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Naxar Nugaaleed

awaited hospital opened in Cayn capital Buhoodle

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Isbitaalka Ugu Weyn Waqooyiga iyo Bariga Dalka Soomaaliya oo Maanta Laga Furay Xarunta Gobolka Cayn.

Magaalada Buuhoodle oo ah Xarunta Gobolka Cayn ayaa maanta si rasmi ah looga furay Isbitaalkii ugu Weynaa Dhulka Soomaaliya guud ahaan,isbitaalkan ayaa waxaa dhismihiisa iska kaashaday Dhalinyarada Gobolka Cayn ee qurbaha ku nool,waxayna ugu talo galeen Dhalinyaradani in Isbitaalku Fuliyo Baahida.



Bulshada Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan gaar ahaan Waqooyiga,Bartamaha iyo Bariga dalka Soomaaliya,waxaana isbitaalkan ka hawl geli doona Takaatiir Shisheeye ah oo takhasus u leh dhamaan cudurada guud ,kuwa faafa iyo kuwa aan faafin ,qaybaha Qaliinka iyo Dhalmada Isbitaalkan ayaa ah kan ugu baaxada weyn dhamaan Dalka Soomaaliya.


Isbitaalkan ayaa si rasmi ah loo furay Maanta iyada oo shaqadiisa uu bilaaban doono isla mantaba Shacabka Gobolka Cayn iyo Guud ahaan Shacabka Sool,Sanaag,iyo Togdheer ayaa aad u soo dhoweeyey isbitaalkan cusub ee laga furay xarunta Gobolka Cayn ee Buuhoodle.


Dhinaca kale war maanta laga sii daayey Laanta afsoomaalida ee BBCda ayaa lagu sheegay in Isbitaalkan ay hir geliyeen Dhalinyaro ka soo Jeeda Degmada Buuhoodle iyo maamulka Soomaaliland,arintan ayaa ah war aan sal iyo raadtoona lahayn oo been abuur ah ka dib markii uu Weriye Xaragyare isaga oo ku sugan Magaalada Burco ee xarunta Gobolka Togdheer BBCda laanteeda afsoomaaliga ka sheegay warkan oo ah Mid been abuur ah.


Shacabka Gobolka Cayn gaar ahaan Magaalo Madaxda Gobolka ee Buuhoodle ayaa wax lala yaabo ku tilmaamay warka ay sii deysay laanta af-Soomaaliga ee BBCda "Isbitaalka waxaa furay oo Dhaqaalahooda iyo maskaxdooda ku bixiyey Dhalinyaro ka so jeeda Gobolka SSC,waana Isbitaal Soomaaliyeed oo qof kasta oo Soomaali ah u imaan karo Baaris Caafimaad iyo Daaweyn intaba mana ahan Isbitaalku mid lagu soo Gelayo Vissa ee Wuxuu u furan yahay qof kasta oo Soomaali ah Wiilka Burco beenta ka sheegayna isaga ayay ku kooban tahay"ayuu yiri mid ka Mid ah odayaasha magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta Gobolka Cayn.


Laanta af-soomaaliga ee BBCda waxay caado ka dhigatay Been abuurka iyo wax aan jirin sheegista ,sida Weriyayaasha afka Qabiilka ku hadla ee kala jooga Burco iyo Hargeysa oo iyagu caado iyo shaqo ka dhigtay Been abuurka iyo hadal beri soo laaban doona sheegistiisa taasi oo uu kula socdo waxna kala og-yahay "Yuusuf garaad Cumar Axmedka BeenBeen Sheegta.


Boocame Online news!!!


Yusuf yare


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"dhinaca kale war maanta laga sii daayey Laanta afsoomaalida ee BBCda ayaa lagu sheegay in Isbitaalkan ay hir geliyeen Dhalinyaro ka soo Jeeda Degmada Buuhoodle iyo maamulka Soomaaliland,arintan ayaa ah war aan sal iyo raadtoona lahayn oo been abuur ah ka dib markii uu Weriye Xaragyare isaga oo ku sugan Magaalada Burco ee xarunta Gobolka Togdheer BBCda laanteeda afsoomaaliga ka sheegay warkan oo ah Mid been abuur ah."

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I don't take the comments sxb ,,,,,,,,, the news is what matters.


I always knew Somaliland will bring a really big change towards the development of the region.


Hambalyo reer Buuhoodle .........

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Naxar Nugaaleed


You use every occassion possible to talk about Somaliland. I topic here is a hospital in Buhodle, Cayn, which is not part of Puntland. Go to Buhodle and talk about them being part of Puntland and i hope you can leave without gaining weight due to the amount of lead that will be implanted where the moon dont shine. Again youre a naive kid. Look out for Darwishland.

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you are joke mate, even the article you post talks about reer buhoodleh and maamulka somaliland working together and yet you assume that implies puntland has anything to do with.


Like goonle said, you wouldnt walk out alive of buhoodleh if you talk that tribe that you constantly regurgitate on these pages there.

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Are there ever any pictures to support articles like this one? How easy is it to take some pics of the hospitals opening and put them on a website?


Also, everyone can say that this side or that controls cities in Sool. But I guarantee you that neither leader can travel to either Buhodle or Lascaanod. Just a short time ago President Cade Muse went into Lascaanod freely and we know what happened to Riyaale last time he tried!!!!

But yeah, get some pics to support good news like this!!!

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^^ you guies always make me laugh, face facts old boy somaliland is doing their thing and second when did President Cade Muse went to Lascaanod recently. Did he come yesterday lool, i think that guy has his own problems back in Puntland and if he dose not fix it he be the one running out of Puntland back to good old Canada lool.

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He went back this year 2007!!!! He was there for naming of Garaad, Somalis from all over Somalia and the world came but Somalilands president was banned; that was Summer 2006!!! And now all of a sudden the fired ex-Puntland minister who was responsible for the assassination attempt on your president comes crawling back and you accept him in Hargeysa? We have videos of the riots in Lascaanod and it's clear our resources are in the South, but we'll see during your elections if Riyaale campaigns in either city.

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