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Message from the ICU in Asmara

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Date: _05_/07_/07

Asmara - Eritrea


Ku: Odoyaasha Dhaqanka Beesha ******

Ku : Odoyaasha Dhaqanka Beelaha Soomaaliyeed

Ku: Umadda Soomaaliyeed


Mahad ballaaran Allaah ayey sugnaatey , nabadgalyo iyo naxariisna nabigeenii Muxammad dushiisa ha ahaato iyo inta raacdey ee dariiqiisa ku taagan.


Intaas ka dib GMIS wuxuu bogaadinayaa kaalinta muuqata iyo tallaabada geesinimada leh ee odoyaasha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan gaar ahaan kuwa beesha ****** ay ka qaateen halganka lagula jiro cadowga dalka qabsadey iyo dababdhilifyadiisa


Odoyaasha dhaqanku waxey inoo yihiin qeyb muuqata oo xoogagga wax iska caabinta ka mid ah , sidaasaana weli GMIS aaminsan yahey , waxeyna naga mudan yihiin ammaan iyo kalsooni , waxeyna ahaayeen kuwii marxaladii ugu darneyd ee uu cadowgu qabsadey dalka gaashaanka u daruurey dhammaan qorshayaashii guracnaa ee gumeystuhu watey , waxaana geesinimadooda laga dhaxley in halgankii weli baaqi sii ahaado , cadowgiina ay u hirgeli waayaan isku dayadiisii foosha xumaa uuna ku sugan yahey waqtigii uu ugu liitey inta uu Soomaaliya joogey, taasoo u baahan in la sii mitido oo aan laga leexan wadada saxdaa ee lagu difaacayo sharafta dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed.


Sida aan u aragno odoyaasha dhaqanka beesha ****** waxey huwan yihiin magacii umadda Soomaaliyeed inta neceb gumeystaha , sidaas ayeyna taageerada iyo magacaba ku heleen , waxaa jira kuwa iyaga la mid ah oo aan wax magac iyo maamuus ah ku laheyn bulshada Soomaaliyeed dhexdeeda oo laga yaabo in ay yihiin danbiilayaal qaran , marka waxaan xusuusineynaa odyaashaas in ay dhowrtaan magacaas ay ku kasbadeen mawaaqiftooda geesinamada leh ee ay qaateen , waana iney ogaadaan iney taariikhda baal dahab uga jiraan illaa iyo hadda , waxa ay sharaftaas ku heleena ay tahey mabda'a suuban ee gumeysi naceybka ah ee ay doorteen, loogana sii baahan yahey iney ku dhegenaadaan mabda'ooda oo aysan ku dhaqaaqin wax allaale wixii safka kala geyn kara , codowgana fursad uu ku sii joogo dalka siin kara.


Walaalayaal sida aad ka wada dharagsan tihiinba wadada lagu xoreynayo dalkeena waa dheer tahey , waana dhib badan tahey , waxeyna leedahey dhimasho, dhaawac, barakac , burbur iyo kala harid ay kala haraan dadkii safka ku wada jirey . dhamaan arimahaas waxaa ka danbeyn doona insha allaah neecawda xoriyadda iyo sharafta umadda , sidaas awgeed waa in lagu sabraa dhibaatooyinka iyo xanuunada idinka soo gaaraya jidka gobonimodoonka iyo dib-u-xoreynta dalka Soomaaliyeed, maantana lama joogo waqti mawaaqiftii sharafta laheyd ee la idinku yaqaaney aad badashaan, isla markaana ma jirto sabab keeneysa in la bedelo .


Waxaan sidoo kale xasuusineynaa odoyaasheena dhaqanka in dabadhilifyada iyo gumeystuhu aysan waxba ku kala duwaneyn, qorshayaasha ay soo bandhigayaan kuwa dabadhilifka ah waa kuwo ay soo hindiseen oo ka soo maaxdey maskaxda jirran ee gumeystaha Tigreega , waana kuwa loogu daneynayo in cadowga dalka loo sharciyeeyo, waxaana idinku sii adkeyneynaa inaydaan ka weecan mawqifkiina ahaa iniinan wax wadahadal ah la furin kooxda dabadhilfnimada ku caan baxdey ee gumeysiga dalka soo galisey, mana ahan kuwa go'aan ka gaari kara arimaha dalka , maantana wuxuu loolanku u dhaxeeyaa mujaahidiinta halagamaya iyo cadwoga Tigreega iyo waxa uu wato.


Walaalyaal musiibooyinka heysta umadda Soomaaliyeed ee uu cadwoga gumeystuhu u geysanayo waad la wada socotaan , hagardaamooyinka uu ku kala dhantaalayo inta isku fikirka ah ee halganka iyo dagaalka kala soo horjeedana waa noocyo badan yihiin, marka ay waddo ka soo xirantaba waxey idinka soo galayaan mid kale , waxey dhagarahooda ka dhigayaan malab iyo macaan , waxeyna uga gol leeyihiin in la dhiciseeyo halganka hubeysan ee ka dhanka ah gumeystaha iyo dabadhilifyadiisa , loona googol xaaro in gumeysigu si dhab ah ula wareego dalka Soomaaliyeed.


Gabagabadii waxaan ugu baaqeynaa odoyaasha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed meel ay joogaanba iney horseed ka noqdaan dagaalka jihaadka ah ee cadowga soo duuley lagula jiro , uguna yeeraan dhammaan beelahooda iney hubka qaadaan una dagaalamaan sidii sharafta iyo xoriyadda umadda Soomaaliyeed loo soo celin lahaa waana wadada kaliya ee maanta u furan qof kasta oo mujatmaca Soomaaliyeed ka mid ah magaca iyo mansabka uu rababa ha watee , waxaana la joogaa waqtigii la guran lahaa miraha halganka socda, ee lama joogo xilli loo dhaga-nuglaado hagardaamooyinka guraccan ee gumeystayaasha iyo taboohooda beenta ah, cadowgiina sida uu afkiisa ka qirtey waa xanuunsadey waana in lagu sii wadaa waxa uu ka xanuunsadey oo aan loo jixin jixin cabaadkiisa .


Waxaan ku soo xirayaa baaqaan anigoo ugu yeeraya nafteenna iyo tiinaba iney ku fakaraan aayadda qur'aanka ah ee uu Allaah ku leeyahey:


"إن تكونوا تألمون فإنهم يألمون كما تألمون وترجون من الله ما لا يرجون " .






Shiikh Shariif Sh.Axmed





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we're gonna run but you risk your families and homes for the sake meaningless and unwinnable fight has always been these people's philosophy. why on earth are they misleading these poor people to risk their lives from the safety of a foreign capital?

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why on earth are they misleading these poor people to risk their lives from the safety of a foreign capital?


Maybe because the "poor people" are having their homes looted, daughters raped and their brothers and husbands kidnapped in the middle of the night?Or just maybe the " poor" people resent the fact that a foregin army is bossing them about in their homeland?

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unless we are honest, we will never get anywhere. we both know very will no one is being raped and we also know very will that these looting your talking about is few allegations that are most likely not true, three I don't like foreign people or troops is hardly a reason to risk your life, that of your family and homes! still that is not what asked, why do these people run to the safety of Asmara and tell these poor people to risk their lifes for a silly cause?

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unless we are honest, we will never get anywhere.


That is the only thing we can agree on. Ethiopia was invited to Somalia, no Somalis have problem with her army. Somalis welcome them with open arms?Long live Zenawi?

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Don't be Silly geelJire, Ethiopia was invited to Somalia by its government. Yet that does mean that no Somalis have problem with the Ethiopian presence or welcome them with open arms. should that mean should blow yourself up? Should that mean you should kill other? Should that mean that you should risk the lifes of you families or the safety of you homes. The State of Xamar, all these bombings, assinations, killing will not harm in any way "Ethiopians" but will only result in the death, arrist of Somalis living in that city and the distruction of that city.

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Ethiopia was invited to Somalia by its government.

why inviting them ??? ,,, doesn't that mean they don't have the people's support and they invited them just to be there by force ??

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you would need an external power if they are only those you said sxb ...... at least they beat the TFG and its warlords in xamar sow maaha ??

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i think we are getting confused, no one beat the TFG in xamar, the warlords yes and that was with governments blessing i might add. another thing, no one is saying there aren't people in xamar who are dowladdiid, but xamar is but one city in Somalia! it has suppporters and detracters. You can oppose or dislike a goverment but armed resistance is a different thing. when you take up arms against the state, the state has every right to "invite" or use any means necessary to stop them including asking the neighbor's military assistance. you can't take arms and complain about the methods the government is using to defeat you. put you arms down or shut up!

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at least you admitted you called your neighbour when you felt defeated .... that is what i was talking about sxb.


you were chased and sorrounded in baidoa and couldn't move to any direction for months ,,, that is the fact they have to be proud of. Calling another government to protect you is a complete failure and defeat.

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you silly, silly man. that was part of the trap. The TFG had to convince every one that these poeple were crazy jihadist. Calling Jihad seven times on Ethiopia and attacking baidoa did the trick. When they made sure everyone was on board, the TFG attacked then from Baidaba, Puntland, Hiiraan, Bakool. At the end of the day, they were defeated, be it by the TFG, Puntland, Hiiraan administration, Ethiopia or who ever.

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Date: _05_/07_/07 Asmara - Eritrea

Walaalayaal sida aad ka wada dharagsan tihiinba wadada lagu xoreynayo dalkeena waa dheer tahey , waana dhib badan tahey , waxeyna leedahey dhimasho, dhaawac, barakac , burbur iyo kala harid ay kala haraan dadkii safka ku wada jirey

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

the TFG attacked then from Baidaba, Puntland, Hiiraan, Bakool. At the end of the day, they were defeated, be it by the TFG, Puntland, Hiiraan administration, Ethiopia or who ever.

hahahahaha ,,,, that must be funny ,,, TFG attacked ku lahaa ,,, waar have the balls to admit it sxb ,,, you said it before and there is no way you can hide it again ,,,, why naming villages while Ethiopia was the one attacking ??


Ceebtaada qarso niyow waa lagu wada arkayay markaad meel walba ka cararaysay sidii jinni ku soo galaye :D ,,,, waabad sii had hadlaysaa ka waran.



you silly, silly man

:D:D:D ,,,,,, No comments

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War even Ethiopianka ciyaalki Soomaliyeed baa dhagaha ka garacay. Then they started bombing them from the air. But I suspect even at that time, it was American bombs.......

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