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Maxakiimta oo sheegtay Kismayo

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Maxakiimta oo sheegtay Kismayo


Sheekh Cabdiraxiin Cali Muudey oo ahaa mas'uulkii Maxkamadihii islaamiga u qaabilsanaa dhinaca warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in gacanta ay ugu jirto magaalada Kismaayo Golahii Maxaakiimta Islaamiga oo ay joogaan meel kasta oo dalka ka tirsan.


Sheekh C/raxiim Cali Muudey oo u waramayey mid ka mid ah Idaacaddaha maxaliga ah ee ka jira Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in inta badan xubnihii Maxkamaddaha ay ku sugan yihiin gudaha magaalada Muqdisho, islamarkaana xusey in hadafkoodu yahay sidii dalka looga xoreyn lahaa wax uu ku sheegay gumeysiga ku soo duulay dalka.


"Waan dagaalami doonaa inta caro ka mid ah dalka ay joogaan ciidamada Itoobiya" ayuu yiri Sheekh Cabdiraxiim Cali Muudey oo sheegay in ay dalka ka xoreyn doonaan wax uu ku tilmaamay Gumeysi ga iyo Gumeysi kalkaal midibka Soomaali leh.


"Dalka weerar kuma nihin, waxaana nahay dad muwaadin ah, Golihii Maxaakiimtana meel walba ayey joogaan oo dalka ah, xataa Kismaayo, hadafkeenuna waa sidii dalka cadowga looga saari lahaa" ayuu mar kale yiri Sheekh C/raxiim oo sheegay in uu weli yahay Madaxa xafiiska Warfaafinta ee Golihii Maxaakiimta.


Xubnihii Maxkamaddaha Islamiga ku mideysnaa ayaa lagu waramayaa in ay labo garab u kala qeybsameen kuwaasi oo qeyb ka mid ah ku biiray Ururka Al-Shabaab ee uu Hoggaamiyo Aadan Xaashi Ceyrow iyo koox kale oo ka mid noqotay Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta dalka ee lagu soo dhisay dalka Erateriya iyadoo sidoo kale ay jiraan koox dhex dhexaad ah oo dooneysa in wada hadal lala galo dowladda.


Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah ayaa asbuucii la soo dhaafey shegey in Kismayo gacanta ugu jirto beelaha Somaliyed mid ka mid ah hadalkaas oo ay diideen xubno ku sugan junadda Hoose


Garowe Online,Muqdisho

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The American finances are withering, the Ethiopian forces are being scared the day light out of, they are desperate and looking for ways out, the daba-dhilif so call government is getting even more corrupt within and the resistance is growing in every direction of the country. That is a bad news to those who harbor no goodness.

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Adeer saad isku keentay "I support Muqawama" iyo calanka Somaliland?


Muqaawamada maan ogeyn inuu aasaabiyah u meel marsan yahay.

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Malayabtay sida diinta Islamka ay qofkasta meeshu rabo hakayimaadee ay umidaysay. smile.gif


If my choices of whom to support came down to Injir infested/hiv on top of that, raw eating, gaal madow oo uraya vs. my people regardless of our difference offcourse the later sxb. ;)

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Originally posted by Red Sea:

Malayabtay sida diinta Islamka ay qofkasta meeshu rabo hakayimaadee ay umidaysay.


If my choices of whom to support came down to Injir infested/hiv on top of that, raw eating, gaal madow oo uraya vs. my people regardless of our difference offcourse the later sxb.

Then again adeer, I never said anything about supporting Gaal madow or not. That you were so quick to jump to that shows me you understand where I am coming from.


Saad isku keentay "muqawama" iyo calanka Somaliland?


If you were supportive of the general resistance, then it would be understandable. However, "muqawama", adeer, are the same men who speak against the Asmara Group and label such aprticipants such as Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys and Sheikh Sharif as "cilmaaniyiin".


Heblaayo yaanu iskaga nimid jiljileec raga "Muqaawamada" dhabta la yaqaan kama keeneyso ee adeer isku laabo, hal mid yeel. Ama calankaa iska dhig oo raga Muqawamada si dhab u taageer, ama calankaada heyso oo raga noo daa. That flag symbolizes everything the Muqawama is fighting again. smile.gif

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Kismayo topics are back so is Horn :D


Horn feed us in, have the junior JVA joined the ranks of the Alshabaab or is power shifting process going on from the late humiliated hero of yours Hiiraale's boys to the more obvious usual chasers....

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I prefer them to join the Shabaab and indeed this is where they majority principally support but they are doing whatever they can to ride out the turbulent storm.

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