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Sharif Xasan Xasan Dahir agree [smile people]

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^not always,topics like this only,then that is when I start teasing..there is no other way to deal with such irrational thread.I have to lower down to its standars you see.

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Kuwii nabada rabay, dantee rabaan iyo waxee ahayeen ha ahaatee, hadii la mock gareeye, kuwii dagaalka wadayna oo Amxaaro watay la amaano, yaab ahaa.


Garteena waaye dhul shisheeye ayaa nabad ku heysanaa, wax naga galay maleh malaayiin walaalaheen [hadeeba 'walaalo' noo yihiin] mashaqada, rafaadka, qaxa, qaxarka, iyo duliga kusoo socdo.


Heestii qiirada iyo qiimaha lahayd ee Faadumo Qaasin Hilowle ayaaba soo xasuustay:


Dalkeygoow dushaadu waa barwaaqee, dalkeygoow

Dalkeygoow dabeyshaada waa udgoontee, dalkeygoow

Dalxiis kaagama aan imaanin, dalkeygoow

Meel aan kugu doorsanaayaa miyey dunidaba ku taalaa, dalkeygoow


Inaan dibaddaha wareego, dalkeygoow

Inaan dawrsado shisheeye, dalkeygoow

Danlaawe inaan ahaado, dalkeygoow

Qaxooti inaan dan moodo, dalkeygoow


Waxey dantu igu xambaartay, dalkeygoow

Markii duulba duul weeraray, dalkeygoow

Markii nabad la isku diiday, dalkeygoow

Sokeeye markuu isdooxay, dalkeygoow

Duqowdii la dhaafi waayey, dalkeygoow

Markey dhihade sun daacday ayaan nafta la soo dalaalay, dalkeygoow



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