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Suicide bomber fails in Mogadsihu: PM Geedi survives

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The fifth attempt will arrive soon enough. These attempts on Geedi's life are a marked indication that the resistance is still alive and determined to inflict pain on the occupation. Geedi has become the big henchman not only for Ethiopia but the U.S. as well. To the U.S. Geedi is Karzai incarnate. He has said and done more than enough to appease the most hawkish of the hawks in Washgington.


The best way to frustrate the plans of the U.S. is to get rid of Geedi. Sure, another traitor will take over but i doubt that he'll be as forceful with his daily utterances as Geedi is. For the hawks in Washington, losing Geedi would be tantamount to losing Karzai in Afhanistan.


Whether he continues to survive or not is not all that important. For the moment, the resistance has already achieved a measure of success. If the last three attempts have not penetrated his dead brain cells, the fourth and latest attempt seems to have. Geedi is said to be in hiding. He'll obviously be assigned a security team full of foreigners. This security team will be fully equipped with the latest technology by the Americans. I wouldn't be suprised if one or two American intelligence officials come for the ride. The Americans have already indicated that they'll send a security team to aid in investigating Sunday's bombing.


This flurry of movement is all aimed at ensuring that the most priced asset of the occupation is not lost. This may make it harder for the resistance to target Geedi but it also reduces his ability to keep intouch with the population and with the daily requirements of his post. Less time in front of the cameras with his oft-repeated words means a quite victory for the resistance.

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