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QA with Norf

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:D @Baashi. Thanks much, ol' buddy ol' pal. Intaas oo keliya aa kaa rabay. I appreciate the direct answer.


Waqtiga aa igu yar ayaantaan, but we'll further flesh out your line of thought and the inherent contradictions soon inshallah.


P.S. Sheikh Gacameey, Sheikh Abdullahi Cali Salad, Sheikh Dahir all fall under the classification of: Qaacidoon. Ask Xiin what it means, asaga aya kuu sharaxaaya tafseerka



They said: "O Moses! while they remain there, never shall we be able to enter, to the end of time. Go thou, and thy Lord, and fight ye two, while we sit here (and watch)

You go fight, Anaka, we will sit here and watch, and wear cimaamads, and expound about the intricacies of wuduu, xaydh, and nifaas, and fall in love with the sound of our own voices as we give lecture upon lecture about how many hairs constitutes a beard and how much water is needed to make ghusul.

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You are great man saaxib. As honest and as cool as anyone can get around here. Abti you seem to get what I was implying all of these days.


The fake unionists camp is crying today. Apparently they were having such a smooth sailing by playing the union card to try to hide their double standard. Furtunately thanks to you and many others here they have been unvielded, their true colors revealed to everyone. They are now butt-naked in public.



So everytime when from SL tries to show his/her condolence to southern Somalia's civilians who are being killed massively, being forced out of their homes, they shout why you care? you are from somaliland which supports Ethiopia too. That to me is the most idiotic way of reasoning.


but the good news is they can't seem to fool anyone. Every thinking somali knows who is doing the double standard. Who is cheering for Ethiopia's invasion on one hand and call for peace and unity on the other. It's them not us.


Great read walal.

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Well all the notables I mean the real Somali scholars while exhort Somalis to oppose Tigre presence in Somalia tooth and nail, they call for unity in that fight. They exhort all armed Somali Muslims to consider the plight of innocent Somalis in their tactics. They understand that house divided against itself cannot stand. They want the fighters to use khidca, refrain from khilaaf, and be mindful about the present condition of Somalis.


What you have here is a kid, a typical Kelligii Muslim, who wants to further the existing divisions.



The pleasure is mine.

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Exactly. You sit somewhere in New Egland sipping farapuchino and ask the 20ish to do the heavy lifting. You are Qacid numero uno pal.

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1. I don't want Al-Shabaab to go to the North.

2. I don't consider Somalis outside Al-Shabaab's theatre of operation as non-Muslims that need to be forced to accept Shar'ia.

3. Puntlanders do not see Al-Shabaab as genuine Muslims fighting for the diin of Allah.

4. Openning another front will exacerbate existing animosity and will widen Ethiopia's leverage over its puppets.

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^^ To the heinous charge of qaacid, I plead guilty. But this crime is also being committed everyday by the figures you just quoted as 'sources of authority and knowledge', as if to say, "if these great scholars agree with me in accepting and tolerating the Tigray/TFG alliance, in submitting and surrendering to occupation, I have an excuse"


Adeer, rationalization kaama saarayso god-ka, nin-kasto oo maanta fadhiyo, without a reason, is a weak, dunya-loving coward, no matter how many cimaamds he wears or how many ayahs he has memorised.


but that's a topic for another day, let's not hijack Norf's thread.

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North and I have reached an understanding. I probed the issue and I think I know where his loyalty lies per his answers.


I am not charging you anything. I know for a fact that almost all known sheikhs are against the tactics Al-Shabaab have chosen to employ. Every decent Somali, Muslim, or even reasonable person is against Ethiopian presence in our soil. Where they differ is how to get them out.


Most of them prefer to spare Somalis, resolve the disagreements in a practical way, and unite Somalis. Prof. Cadow, Sheikh Sherif, Sheikh Umal all emphasized in shacabka loo turo oo laga soo leexsado kuwa kale.


You are Kelligii Muslim and is not a surprise to me at least that you consider all of them as Qaacidiin.


Off for a long weekend. Ha la is cafiyo.

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Good one North, sometimes it is better to clear doubts and misinterpretations.


What is your stance on the aggression of secessionists on the people of SSA?

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That's half the story. You're ignoring one simple fact; war was declared by the warlords calling themselves "anti-terrorist alliance" read "Satan Alliance" . When they were defeated, Ethio and other foreign powers used TFG and Puntland admin to regroup and re-arm the warlords. I'm I wrong?

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