in saaka weerar imiino ah lagu dhaawacay Wasiirkii hore ee Gaashaandhiga Col.Barre Aadan


Col.Barre Hiiraale ayaa kolonyo gaadiid ah oo uu la socdey waxaana weerar miino ah loo adeegsadey lagu qaadey gaadiidkii Col.Barre Hiiraale uu watey.


War SBC ay ka heshay dad xog ogaal ayaa sheegaya in weerarkaasi uu ku dhintey gaari wadihii gaarka ah ee Col.Barre Hiiraale, waxaana dhaawac iyo dhimasho kale ay soo gaarey ilaalada Col.Barre Hiiraale.


Ma jiro wax war oo soo baxay oo ku aadan xaalka caafimaad ee Col.Barre Hiiraale.



SBC News Desk

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Baardheere: XIldhibaan Barre Hiiraale oo ku dhaawacmay Qarax miino oo ka dhacay Baardheere

27. June 2007


Baardheere(AllPuntland)- Xildhibaan Barre Aadan Shire (B.Hiiraale) ayaa abaarihii 12:30 daqiiqo waxaa uu ku dhaawacmay miino kula qaraxday gaari uu saarnaa oo marayey degmada Baardheere ee gobolka Gedo isaga iyo mas’uuliyiin kale oo degmada iyo gobolka Gedo ka wada tirsan.


Xildhibaanka ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in uu dhaawaciisu yahay mid fudud sida uu xaqiijiyay sarkaal ka tirsan ciidamadiisa oo diiday in magaciisa la shaaciyo.


Warku wuxuu intaa ku darayaa in miinada qaraxaasi geysatay ay aheyd sida la sheegay mid ah nooca gacanta laga hago, walow aan la ogeyn cidii ka danbeysay, iyadoo dhaawacyada qaraxaasina lagu soo waramayo iney ku jiraan kuwo culus inkastoo ay xildhibaanka la socdeen mas’uuliyiin ay ka mid ahaayeen Xuseen Sh. Ismaaciil oo horay u ahaa Guddoomiyihii gobolka Gedo iyo Aadan Koronto oo ka mid ahaa saraakiishii Isbaheysigii Dooxada Jubba.


Xildhibaan Barre iyo xubnihii la socday ayaa ka soo baxay shir maanta dhex mari lahaa odayaasha dhaqanka ee deegaanada Jubbooyinka kaasoo noqday mid fashilmay.


Horay ayaa 15-kii bishan ay labo qarax oo ka dhacay Shineemooyin ku yaala degmada Baardheere ay ka dhasheen dhimasho iyo dhaawac midkan ayaana noqonaya kii sadaxaad oo deegaankaasi ka dhaca, inkastoo qaraxan uu saameeyay isu socodka iyo ganacsiga degaanka oo albaabada loo laabay iyo sidoo kale xiisad kacsan oo la arkayey gawaarida dagaalka ee loo yaqaan tiknikada oo si xowliya ku mareysay wadooyinka magaalada Baardheere.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Funny how "superman" is not safe in Bardheere will his thugs be safe in Kismayu? NO

Waxaan ka cabsana ninki reer Gedo ah who accidentaly falls from a ladder, even be it in Japan, you will link the incident to Kismayo.

Saxiib just give up, the boys gave you a good hiding, stop enjoying and celebrating every unfortunate 'force majeure' they suffer.

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So far Barre is the highst casualty in the clashes between the Waamo locals and the former JVA groupings.

ay xildhibaanka la socdeen mas’uuliyiin ay ka mid ahaayeen
Xuseen Sh. Ismaaciil oo horay u ahaa Guddoomiyihii gobolka Gedo iyo Aadan Koronto
oo ka mid ahaa saraakiishii Isbaheysigii Dooxada Jubba.

Thus its not Afgaduud, Ina Gaboose or Col Koojar who are injured but Hiiraale.


Expect more fireworks. Anyhow it matters not who wins battles the war has already been won by Yusuf Yey, ;)

Anyhow have you sent any condolence to your reer Abti's yet?

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Expect more fireworks. Anyhow it matters not who wins battles the war has already been won by Yusuf Yey,

Anyhow have you sent any condolence to your reer Abti's yet?


Sxb abtiyashey inti ka badbadey xasuuqi C/llahi Yusuf ka geystey P/land waa kuwa imaan leh.

What more fireworks should we expect sxb? Something like torrential rain and flooding or what, and claim it as a military strategy and victory for Af-Gaduud?

Come on Duke look for substential evidence and dont rely on unfortunate incidents as a military achievements. A landmine incident in Bardhere has nothing to do with Kismayo.

As for Yeey winning the war..loool!

What has he won apart from being holed up in Villa Somalia?

War hedhe runta isku sheeg mar qura uun, billa caleek.

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^^^Juje, what a shame, a weak man rejoices in the killing of the innocents. Like those who once joyed over the raped of young girls in Kenyan refugee camps. Such groups and individuals will forever live in infamy. ;)


As for our enemies wether clan or governemnt, they know no were is safe, hence Hiiraale will be touched, like his fellow friends Goobanle, Seeraar and Cirfo. :D


Che, Hiiraale is a minor figure, a stooge who the TFG rearmed and who will pay a price for the actions of his militia. To the Duke he is a disapointment thats all.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Juje, what a shame, a weak man rejoices in the killing of the innocents. Like those who once joyed over the raped of young girls in Kenyan refugee camps. Such groups and individuals will forever live in infamy.

Meyd ke uu dambeyay aya la yiiri, midka hada la si wado. Ever since Axmaro wadinki so gashey you were applauding their killing, rape and destruction with such vehemency that you legalised it in your own little mind. Yet you have the audicity to point fingers at others.

You rebuked innocent Somali women who claimed to have been raped by Tigres and you rejoiced the killing of Muslims.

Taas kaso tag, today you opened a thread rejoicing the unfortunate injury of Hiraale.

Bal adigu is fiiuri inta aad dad kale wax ka sheegin

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Adeer, dont lie, I never applaud any negetive action by anyone against civilians. Even those against the young combatants of the clan courts filled me with anguish as these brainwashed children are our Somali's loss.


You on the other hand by your own words celebrated the deaths of innocents even making jokes about a Tacsi thread.


What a shame, a weak man rejoices in the killing of the innocents. Like those who once joyed over the raped of young girls in Kenyan refugee camps. Such groups and individuals will forever live in infamy.

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