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Moving Words and Overdue Counsel to Puntland and Somaliland

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Moving words and Overdue Counsel by Colonel Jibriil Cali Salaad, to "Puntland and Somaliland" and about the implementation for a possible administration program in Sanag-Sool area. He had at the time consulted senior educated individuals, the elders, the public and sultans, confirming that he has broad support. His interview is partly based on the outcome of that consultation--an independent adminstration that will come after the Federal government. He counsels that clan militias of both adminstration to withdraw their troops from Sool and save the population in that area the phantom disputes and ceaseless conflicts.



Waxaan dadka guud ahaan u sheegayaa iney maamulkooda sanadkan dhistaan, lana xariiraan dowladdan federaalka ah e cusub ee inta ka horeyso ay dowladdu cagaheeda isku taageyso oo iyagu maamulka u sii fududeeyaan.....

Waxaan leeyahey Qoloda xaga Hargeisa iyo Garoowaba Iney ka dulqaadaan ciidamadooda e ciidamada ay dul dhigeen Laascaanood o Beel Beel Dul Fadhisa Waa Karaamo Seeg ama wa dad karaamadooda meel lagaga dhacayo. Waxaanu leenahay ciidan beeleedka Garoowana ha la noqdeen, ciidan beeleedka Hargeesana ciidamdooda hala noqdeen.

Dib ha u noqdeenoo, o beeshatan la dul fadhiyo e karaamadeeda iyo mustaqbalkeeda lagu cayaarayo

halaga dul kaco, taasuna taasaan sheegayaa

een qoloda dibada, dee waajibka iyo xaqa dadka idinka saaran wax ka soo qabta.



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It is great move and good innitiative started by Col.Jirbiil, I reckon it would work and would be great outcome for the region.


COl Jibriil was working on this agenda for sometime, and believe that he is capable to form regional govenmnent,as he has wide support of the the people.


The Puntland and Somaliland agents in the region may try to influence and sabotage this plan, but Insha Alllah it will work and take off.

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Yeah Dabshid. Arraw in the dog, The Col has initiated and look creative enough to make lots of reforms. :D Dabshid dee ma isaga shaqqa tagnaa maamulka loool ???

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He counsels that clan militias of both adminstration to withdraw their troops from Sool and save the population in that area the phantom disputes and ceaseless conflicts.

...Labaduba intey dhulkey degi jireeen kala soo tageen dagaalka iyo dhibka ayey dad kale dhulkood ku dul legdamayaan, dadka deggan meeshana xabadaha isaga dhigayaan lexejeclo intey ka qabaan.


the implementation for a possible administration program in Sanag-Sool area.

...A terrific idea!

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Saylici, the self-made ********* of Somaliaonline, would you get off of the false consciousness, holding attitude and behaviour that do not accurately reflect the objective facts of the situation.


We have to appreciate that Puntland or Somaliland is a temporary administration, previously founded on the basis of finding a panacea for the anarchy. They are local level administration at least that is how the UN recognizes them. When people face problems and dragging dissolution of civil society, they turn inwards for smaller identity basis, or each clan shifting for itself.


I believe the division of the people is a problem that must be confronted and solved, esp. the elite from these two regions exploiting the masses must be brought together and persuaded on how to make their regions a no disputed areas.


[ February 20, 2007, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Saylici, the self-made simpleton of Somaliaonline, would you get off of the false consciousness, holding attitude and behaviour that do not accurately reflect the objective facts of the situation.


We have to appreciate that Puntland or Somaliland is a temporary administration, previously founded on the basis of finding a panacea for the anarchy. They are local level administration at least that is how the UN recognizes them. When people face problems and dragging dissolution of civil society, they turn inwards for smaller identity basis, or each clan shifting for itself.


I believe the division of the people is a problem that must be confronted and solved, esp. the elite from these two regions exploiting the masses must be brought together and persuaded on how to make their regions a no disputed areas.

Caamir, I agree but the sad thing is, some SOL nomads, don't see the light and DON'T get that the art of the politics is reaching concessions and mutual accords that are acceptable to all involved parties...

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Hadii cidi wax dhisato waa qabiil


hadii dowlad loo dhiso waa qabiil



hadii cid la magacaabo waa qabiil


cidii danteeda raacata waa qabiil



After all, we are all Qabiil-Minded ,,,,,,,, let da Jibriil enjoy his dreams ,, i'm sure he'll wake up one day to da reality ,,,,

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