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General Duke

Duke is here-[where is the evidance promised, another lie? ]

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^^^If you belive this is an invasion by the "Ethiopian" army, would take this long and would not have been bombings of cities of Hargaysa, Bossaso, Mogadishu, then you dot know what an invasion is.


The clan courts are losing to the national army of Somalia. Hiding behind "Ethiopia" attacked us will not lessen the defeat.


Mogadishu reporter lies about location of his

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^If yo belive this is an invasion by the Ethiopia would take this long and would not have been bombings of cities of Hargaysa, Bossaso, Mogadishu, then you dot know what an invasion is.


The clan courts are losing to the national army of Somalia. Hiding behind "Ethiopia" attacked us will not lessen the defeat.

You are right. The Somali National Army has managed to Get Tanks and Artillery and Training from the 8000 Xabashi trainers in Baidoa with in 4Months.


In Anycase,It is still sad that A SOMALI is happy,Celebrating and cheering the Defeat,death and distruction of ANOTHER SOMALI. Its really sad to see a Muslim celebrating the death of another Muslim with no remorse AT ALL.


May Allah Save US ALL

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^^^Saxib, to my knowledge they do not manufacture heavy mortars, anti air craft guns and AK-47's in Mogadishu or Kismayu.


Also I nver knew Oromo, Eritreans and foreign fighters had a stake in Somalia and the people of lower Shabbele and unarmed clans did not?


The TFG has bought, leased, borrowed wepons, from Ethiopia, Uganda, Yemen and other nations and has been putting together their troops for two years now, from Puntland, Jowhar, Gedo, Bay & Bakool and otehr areas. The troops are led by expereinced warriors from President Yusuf, General Qasim Naji, and lower ranking officers.


Thus the courts are baffled, at the fighting, they have thus far been used to bullying and the advantage of their Oromo, Eritrean and foreign fighters means nothing..


May Allah Save US ALL Amiin.

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Insulting a clan weakens one's argument, so let us avoid that and stick to the facts bro Ahmed-Guree.


According to shabelle news website, not only is iidaale taken but the dead of some Amxaaro was seen there. Also Alja-zeera TV yesterday has shown dead ethiopian soldiers and their identification papers.



So, Ahmed-guree, few somalis on the side of TFG died ever since they were royally defeated in Diinsoor few weeks earlier. The ethiopian generals took over the war management after that incident because of their distrust. It is said that these TFG clan militia serve as a rear guard only and protect their ethiopian brothers from possible rear attacks, cook the food and carry their fallen ethiopian comrades back to Baydhabo to be flown out to Godey. These are somalis who prostituted themselves to Zenawi's project in Somalia in the lowliest manner. They have no nobiity left for them, no faith, nothing identifiying as a somali. Intaasaaba dullinimo ugu filan.

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^^^Saxib, what Shabbele says matters not, there are no pictures of any dead from Ethiopia. The dead corpses are so far from side.


As for the propoganda, both sides are at it mate hence why should we trust the clan courts media..


Ciidamo ka tirsan Midowga Maxkamadaha oo ay tiradoodu gaareyso 350 isuguna jira kuwa ka yimid saaka degaanada Kismaayo , Janaale iyo Muqdi sho ayaa isku dhiibay Dowlada KMG lagu na xareeyay xerada Manaas,

here is news from Radiofreeosmalia..



Also the defeat of Yusuf IndaCade is so complete he has resorted to his usual threats from Mogadishu. Comdian indeed

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Originally posted by General Duke:

to my knowledge they do not manufacture heavy mortars, anti air craft guns and AK-47's in Mogadishu or Kismayu.


Also I nver knew Oromo, Eritreans and foreign fighters had a stake in Somalia and the people of lower Shabbele and unarmed clans did not?


The TFG has bought, leased, borrowed wepons, from Ethiopia, Uganda, Yemen and other nations and has been putting together their troops for two years now, from Puntland, Jowhar, Gedo, Bay & Bakool and otehr areas. The troops are led by expereinced warriors from President Yusuf, General Qasim Naji, and lower ranking officers.


Thus the courts are baffled, at the fighting, they have thus far been used to bullying and the advantage of their Oromo, Eritrean and foreign fighters means nothing..


May Allah Save US ALL

Ilaahey haa kaa dambi dhaafo,thats all I am gonna tell you.


Wether the TFG is getting help ethiopia Uganda,Kenya or the Govt of Puntlnd,it doesnt change the fact that a MUSLIM SOMALI is celebrating & cheering for the death of Fellow Somali Muslims with little or no remorse AT ALL. That to me is the shocking part about all this. Its even sadder that you are actually pointing out Gaalo nations who are a part of killing somalis and the fact that you are even defending this is in itself SAD.


May Allah forgive us all. Thats all am saying sxb.

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^^^Saxib, you are getting irrational and thus you are losing the whole point of the matter.


I have been here before and actually on many occasions, when people pretend to be more nationalistic and lately more religious while masking their own lack of argument in the matter at hand.


1. Who started this latest attacka nd was itching for this for a while?

2. Who is forcing children to go to the front line and parading our women with guns?


Then answer who broke the laws of Islam, by lying daily and even pretending that this naked clan agenda is done for the sacred faith?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Saxib, you are getting irrational and thus you are losing the whole point of the matter.


I have been here before and actually on many occasions, when people pretend to be more nationalistic and lately more religious while masking their own lack of argument in the matter at hand.


1. Who started this latest attacka nd was itching for this for a while?

2. Who is forcing children to go to the front line and parading our women with guns?


Then answer who broke the laws if Islam, by lying daily and even pretending that this naked clan agenda is done for the sacred faith?

That is their dambi and btween them and ALLAH. The leadership of the IUC will answer their side of dambi to ALLAH swt. I am pointing out YOUR side of the story,becoz i find it sad that you are happy and cheering for the DEATH of MUSLIM somali brothers.


Advice unbaan kusiinaye anu. Dhimasho,Dagaal iyo dhaawac on a muslim brother wax lagu farxo lagu durbaan tunto ma'aha.


Wasalam aleykum waraxmatualah. May Allah forgive us all.

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Eloquently put Brown. That says it all about this fella and the like-minded somalis. Ilaahay hasoo hanuuniyo kuwaan waa u dhammaatay.



This latest conflict between somalis and the ethiopian army has brought out the ugly side of some somalis and how low they stoop for really nothing, for no gain at all other than seeing a fellow somali being killed by an ethiopian soldier on somali soil.

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Originally posted by Brown:

The Somali National Army has managed to Get Tanks and Artillery and Training from the 8000 Xabashi trainers in Baidoa with in 4Months.

Please do not involve us where we are not involved.


What kind of Somali is there in Somalia, BTW, Don't you know that the somali in Somalia republic drove/piloted latest tanks before ethiopians did?


Weren't you surprised at the 180 police officers of the TFG trained in Kenya and Graduated now almost a year ago.

We ethiopians are a very poor and technologically backward country. If an Ethiopian can pilot a tank or an aircraft so can a somali from somalia.

The somali ethiopians are everywhere in the military from ordinary soldiers to commanders of elite forces. How different is the Somali in Somalia that cannot do the same?



What are you going to say tomorrow if a tank pilot is allowed to get out of his tank and speak to villagers in the area? What will you say if he is from Mugadishu? I hope its safe for their families in ICU held areas to do so and the TFG commanders allow them soon to give interviews.


normally I would assume that those in Somalia are more advanced, because the somali ethiopian is just recuperating from half century of continious non stop war for his rights.

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Brown, emotional antics and presences are of course a necessity at a time of defeat. Thus a few days ago you was questioning the reliability of the news, not showing much concern for the deaths of fellow Muslims. After the defeat of the courts you turn all religious, that is of course a matter for you.


On my side, I am highlighting was is happening on the ground, the clashes are between the national governemnt of Somalia and a group of clan court alliance led by InadCade, the people of Somalia are not going on a Jihad, they are living as ever, in a tough situation.


Thank you for the advice, it is always welcome.

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Correction, guests with blood and honour who can see the hypocrisy of the ethiopian above pretending he cares about someone in Muqdisho's safety.


Wax yaalo qofka sharafta leh aan u cuntamin yaa jira, it takes one to have dignity and honour to have such feelings. if you lack it, of course, you can't see it.

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^^^Are you now deluding yourself my dear Xoogsade, where was your blood and honour when you was defedning your clans occupation and loot, where was your sense of justice and faith, when you denied the problems these thugs caused in southern Somalia.


Give us a break son, when Somali;s see and hear Yusuf IndaCade prancing around like he is something special they remmeber what he is and know its all bull.

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