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Camel Mlik

RiYaales wife Buys a Million dollar Mansion' in Cairo..

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RiYaales wife Buys a Million dollar Mansion' in Cairo..






Muddo toban cisho ku dhaw ayey Marwo Hudda Barkhad, Marwada Madaxweynaha JSL Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, ka ambobaxday Dalka, iyada iyo seddex ka mid ah Caruurteeda oo ahaa baaqigii la joojiyey, iyada oo ay Caruurtooda intii waaweynaydna hore ugu sii diray Dalka ingiriiska.


Sida wararku sheegayaan Marwada iyo Caruurteedu waxay ku sii jeedeen Dalka Masaarida, Caasimada Qaahira.


Markii ay sii maqnaayeen muddo ka yar hal todobaad, ayaa waxa soo baxaya warar sheegaya in ay Marwo Hudda Guri deegaan oo weyn ayka iibsanayso Xaafada guryaha Casriga ahi ku yaaliin, ee ay dageen Dadka Maal-qabeenka ah, ee ka baxsan Magaalada Qaahira.


Beeca Gurigaas ( Qiimahiisa ) ayaa lagu sheegayaa inuu ku dhaw yahay Rubuc Malyuun Doolarka Maraykanka ah.


arrintaas oo aad Dadka reer Somaliland uga fajicisay, waxa maalintii Khamiistii 23.06.05 lagu soo daabacay wargeysyada Dalka, waxana ay abuurtay tuhun horeba looga qabay in si ba’an loo lunsado hantida Qaranka, waxana la leeyahay tani waa saleelo, ee waxa jiira arrimo ka culus, iyadoo farta lagu fiiqayo dhinaca Jabuuti iyo Imaraadka Carabtaba.



U know what .... i seriously don't think wasting a million dollar on a house in cairo is appropriate when Somaliland is reeling in poverty ....


What do ya'all think ?

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My somaliland friends told me that One million will become spare change when you hear the amounts of money the Waseers are embezzeling.


The son of the notorious Minister of Finance-- Hussein Ali Ducaale (Cawil) , was arrested at J.F.K Airport with a reported $2m cash on a routine luggage check.


Abdillahi Dirawal, Minister of Reconstruction and Refugees, smuggled a several million to the United Kingdom over a period of three years.


So the poor guy Riyale, is getting the far end of the stick --bringing in a measly half a million a year in ditry money while his trusted friends and advisors are getting filthy rich of his back

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