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TFG Executes two Islamists

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MOGADISHU, July 5 (Reuters) - The Somali government on Thursday carried out its first formal executions, killing two suspected Islamist insurgents convicted of murdering a government official just three days earlier.


But even as the administration meted out capital punishment for the first time since its formation in late 2004, rebels kept up a campaign targeting government officials with a trio of blasts.


A Mogadishu court convicted the two men and ordered their executions for the murder of Osman Ali, the deputy district commissioner of Mogadishu's Horuwa district who was gunned down on Monday, officials said.


"They were asked to pray and then were masked and tied to a pole before a firing squad shot them dead. The two men are those who killed the Horuwa deputy district officer," a security source present at the execution said on condition of anonymity.


The last formal executions in Mogadishu were meted out by the Somalia Islamic Courts Council, a hardline Islamist group that ruled the city and most of southern Somalia under strict Islamic law for six months last year.


The government, with Ethiopian military backing, swiftly ran them from power in a lightning war over the New Year.


Since then, rebels the government says are Islamist fighters have attacked government and Ethiopian positions and increasingly are carrying out Iraq-style assassinations, suicide bombs and roadside blasts.


In the latest attack, former warlord and current Mogadishu Mayor Mohamed Omar Habeeb "Dheere" escaped an assassination attempt after a roadside bomb exploded in north Mogadishu after his convoy passed.


"The bomb was definitely targeting the mayor. No one was hurt," said a Dheere aide who declined to be named.


The blast came shortly before the European Commission's new envoy to Somalia, Georges-Marc Andre, flew into Mogadishu to meet President Abdullahi Yusuf.


Attackers overnight threw a grenade at the home of Deputy Justice Minister Hassan Dimbil Warsame. But Warsame told Reuters he was not at home at the time and had no details on the damage.


In a separate attack late on Wednesday, five policemen were wounded when a grenade was thrown into Waberi police station in southern Mogadishu.


"Children hurled a grenade at the station. Among the five wounded policemen, one is serious. I think the children were used by the insurgents who normally attack us," one policeman who refused to give his name said.


Meanwhile, a meeting of the ******, Mogadishu's dominant clan, scheduled to start on Thursday was put off indefinitely due to a rift among clan members ahead of a Somalia national reconciliation conference planned for later this month.


"One group of the ****** have pulled off from the meeting saying they don't see why we should meet. Elders are meeting them to try and bring them on board," a ****** elder who declined to be named said.

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They were asked to pray and then were masked and tied to a pole before a firing squad shot them dead. The two men are those who killed the Horuwa deputy district officer," a security source present at the execution said on condition of anonymity.

Fil Jannati, Inshallah. The blood of a shaheed is never shed in vain. Something that is lost on the dhabo-dhilif dogs who fight only to live another day.


Men of the Muqaawama, O Sons of Somalia, forward march.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

quote:They were asked to pray and then were masked and tied to a pole before a firing squad shot them dead. The two men are those who killed the Horuwa deputy district officer," a security source present at the execution said on condition of anonymity.

Fil Jannati, Inshallah. The blood of a shaheed is never shed in vain. Something that is lost on the dhabo-dhilif dogs who fight only to live another day.


Men of the Muqaawama, O Sons of Somalia, forward march.
Amin Ya rabi. Inshallah Allah will grant them Jannah.


Who will kill the killers of 1000s of Muslims?

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i usually dont support the death penalty but I think somalis need it.

It would be an injustice to let these barbarians live in jail. Meanwhile, if it deters some these barbarians from murdering people, even better.

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Muqdisho: Dowladda Federaalka oo markii ugu horeysay fulisay xukuno dil iyo xarig adag ah

5. July 2007


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Saakay barqadii ayaa fagaaraha dugsiga booliska lagu toogtay labo nin oo midkood la sheegay inuu ahaa ciidamada Dowladda iyo mid rayid ah kuwaasoo lagu eedeeyay iney horay u dileen labo askari oo ka tirsanaa ciidamada dowladda.


Gacan ku dhiiglayaasha saakay la dilay oo magacyadoodu lagu sheegay Cabdullaahi Daahir Muuse Afweyne iyo Maxamed Cabdi Wardheere (Indha Cowl) ayaa koox ka tirsan ciidamada Booliska ay ku toogteen fagaaraha dugsiga sare ee Booliska iyadoo amaanka goobta si weyn u adkeeyeen ciidamada Dowladda.


Sidoo kale gacan ku dhiiglayaashan oo lala soo qabtay Todobo kale ayaa maxkamadda ciidanka ay ku xukuntay midkiiba 15 sano oo xarig ah, kuwaasoo iyagana qeyb ka qaatay danbigaas iyo kuwo kale.


Gacan ku dhiiglayaasha maanta la toogtay ayaa horay labo askari oo ka tirsan dowladda ay ugu dileen agagaarka warshadii hore ee sigaarka kuwaasoo si sharci daro ah oo lagu sheegay falal burcadnimo ah ugu dilay labadaasi askari.


Waa markii ugu horeysay oo ay dowladda Federaalka ay fuliso xukun dil toogasho ah iyo kuwo sanado badan lagu xukumo eedeysanayaasha geysta falalka burcadnimo iyo kuwa argagixiso.


Tallaabadan ayey dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho ku tilmaameen iney tahay mid horumar leh isla markaana wax weyn ka badali doonta falalka burcadnimo iyo kuwa argagixiso ee mar walba ay geystaan kooxaha hubeysan iyo qaar ka tirsan isla ciidamada Dowladda


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

i usually dont support the death penalty but I think somalis need it.

It would be an injustice to let these barbarians live in jail.

: :confused:

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Innocent until proven guilty. What evidence did they presented or suggested that these two guys killed the deputy? Reading these article neither this tfg presented any evidence against these two guys nor did these two guys pleaded guilty. "They just killed a deputy" is not enough!


Allaha u naxariisto!

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