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General Duke

Duke is here-[where is the evidance promised, another lie? ]

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My SOL brothers on the other side..

Latest news, the TFG controls all the areas from Baidoa to Bur-Hakabo. From Baidoa to Diinsoor. There is a small fighting from the al-Shabaab wing on the Diinsoor front but the fighting on the Bur-Hakabo area stopped three days ago after IndaCade and his millitia was defeated in Moode-Moode.


Now. On thursday the Clan Courts said they would take journalists to Danuunaye and present credible evidance on friday. Well it is Saturday evening in Somalia and guess what they have presented no evidance..



Nayruus gets emmotional on thursday..



Now why have they not taken Al-Jazeera to the said areas and why have they not presented the documents? Or does it take a few days to forge documents in the Bakara market. Lies hold no water.



ME, gets excited and goes for the General..

Where is General Duke? Has General Duke deserted us?


Herr General have they evacuated Baydhabo?


Please someone find General Duke.


ME. here is a picture from Baidoa today my son.

Shirjaraa%C3%ADd_geedi23_0.jpgGeedi in his chair



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ME, Saxib here is a pic from Moode-Moode a former hide out for IndaCade and where they got crushed a few days back. This area is near Burhakabo and in front of Danuunaye.

dagaal_moodomoodo3.jpgSomali soldier mans the ares

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Generale thanks to God no ******** bodies apart from decomposing xabesha corpse.

So its safe to say that no c/bile was killed in the war


[ December 23, 2006, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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SOL. Readers, if the clan courts won any clahses why ahve they not presented any evidance thus far. They have said they killed hundreds of "Tigray" so why not a single evidance to prove this claim. It has been five days.

Brinng evidance that they hold Manas, Danuunaye, Idaale or any other area.


All the evidance from Soamli sites, AP, is of

dead Clan Court corpses and of TFG holding the areas of clashes.

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Well it is very simple to understand who has the upper hand when you take a look at the place names of the clashes.


The fighting started with an attack on Daynuunay but late Thursday stopped in Moode-Moode which is on the outskirts of Buur-hakabo.


Who pushed who?

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^^^Horn, one can blame me for being partisan. But if one side could not even take their dead from an area they held it means they lost the battle.


IndaCade even said he was in Danuunaye, is he?


Also Horn, can you think of any battle in recent memory that a millitia left dead bodies in such manner.

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^^^Who wants to reach any where, you are the one who is a hurry to nowhere.. They are losing men, armour and motivation in these battles, the TFG has not made any offensive and the courts are losing the plot. How many attacks repulsed? Four in Moode-Moode alone and about ten near Diinsoor-Idaale front.


How many, col-Faratag moment, they claime to capture Danuunaye,Maanas and even Hussain Audeed's house. Now where are they?


Without any real evidance , one can only listen to the lies of Mudey, Shukri and IndaCade for so lonf.

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where are you geting your source from , becuase every webside wether is pro tfg or icu are reporting intesive fighting around idle and manas .


talk is cheap sxb , anyways the fight is between icu and tigrey

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what evidence?

Horta stop bragging about TFG?

we know most of them are ********* they are historicaly known for their C/Bilee.

the best of the TFG solders were under Bare Hiraale (his kin)who was defeated twice

1. At Buaale and Dinsoor.


The next tning is the ICU is fighting Xabashi 9battle hardened from Eritrea) soilders with bigger artillery force.


So even if the ICU tried to lie still it would nt make sense for the Xabashis unable to push them from the same place in 5 days.

it is well known from


[ December 23, 2006, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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^^^Saxib, the fighting is in Diinsoor area and not even Idaale anymore.

As for Manaas, you guys can not be fighting in an area you supposidlky captured two days ago.

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Dagaal aad u kharaar ayaa dib uga biloowday labada aag ee Buurhakaba iyo Diinsoor, Waxaana Saaka waaberigii ilaa haatan socda Madaafiicda Goobta iyo Xabada Hubka waawayn ka dhaca oo ay isu adeegsanayaan Ciidamada Dowlada iyo Maleeshiyaadka Maxaakimiinta.



Dagaalkaan ayaa waxaa saaka laba af oo weerar ah u soo qaaday Maleeshiyaadka maxaakimiinta, iyaga oo horey wacad ugu maray inay Magaalada baydhabo gacanta ku dhigi doonaan, ama ay ku dhamaan doonaan dagaalada ay kula jiraan Ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka ah.



Waxaa iyana laga cabsi qabaa ilaa maanta in uu dagaal kale ka bilaaban doono Gobolada Hiiraan, galguduud, iyo Mudug, oo ay labada dhinacba galeen diyaar garoow kii ugu danbeeyay.



Ciidamada Daraawiishta Maamul Goboleedka Puntlland ayaa Xuduuda Puntlland ay la wadaagto Gobolada Koonfureed iyadana laga soo sheegay in Heegan kii ugu danbeeyay la galiyay, iyada oo laga cabsi qabo in Maleeshiyaadka Maxaakimiintu ay dhinacaasna weerar ka soo qaadaan, waloow Ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntlland ay aad ugu diyaar garoobeen dagaal walba oo dhinacaas kaga yimaada.



Dhinaca kale waxaa la inoo xaqiijiyay in Xasan daahir Aways aanu Soomaaliya iyo Magaalada Muqdisho dib ugu soo noqon ee uu wali ku suganyahay Magaalada Musawac iyo dalka Eritrea, warbixintii aanu Magaalada Muqdisho horey uga helnay ee ahayd in uu Xamkar ku soo noqday waxay noqotay mid aan waxba ka jirin ee Niyada loogu dhisayay shacabka Magaalada Muqdisho.



Idamaale News

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Ahmed, you are getting angry now, stop with the clan naming mate. The TFG is winning and hence the lies from your side without any evidance.


The evidance so far is contrary to your side, the dead corpeses are from your side, the areas held are held by the TFG. Claoming you shot down migs, or destroyed tanks wont stand.

Bring evidance.


Geedi hold court in Baidoa, congradulates the armed forces.

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General Duke and horn sxb


General duke "My SOL brothers on the other side..

Latest news, the TFG controls all the areas from Baidoa to Bur-Hakabo. From Baidoa to Diinsoor. There is a small fighting from the al-Shabaab wing on the Diinsoor front but the fighting on the Bur-Hakabo area stopped three days ago after IndaCade and his millitia was defeated in Moode-Moode.


Even idamaale is not reporting this sxb why are you getting ahead of yourself .

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Dagaal aad u kharaar ayaa dib uga biloowday labada aag ee Buurhakaba iyo Diinsoor, Waxaana Saaka waaberigii ilaa haatan socda Madaafiicda Goobta iyo Xabada Hubka waawayn ka dhaca oo ay isu adeegsanayaan Ciidamada Dowlada iyo Maleeshiyaadka Maxaakimiinta

Thus you prove my opening statement in this thread. Bur-Hakabo and Diinssor are the front and not Idaale & Danuunaye..Saxib thats evidance for your set back.

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