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Djibouti Delegation Visits Somaliland

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You've fishing for something last couple of days, haven't you? smile.gif Anyways, what do you think of this delegation's visit to Somaliland? Could this be the beginning of "21 Century Somali Fraternité"? No need for a ineffectual elephantine body politique, just a handful of friendly and brotherly countries co-operating to improve the lives of their citizens. If you also take into account how happy the likes of Sh. Sharif are to have their "caravan" garage in Djibouti, are we all finally about to be on the same wavelength?


Dumbuqeenna shiishka leh

Duwi mayno weligeen

Dad hadduu is toydona

Danyarbaa sokeeya leh

Dugsigeennu wayaga

Ifkaan daaray waakaa

Dalka iyo Jaboutiba

Ragga iga danbeeyaa

Kolba dogob ha saaree

4.5 wadhaf ma lagu deyey..

~ Gaariye Variations




That's enough. Keep some aces up your sleeve. smile.gif

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I am hopefull Ayyoub! We've debated to death the ramifications of the concept of seceding which you seem to be taking lightly!


folks who matter are more imaginative adeer!

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Ouch! Folks who matter? WHO?

^^Regional entities such Arab League, AU and IGAD. International bodies such EU, and UN.


War ma sii wadaa :D

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^^I was answering xaaji NG's q! I was not looking for an argument with you.


It would not be productive to argue with you since you would be defending a sovereignty I do not recognize :D

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Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf:

quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Mr. way dhaqaaqday ,,, tolow xagee bay qabatay ,,

walahi somaliland sumanka bay no xiidhanahay way duushay waleh ciidna oo joogin mayno


wa bilahi tawfiiq.
Reminds me of an Arabic saying that my father is very fond of and uses whenever he's having political discussions with fellow Somalis. :D


It's a story of two shepherds walking in the desert and looking into the distance. Suddenly, they see a black object by a distant tree.


First Shepherd: There is a pigeon under that tree.


Second Shepherd: No. That's a goat.


First Shepherd: It looks like a pigeon to me.


Second Shepherd: It's a goat, I tell you.


They walk closer to the tree and the pigeon flies off.


First Shepherd: I told you it was a pigeon. Watch it fly away!


Second Shepherd: It's a goat I tell you, even if it flew away. :D


Marka, Xaaji Xundjuf, qoladaan ha esko daalin saaxib. Way socotay, way dhaqaaqtay ama way dhuushay maba ogla. Jawabtood wakhti walba waa: haday dhuusho na wa ceesaan.

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