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General Duke

Duke is here-[where is the evidance promised, another lie? ]

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How are they winning How long does it take for the Xabashi to capture Dinsoor or Burxakaba as you kins brag about?

this is the 5 th day

how logical is it that the ICU is defeated while ethios are usig heavy artillery as compared to it.

The ICU are pushing Habeshas all the way to Baidoa.

The Battle in Idale had taken sometime coz those xabashi had dug a series of trenches.

but the ICU smoked them out.

its just few trenches left to clear Idale while Manas got a surprise visit yesterday.

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^^It can take 20 days or even a month, but they are losing, men, armour and confidance.

It is you who will run out of steam, the TFG are in its capital and causing heavy damage on this area.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

the TFG are in its capital.

And I thought Mugdisho was the Somali capital.

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Saxib the TFG that hardly exists are mowing down the powerful Clan Courts, hence all the cries and lies. Where si the evidance you promised and your kinsmen Nayruus was singing about?

Oh it does not exist, right..



Inkastoo si goos goos ah uu wali ku socdo dagaalka, ayaa wararkii ugu dambeeyey waxa ay sheegayaan in maanta markale la filan karo inuu sii xoogeysto, iyadoona labada dhinacba ay isku hub urursanayaan.


Dagaalkii shalay ilaa xalay ka dhacayey Diinsoor, ayaa ahaa kii ugu xoogganaa oo 4tii maalmood ee dagaalku uu socday halkaasi ka dhaca, iyadoona ay si toos ah uga qeybqaadanayeen ciidamo lagu sheegay Ethiopian iyo kuwa Dowladda KMG oo wada socda adeeg sanayana madaafiic aad u culculus.


Ma cadda khasaaraha labada dhinacda kala gaaray, waxaase wali jira guulo si gooni gooni ah ay labada dhinacba u kala sheeganayaan.

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so if TFG was that formidable why did it chicken out and stayed in Baidoa for rougly 2 yrs.

within 7 months the ICU cuptures mostly all the south and Kismayu.

At least TFG should have captured something?


So know you want us to believe that it fought for 5 days with the icu?

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ICU has exactly copied the Eritreans, Isayas. At one point it reached to be a sad joke.

Just like what ICU is saying now the eritrean dictator was proclaiming he has killed so many ethiopians, captured tanks etc...but the next day the war would be 150km inside eritrea.


People would go if Eritrea is retreating in disarray, how did they count ethiopian dead?


At the end eritrea signed away the rights of 25km deep over 1000km border. The balloon of lies was deflated and their propaganda has never recovered.


Lies can make ICU feel good for a minute, but the people become suspicious.


TFG doesn't have to say much. The repeated Fartaag moments tell about ICU more than anything else.

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General Duke are you siding with this habash? Tell him to shush. He is hurting your arguments. A Somali man like you shouldn't side with a habash, tell him to stay away from our internal affairs.

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Lies can make ICU feel good for a minute, but the people become suspicious.


Now check this out, on the 20 December they claimed to have held Danuunaye, and their media sang and danced. They claim on Thursday they will provide evidance on Friday, we are still waiting for the forged documents to be printed..


The Soamli people are getting used to the Col-Faratag moments of

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General Duke are you siding with this habash? Tell him to shush. He is hurting your arguments. A Somali man like you shouldn't side with a habash, tell him to stay away from our internal affairs.

ME, I heard you was looking for me?

As for Somali Freind, he is a man who can hold his own and who has my respect for the civil way he presents his arguments.

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Ahmed, my kin are only human beings thus will die, they dont have mythic powers like Rambo Turki and truck driver IndaCade who are hiding behind school children and women..The warriors who ran away from collecting their corpses ouch.

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I was offering you a job general duke and I have no respect for that habash, if you want to be a xabash lover go ahead.



BTW the xabash doesn't hold his ground. He has no arguments, he always evades questions. I do not want to give him a platform and allot of people here don't wnt to give him a platform thats why he is not challenged. He is paid to do this, so he doesn't get my respect. A mercenarry doesn't deserve respect.

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^^^ME, I thank you for your complement again, but I must decline any offers not worthy of my person. Also my passion is Somalia and not the titles of men, even the General title was given to me by my brothers on the other side side.


ME, I am disapointed at you man, you actually got emotional and jumped at the claim made by the clan courts.. Do more research next time, you was better than that.


Now back to the topic at hand, the war is raging, its a tragedy I agree, my heart sank when I heard of the loss on both sides.


Now the update, the TFG has come out on top in the latest fighting. The clahses are in Diinsoor, far from as you claimed Manas, hence the lack of evidance coming from the side of the courts.

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