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Muqdisho oo maanta xasiloon ka dib markii dawlada KMG ah gacanta ku dhigtay goobaha ugu muhiimsan magaalada(Daawo Sawiro)

Posted to the MOL December 29, 2006, 6:49 am



Muqdisho:- Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada dawlada haatan ay magaalada ka joogaan goobo muhiim ah. ciidamada ayaa la soo sheegayaa inay magaalada ka soo galeen laba dhinac ee waqooyi iyo koonfur. Dhinaca Koonfur ayaa ciidamadu hadda la wareegeen dekada iyo Garoonka caalamiga ah ee Muqdisho Waxayna dhinaca koonfureed hadda soo dhaafeen KM4. Dhinaca waqooyi ayaa markii hore ciidamadu la wareegeen degmada huriwaa iyagoo hadda ku soo siqaya gudaha magaalada.


Wafti iyo Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Somaliya oo uu hogaaminayo wasiir K/xigeenka G/dhigga dowladda Somaliya Salaad Cali Jeele(Sawirka dhexe) ayaa qudbad uu ka jeediaya gudaha dekedda Muqdisho wuxuu ku sheegay inay dekedda ay furan tahay hawlaheeduna aysan joogsan doonin, waxaa kaloo la ogolaaday inay garoonka diyaaradaha ka soo degaan diyaardaha kaalmada u sida dadka Muqdisho.


R'iisal Geedi, Xuseen Caydiid iyo taliyaha poliiska Somaliyeed oo Agyooye lagu soo dhaweynayo.


Maanta ayaan Muqdisho lagu arkin maleeshiyooyinkii hubaysnaa ee shalay xaafadaha qaarkood ka gaystay bililiqada. Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in magaalada muqdisho lagu soo rogi doono bandow si loo sugo amniga dadka iyo hantidaba. Ciidamada Dawlada oo aad u nidaamsan kana muuqato tababar sare ayaa dadka reer Muqdisho waxay u soo dhaweeyeen si aad u saraysa iyadoo dadku safteen dhinacyada jidadka iyagoo ruxuya calanka Somaliya iyo caleemo qoyan.


Dhinaca kale Ra'iisal wasaare Geedi ayaa maanta dhinaca dhulka ku tagay degmada Balcad halkaas oo uu kula balansan yahay odayaasha deegaanka iyagoo ka arinsanaya sidii ay Somaliya ugu dambeyn nabad loogu soo dabaali lahaa iyadoo fursada dawlada maaanta heshay tahay mid qaali ah oo dadka Somaliyeed sugayeen 16 sanno.


Maleshiyaddii Maxaakiimta ayaa hadda isku urursaday magaalada Kismaayo halkas oo la sheegay inay balan ku qaadeen inay ka sii wadaan dagaaladoodii. Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in Sh. Shariif iyo Sh. Aweys labaduba iminka ku sugan yihiin magaalada Kismaayo iyagoo diiday inay joojiyaan dagaalka kuna gacan sayray balanqaadkii dawlada ee ahaa hadday isdhiibaan in cafis loo fidin doono.


Ciidamada Dawlada KMG ah oo ku dhex jira maxkamaddii sare ee Somaliya, Muqdisho.


Source: Reuters



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Muqdisho: Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo si aan kala har lahayn Muqdisho loogu soo dhaweeyay.


Jimce, December 29, 2006


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa maanta si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda dalka Soomaaliya.


Dad aad u fara badan oo ruxayay caleemo qoyan ayaa buux dhaafiyay waddooyinka lagu soo dhawaynayay magaalada Muqdisho, halkaasi oo ammaankeedana aad loo adkeeyay.


Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo wafdiga la socdaa waxay u amba bexeen marka ay soo galeen Muqdisho garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuu kaloo booqday dekedda wayn ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Waxaa socdaalka raysulwasaaruhu kusoo beegmay xilli magaaladaasi ay galeen ciidamadii xoogga dalka ee tabobarada kusoo qaatay magaalada Muqdisho.


Ciidanka dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa iminka kusugan xeradii Ameerikaanka ee magaalada Muqdisho,waxaana la filayaa in maalmaha soo socda ay ciidankaasi gudo galaan hawsha ammaan sugidda.


Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Md: C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa la filayaa in asaguna uu tago magaalada Muqdisho, walow xilliga rasmiga ah ee uu tagayo Muqdisho aan wali la sheegin.


CCC Farayaamo


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Dhanka kale Cutubyo ka tirsan Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka ayaa soo gaaray bartamaha magaalada Muqdisho waxeyna fadhiisimo ka samaysteen dekeda caalamiga ah iyo Airporka waxaana ciidamadan oo si isdaba joog ah ugu soo qulqulaya magaalada Muqdisho la sheegay inay tegi doonaan goobo baro kontroolo ah oo ay leedahay Dowladdii hore ee Soomaaliya.








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Somalia's prime minister reaches capital, promises peace after 15 years of war




Associated Press Writer

Somali Prime Minister, Ali Mohamed Gedi, third left, and Deputy Prime Minister Hussein Aidid, right, with his delegate as he arrives in Mogadishu, Somalia, Friday, Dec 29, 2006. The prime minister promised thousands of cheering Somalis peace and stability after he drove through battle-scarred Mogadishu in an armed convoy, a day after an Islamic movement's fighters abandoned the capital ahead of his Ethiopian-backed troops "Today is the beginning of a new life, new stabilization and a new future for Somalia," Ali Mohamed Gedi said. (AP Photo)

MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somalia's prime minister promised thousands of war-weary Somalis peace and stability Friday as he formally took control of the battle-scarred capital for the first time since his government was formed two years ago.


Ali Mohamed Gedi drove through the streets of Mogadishu in a heavily armed convoy a day after Islamic fighters fled and his Ethiopian-backed troops seized the city.


"Today is the beginning of a new life, new stabilization and a new future for Somalia," Gedi told cheering residents.


As a sign of goodwill, President Abdullahi Yusuf and the Ethiopian government declared a 24-hour cease-fire to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha on Saturday.

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Somali PM enters Mogadishu, crowds line route


MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's prime minister swept into Mogadishu in an armoured convoy on Friday a day after his Ethiopian-backed forces drove Islamist rivals from the city they had ruled by sharia law since June.


Ali Mohamed Gedi's arrival in a 22-car convoy, including six pick-ups mounted with heavy weaponry, crowned a dramatic turnaround in the Horn of Africa country after an Ethiopian invasion by land and air to combat the Islamists.


Crowds lined the streets of the bullet-scarred coastal capital as the Western-backed interim government's prime minister drove in smiling and waving.


However, the welcome was not universal. In a northern part of the city, hundreds of protesters took to the streets and threw stones at Ethiopian army trucks.


Gedi went to the international airport where Ethiopian tanks sat beside the runway, before heading to the sea port, where Somali government troops stood guard on streets outside.


"We were fighting for our political survival but with the will and the support of the people we are the winners," Gedi told reporters. "We are here to start our work."


Asked how long he would stay in Mogadishu, the man who nearly lost his job in a no-confidence vote just a few months ago said: "I will stay forever. This is the capital city."


Gedi and President Abdullahi Yusuf may have a tough task to establish their authority given that the Islamist leaders remain in the southern city of Kismayu and are promising resistance.

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