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Court official there is trouble in lower Shabbele...

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MUQDISHO: Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Golaha Fulinta ee Maxkamadaha oo sheegay inay Isbaarooyin yaallaan shabeellada Hoose

Posted to the Web Sep 01, 13:19



Muqdisho (PP) - Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Maxkamadaha Muqdisho Sheekh C?/raxmaan Maxamuud Faarax (Jinaqoow) ayaa ka dhawaajiyay inay jiraan isbaarooyin yaalla gobolka Shabeellada Hoose kuwaasoo ay ka warhayaan Maxkamadaha Muqdisho.


Sheekh C/raxmaan wuxuu sheegay in Isbaarooyinkaas ay dhawaan wax ka qaban doonaan isla markaana laga hirgelin doono gobolka Shabeellada hoose maamulka Maxkamadaha, waxaana uu carrabka ku adkeeyay inaysan noqonayn shabeellada hoose meel la iska hilmaamo.


"Shabeellada hoose way la socdaan Maxkamaduhu waxa ka jira mana dhacayso in la isk daayo ama ay sidaa sii ahaanayso, balse waxaa wax laga qaban doonaan dhawaan" ayuu yiri Sheekh C/raxmaan Jinaqoow.


Sheekha ayaa sidoo kale dhawaajiyay in dhibaatooyinka ka dhacaya gobolkaas ay yihiin kuwo lala socodo, ayna Maxkamaduhu doonayana inay dhawaan wax ka qabtaan dhibaatooyinkaas ayna ka hirgeliyaan halakas Maamulka Maxkamadaha oo ah nasteexo ka wanaagsan maamulka hadda ka jira.


Hadalkaan ayaa khilaafaya hadal uu dhawaan jeediyay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo sheegay in Shabeellada Hoose aan loogu abaalgudeyn in maamulkooda la buburiyo isla markanaa maamulka Maxkamadaha laga hirgeliyo, waxaase uu sheegay inay saxayaan wixii khaladaad ah ee jira.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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^^^So Galkacyu which was 750 KM away was more of a priority? Shabbele will be dealt with Insha ALLAH but not by those who have caused it harm these past 10 years..

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The people of Hobyo asked for the courts help. there are bigger threats than lower Shabelle at the moment, once they have dispersed lower shabelle as I have said will be dealt with

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^^^The people of Hobyo thus are more important than the people of Lower Shabbele? Amazing.

These courts were not wanted in Mudug thus they have been chased out.. They are wanted deperately in LowerShabbele but have resited answering the call of those people.


Hypocracy I tell ya. Xasan Dahir even compared his clans occupation to the local structures of Puntland and Somaliland.


I guess you must be those who belive its all swell in the lower Shabele...

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I am against all oppression my friend whether thats in Shabbelle or an other parts of the world.


If you would wisen up and understand that attacking and disarming Indho Cadde is not tactically sound especially since we have Ethiopians in our borders.


And before you go on and brush me for supporting the courts blindly mate you are wrong.

For me it is results that gets my supports. I was optimistic when the TFG was formed believeing that we have turned a chapter in hour history.

I was even more optimistic when the courts kicked out the warlords and invited the TFG to Mogadisho, but what saddened me and turned me against the TFG was the day when they hosted the very men that kept outside the capital, the day when they called those who paved the way for them terrorists.


my friend u should stop slandering if you believe that the courts have done something wrong I am sure if you contact them and put your case to them they could give you a better answere than any SOL member.

Just a couple weeks ago you said that the TFG was incompetent are you back to your oldself because ICU starts from one clan, all things must start somewhere. The Islamic Scholars and elders of Puntland will host the ICU with open arms and inshallah they will advice and merge with them along with other regions in Somalia.


Pres Yusuf is closer to me by relation than any member of the ICU yet I reject him and Geedi's self interest. I for one hope to see the day the old man retires.


If you are not happy about something contact the courts they have clearly said they want advise and communications with all Somalis.

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