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Somali rebel leader to fight on against Ethiopia

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the guy just misses the power of ordering people around, for crying out loud he had his time in the lime light, now move on and work for the interst of somalia not your own interest..........

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Thought the photo I put was worth a thousand words.

Let me look again.... Ok, so he's not on the battlefield now, is that it? Clearly you haven't read the Art of War.


Here's a refresher:


  • All warfare is based on deception.
  • According as circumstances are favorable one should modify one's plans.
  • when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
  • Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.
  • If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.
  • If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.
  • If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them.
  • Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
  • These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.

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Originally posted by Seekknowledge:

20 days - How long it took for him to negotiate for his life begging the Americans to save him while the poor teenagers were dying on his orders. Isn't time to face the reality? Why doesn't he let the poor somali women and children to negotiate for their lives as he did? I bet they would love to sit and eat the meals with him too.

"The poor teenagers" feel obligated to defend their country. Sheekh Shariif Ahmed Ilahay haka raali noqdi is true wadani in most somalis book. He has done his part to organize and is a great leader for the muqawama.


He is only one man and has far exceeded his capablities, so instead of blaming and refering to those who stand up for their rights to live freely in their own country as though they are wrong to doing so, you should comend them and support them in the least amount of you can do which is simply say 'May Allah prevail you over your enemy'.


In addition, you may not even know what negotition is. In order for me to negotiate I must have something to negotioate with you about. Sheekh Shariif Axmed and the Islamic Courts did not deny the existance of the TFG in the first place. They wanted to negotiate with them without the interference of Ethiopian, Americans or anyone else. Simply somali roundtable discussion discussing their future and country. The TFG by being simply a mouthpiece for Ethiopia turned that offer down and said that the Islamic courts have no right to exist and should simply fade away from Somali politics.


The only time the ICU turned down any 'talks' was when the Ethiopians were stationed in Baydhabo already preparing to invade the REST OF the country. That is not negotioting, that was just an attempt to buy time for full blown Ethiopian invasion.


The honest leaders of the TFG such Shariif Xasan had no issues in going to Xamar and talking to the UIC why then did the rest of the TFG had hard time talkign to the ICU, it's because it was not operating on its own agenda but a different agenda which belong to our evil doing neighbor to the west.


sorry sir, soo baro horta wax intaadan meesha iskaga matagin.

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Why didn't he feel obligated to defend his country as did the "teenagers". All I am saying is he should have given the same negotiation power for their lives as his. He choose to save his life and why is he not letting the innocent people. Go and ask the women and children in Mogadishu if they want to live with him in Eritrea or be slaughtered because he does not want to negotiate and see their response. How strange all the leaders left the country even before the war ended. Obviously they already had plan B for themselves and not for the "teenagers" because you need to plan for an escape route and some of them decided to go to Hajj (amazing since when Hajj became obligatory while on jihad). Just open your eyes and see the reality these people wanted and still want power only and call for jihad against christians from their comfortable christians couches.

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