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Erigavo So far Unsatisfied with the Government of Siilanyo

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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

NASSIR, there was never such mayor called Afweyn sxb ee stop fooling yourself, the mayor before Haji Ismail Nuur was Yaasin Miire Maxamed.--------------------

:D:D aawi reer Ceerigaabo. Yaa halkaan ka jooga.


I give it to you as your homework. Find the info and get back to me.

Till then, au revoir

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Taleexi, everybody can see NASSIR is bit desperate to be noticed first he claims Muj. Haji Ismail Nuur is half makhiir lol , but the reality is his wife is . secondly he claims that there was a djiboutian mayor before haji ismail nuur, which once again i proved him wrong that the mayor before Haji Ismail Nuur was yaasin miire maxamed.



Former Mayor of Erigavo Yaasiin Miire Maxamed

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Libaahe, Ceerigaabo is not a city that I'll be "desperate to be noticed". It's my family's city. It's the city of Sultan Ali Shire...



Thankful has an ax to grind as per our discussion of the Galgala issue.

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NASSIR, sxb reer awdal intaad iska dhaaftiid bal tell me why a makhiiri is not a mayor of erigavo in this present day? :D

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Libaahe, you're hardly equiped with the knowledge of Ceerigaabo and its delicate balance of security. I know it bothers the likes of you to set the records of the city which you distort and of its inhabitants whom you misrepresent, straight.



I getta go..

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NASSIR, i am not denying your communities existence and contribution to erigavo but don't go over the top and claim something you are not. ;) .



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so what is next are you going to claim Yaasin Miire maxamed adinka dhalay lool, this is a pure comedy one thing you don't understand is it doesn't matter waxa dhalay they were all part of the same SNM you hate :D , Haji muj.Ismaiil nuur, muj.Yaasiin miire maxamed, muj.Axmed miire maxamed.



since you are bragging about everything aad dhasheen do you know Ina Garre adinka dhalay and that he was the nephew of garad maxamud shiire. ;)

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No Yaasin mire ever became a mayor. Afweyne who had held the longest (13 and half) in that position of lawless Somalia out of the desire of the inhabitants of Ceeriaabo was the predecesor of Ismail as a mayor. That's a public record for you and your secessionist friends.

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What are you talking about? Yaasiin miire maxamed was the mayor before haji ismail nuur ama diid ama yeel, indo-adayg badana acudubillah what is next 1990's magalaada ma layga sariin lool, kid step aside yanad meesha ku ceeboobiin , i have alot of sources and well recorded history about erigavo so you can't fool anybody.


Mayorkii hore ee ceerigaabo yaasin miire maxamed

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Originally posted by NASSIR:


Thankful has an ax to grind as per our discussion of the Galgala issue.

The Galgala issue has been concluded and it took a day, do you need to see the pics for Puntland government officals touring the area?


Hopefully someone from Eastern Sanaag like Ilka-Jiir will win the presidency in the next Puntland elections so you will once again support our beautiful state!

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

Libaahe, prior to Mr. Ismail Haji Muse, a resident of Ceerigaabo originally from the clans of D-jibouti was selected and he had held the mayoral responsibility for 13 years right after the Erigavo Accord and following the collapse of the Somali government just to avoid any further conflicts that may result from political issues. The "Somaliland" administration (since there's no central government) + specific provisions of internal agreements later turned out to be the ideal solution of governance and the clans gathered finally and selected Haji Muse who is half-Makhiri himself, even his children and half brothers.


So you can see the deep connection of the people of Erigavo regardless of their clan origin. Responsibility of the City's Local Governance is shared among the residents, so it's not limited to the mayoral position only though you are making it sound like what sub-clan the mayor originates from automatically qualifies for whose is the owner or majority of Ceerigaabo. Far from it, as I mentioned, the former District Commissioner who served for almost 13 years played an integral role after the civil war of the early 90s led by the SNM clan militia and in the period of an internal reconciliation process.



Erigavo District was known as ********** District back then, despite the historical injustice attached to that name. Let the Bygones be Bygones and allow
reer Ceerigaabo
to live in peace and harmony. This political status of peaceful co-existance is what elevates the good image of the city in comparison to Galka'yo and Mogadisho.

And who is this mysterious nameless mayor who run Erigavo for more than a decade? smile.gif



Young Libaahe, are you aware of the fact that there are over 2600 Maakhiri residences + businesses and large plots of farm lands inherited from generations to generatioms in Erigavo, 1200 residences of the people of Las Anod/Darwiish, whereas the combined residences of Hargeisa/Bur'o in the city are of 2400.

And where did you get these numbers from?



War ileen tano kale. :confused:

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