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Breaking News: Clan Courts to attack KISMAYU..

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Red Sea-


Morgan is the figure head and the Courts are the agenda. The invisible hands are grumpy ex-friends of Barre's. :D

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Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

If anyone of the courts will set up a court in Kismayo, then it will be the
rightful owners and residents of Kismayo
city itself.

Who would that be? Warlord Hiiraale? Does a separatist like you see Hiiraale as the rightful owner of the city just like he would see Riyaale as rightful owner of Sool?


Dowladda Federaalka oo uga digtay in Maxaakiimta..


Qaar ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ayaa waxa ay warqad qoraal ah u gudbiyeen Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo ku aadan in Maxkamadda Islaamiga ah ay damacsan yihiin in ay weerar ku ekeeyaaan Magaalada Kismaayo, waxayna Xildhibaanadu sheegeen in haddii ay Maxaakiimtu weeraraaan uu burburi doono heshiiskii lagu gaary Magaalada Khartuum ee Dalka Suudaan. Guddoomiyaha ayaa waxa ay xildhibaanada ka codsadeen in ay warqad deg deg ah u qoraan Jaamacadda Carabta oo uu ugu sheegayo in Maxaakiimtu ay damacsan yihiin in ay weerar ku qaadaan Magaalada Kismaayo ee Gobalka Jubbadda Hoose. Xildhibaaanadaasi waxay sheegeen in tikniko iyo ciidan aad u fara badan ay maalin walba ku sii socdaan agagaarka magaalada Kismaayo, kuwaas oo doonaya in ay halkaasi ka saaraan Maleeshiyada taageerasan Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Dowladda Federaalka Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale), hase yeeshee waxaa arrintaasi si aad ah u beeniyey Taliyaha ciidamada Dooxadda Jubba Max’ed Rooble Jimcaale (Goobaale) oo sheegay in aysan jirin wax dhaqdhaqaaq ah oo ay Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ka wdaan Gobalada Jubooyinka, waxa uuna sheegay in dadweynaha ku nool gobaladaasi ay si aad ah u taageersan yihiin Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah, sidoo kale mas’uul u hadlay Golaha Maxaakiimta ayaa waxa beeniyey in Maxaakiimtu dagaalo la damacsan yihiin Magaalada Kismaayo. “Waxaan dhowreynaa heshiiskii Khartuum, mana dooneyno in aan ku xadgudubno†ayuu yiri mas’uulkaasi oo sheegay in Maxaakiimtu tagi doonaan hadba meeshii looga yeero.

You probably don’t read or value any news outlet other than gednet but check this out and don’t panic sxb. It’s okay. Adeer is not in danger. Just another perspective. Not everyone sees things at the same angel. Have you seen Amin Amir’s cartoon today?

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^^^^ Sheikh Jimcaalow

Have these "dhaan dabangaale" so-called news suddenly given you a new lease of life? ands please enlighten me who are these rightful owners of Kismayo you all the time ranitng about? Lets all SOLs come to know this.


Axeeey ax! sincere waano orod u tag Sheikh Shariif & ina awees ka soo dhameyso in maxkamada Kismayo lagu dhiibo. ...and Sheikh Jimacalow, you know...I am pro courts dee! hiiraale dmbe hadii aad iga maqashidba

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Maxkamadaha oo beeniyay in ay duulaan ku yihiin Kismaayo



Mogadishu 14, Sep. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa beeniyay wararka sheegaya in ay duulaan ku yihiin Magaalada Kismaayo.


Maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa dhinac isaga riixay hadalada soo baxaya ee tilmaamaya in Maxkamadaha islaamka ay qorsheynayaan weerar ay ku qabsadaan magaalada Kismaayo, taasoo ay ku tilmaameen mid la buunbuuniyo oo la doonayo in la isaga horkeeno maxkamadaha iyo isbaheysiga D/jubba.


Madaxa dacwada iyo Maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Maxkamadaha islaamka ay dhowrayaan heshiiskii dowladda, isla markaana aanu jirin meel ay duulaan ku yihiin.


Hadalka Sheekha ayaa ka dambeeyay ka dib hadalo maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ka soo yeerayay mudanayaal ka tirsan baarlamanka Somalia oo sheegaya in maxkamadaha ay duulaan ku yihiin magaalada Kismaayo.


Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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Maskiin, orodoo utag adeeradaa Aden Madoobe & Kiishbuur in Xudur (the Morgan stoogs) then together with them try to lay down a new strategy to help Morgan & the newly renowned "Sheikh" Jimcale under the cover of maxakimta to capture Baardheere, Luuq & Kisamyo. Markaas ayuu hadal kuu furan yahay sxb!




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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

Does a separatist like you see Hiiraale as the rightful owner of the city just like he would see Riyaale as rightful owner of Sool?

Miskiin yaa dalas yaa daba xuusaan. Adeer listen very carefully here without over heating yourself. Did you hear me mention Barre Hiiraale as the "rightful"owner of Kismayo. I said, the rightfull owners and residents of Kismayo, regardless of their tribal background, in applying to that, the courts will only go to Kismayo if called upon by the residents of that city regardless of who they are and will act upon their request.


Secondly, about my "seperatist" agenda, well brother, maybe a "sepratist" like me knows few things more of how to settle the issue in Southern Somalia, so dont' hate, and focus on the issue at stake now, the mess in Southern Somalia.

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lan alifsheey humaadi albaqri mikitoosoow.

Widaayoow afkaaga caano lagu qabay laakiin yaruuracaan maxay ka kasaayaan warkaas. Ma u jilciyaa? Wuxuu dhahay adeer born-again peace man ma soconeyso.


RS; I just posted two questions that needed some explanation. That’s all. No need to get hysterical. I apologize if I touched a nerve or pushed the hot button. A simple no would have sufficed. I got nothing against duriyadda. You should focus your energy and wake up to reality that qabiil doesn’t give birth to qaran. You seem to be bright kid. Ponder on that.

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^^ well,Jim, it would be very helpful if you could apply any sort solution you had whether it may be Qabiil based or not to bring Kismayo or whatever city/region you from some peace and stability. You have probably read my words with different tone then I anticipated thus thinking I am angry with my reply, so no way,I was actually chiling when I wrote it.


Moreover, my energy is well spent, since my city and many cities around it are peaceful Masha Allah, and you are more than welcome to them any time. ;)


in addition, thanks for the good compliment, I will make sure I ponder on that.

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