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Erigavo So far Unsatisfied with the Government of Siilanyo

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NASSIR, i never said it speaks for all of Erigavo but the majority those who have the mayor and the governor of sanaag, enough said i don't have time for this makhiir nonsense we have already established those debates months ago. here is the question ya calanka somaliland ku haya erigavo? ya erigavo ka xooreeyey ciidaankii siad bare? so aniga maha ma ciid kala?

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Libaahe, prior to Mr. Ismail Haji Muse, a resident of Ceerigaabo originally from the clans of D-jibouti was selected and he had held the mayoral responsibility for 13 years right after the Erigavo Accord and following the collapse of the Somali government just to avoid any further conflicts that may result from political issues. The "Somaliland" administration (since there's no central government) + specific provisions of internal agreements later turned out to be the ideal solution of governance and the clans gathered finally and selected Haji Muse who is half-Makhiri himself, even his children and half brothers.


So you can see the deep connection of the people of Erigavo regardless of their clan origin. Responsibility of the City's Local Governance is shared among the residents, so it's not limited to the mayoral position only though you are making it sound like what sub-clan the mayor originates from automatically qualifies for whose is the owner or majority of Ceerigaabo. Far from it, as I mentioned, the former District Commissioner who served for almost 13 years played an integral role after the civil war of the early 90s led by the SNM clan militia and in the period of an internal reconciliation process.



Erigavo District was known as ********** District back then, despite the historical injustice attached to that name. Let the Bygones be Bygones and allow reer Ceerigaabo to live in peace and harmony. This political status of peaceful co-existance is what elevates the good image of the city in comparison to Galka'yo and Mogadisho.

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

selected Haji Muse who is half-Makhiri himself, even his children and half brothers.


Half-Makhiri, there is no such thing as half. It's what your father is that makes you in our culture. P


Nassir why do you feel the need to continuously remind people how relevent you are, its as if you are suffering from an inferiority complex and feel and need to overcompensate? If you were already confident in your rich history why is there a need to be so defensive?

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NASSIR, you just digged a whole to yourself, qof taarikhda erigavo oo duusha daan ka haya baad la hadlaysay kulaha djiboutian mayor loooooooooooooooooooooool, let me get back 5 mins and show you who the mayor before Haji Ismail nuur was.

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LIbaahe what’s the point of defending a man who is wanted by the government for corruption these odayaals are just wasting their time it’s good that the government is going after the money that was lost during the rayaale administration, no one is just after this ducaale guy hanta dhawrka dalka Somaliland is going after every single person oo lacag lunsaday. Don’t forget Somaliland is in debt of almost 20 Million USD who do you want to pay all that money ,,,, as for why don’t they go after siilanyo when he was theminister of finance come on man in 1993 come on men maxa la lunsaday in 1993 somaliland gabigeedu ba 2 sanno bey jirtay, besides if the rayaale administration would go after Siilaanyo and that other wasiir maaliyad in 2002 I don’t think some one would be against that lets all be fair in this. The government is trying its best. As for the security ,,,, I agree there is lots of work to be done and government will work harder in to make Somaliland more peaceful then ever

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Boowe ma durba ... Awdal, SSC, iyo Maakhir baynu la liidanay ee mahadaa duriyaddiina muran keentay, tolow miyaaney Amiin Amir kartoonkiisii ugu danbeeyey arag.

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Thankful don't mind Nassir his just being confused, Ismail Haji Nuur is not even half makhiir but his wifes are, anyways here is the former mayor of Erigavo - Yaasin Mire brother of Axmed Mire - SNM Muj.






Maayorkii Hore ee Ceerigaabo oo Beeniyey.



Written by Qarannews

Feb 07, 2010 at 01:47 PM






Yaasiin Mire Maxamed (Maayorkii hore ee Ceerigaabo xilligii doorashada degaanka ka hor) ahna xildhibaan katirsan golaha degaanka Ceerigaabo ayaa qoraal uu soo gaadhsiiyey Xarunta Qarannews gobolka Sanaag ee magaalada Ceerigaabo wuxu ku beeniyey oo gebi ahaan wax aan sal iyo raad lahayn ku sheegay qoraal dhowaan kusoo baxay Shebekedda Wuxuna qoraalkiisa ku bilaabay sidan:-


Anigoo ah Yaasiin Mire Maxamed Waxan caddaynayaa in qoraalka dhagaraysan ee 1st February 2010 kusoo baxay shebekedda ee lagu canbaaraynayo Beesha Ha.Y-bari uu yahay mid been abuur ah oo aan loo dulqaadan karin ayna qoreen dad aan caafimaad qabin oo weliba naaqisnimona meel dhigatay, oo ifkana dullinnimo ku sugna aakhirrona habayaraatee aan wax hoy nabadeed ah ku lahayn, anigoo u arka nuxurka qoraalkaasi xanbaarsan yahay inuu yahay wax aan qof islaam ah qalbigiisa geli karin iskaba daa dad walaalo oo is dhalay oo meel ku wada noole.


Haddaba anigoo ka mid ah odayaasha dhagarta loo xanbaariyey waxan mar labaad caddaynayaa in aanan ogayn meel lagu shiray oo fidmo lagu maleegey, agtaydana cidina aanay wax dhagar ah ugu maleegi Karin C/rashiid Axmed Warsame (Faroole Dhabayaco) oo ah abtigay, si aad ahna aan ugu aqaanno inuu yahay in uu yahay nin muddaki ah oo wax xumaan ahna loo nisbayn karin, xadhiggiisana waxan u arkaa meel ka dhac iyo caddaalad darro waana shakhsi caafimaad qaba oo cidna wax cadaawad ah u qabin.


Waxa la yidhi Cidda Isha dabaysana aadmigaa arka, cidda uurka dabaysana Ilaahay baa og, waayeelka Habar-yoonis barina ma geyaan in ay isugu yimaaddaan shir oo dhagartaa ducfiga xanbaarsan ay maleegaan, dhaqanna uma laha taas.


Cidda qoraalkaas qortayna waxan leeyahay maalinna waa if, maalinna waa aakhiree haddaad allawdey annagu Ilaahay waa qiraynaa Alle ayaana kaala xisaabtami doona.


Yaasiin Mire Maxamed



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Originally posted by Libaahe*:

NASSIR, i never said it speaks for all of Erigavo but the majority those who have the mayor and the governor of sanaag, enough said i don't have time for this makhiir nonsense we have already established those debates months ago. here is the question ya calanka somaliland ku haya erigavo? ya erigavo ka xooreeyey ciidaankii siad bare? so aniga maha ma ciid kala?

War kan yari meeqa lacag ah ayuu bootaynta ku qaataa.

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Originally posted by Taleexi:

Boowe ma durba ... Awdal, SSC, iyo Maakhir baynu la liidanay ee mahadaa duriyaddiina muran keentay, tolow miyaaney Amiin Amir kartoonkiisii ugu danbeeyey arag.

awdal waxba kama jiraan aad bay uu fiicantahay awdal ssc na wax kama jiraan eeh xafaad ka mid ah gobolka cayn bay jabhadi joogaan.

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Haji spare me the nonsense sxb i don't have issue with the guy being searched but the way it was done check it out even Xildhibaan wabeeye one of the biggest supporters of kulmiye - pre elections admits it's wrong how it was conducted and the Hanti duwraha had no right to order xaaiyarad but the court.



Xildhibaan Waabeeye

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Libaahe, I said of the clans of D-jibouti. Hone ur comprehension skills. Xoogaa luuqada ku dhibeysaa. :D

Afwayne is his nick for further clarification and he is born of the Gadabursi clan.

He had been a mayor for 13 to 14 years prior to Ismail.

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Originally posted by Taleexi:

Waa hadduu kula garanayo dee Naasirow:)

Taleexi, Laba beri bal aan u qabano Libaahe si u soo ogaado xogtaas dhabta ah. Weligiis looma sheegin baan u maleynayaa.

He will be shocked to learn that. :D

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NASSIR, you claimed there was different djiboutian mayor before haji ismail nuur? which i proved you wrong that the mayor before Haji ismail nuur was yaasin miire maxamed and do you know who that is? bal tas iga jawaab intadan afweyn iyo wax kale anad la so ordiin lol.

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