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Face Death Penlty for protesting against Meles

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Ethiopian protest leaders guilty


A court in Ethiopia has found 38 senior opposition figures guilty of charges connected to mass protests after disputed elections two years ago.


The charges ranged from armed rebellion to "outrage against the constitution".


Sentencing is next month and they could face the death penalty, says the BBC's Elizabeth Blunt in Ethiopia.


Hundreds of thousands took part in demonstrations complaining of fraud and vote-rigging by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government in the 2005 polls.


The opposition leaders refuse to recognise the court and failed to present evidence in their defence.


Heavy criticism


Almost 200 people died in two waves of protests.


The opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy blamed the deaths on the security forces but Mr Meles accused the opposition of starting the violent protests.


His government also points out that it introduced multi-party elections to Ethiopia after years of military rule.


In the elections, the opposition made huge gains but says it was cheated out of victory.


An independent inquiry carried out by an Ethiopian judge concluded that the police had used excessive force.


He went on to accuse them of carrying out a massacre. The judge later fled Ethiopia, saying he had been put under pressure to change his findings and had received death threats.


Two months ago, a judge threw out controversial charges of attempted genocide and treason against 111 people arrested after the election protests.


The violence and the charges of election fraud have tarnished Mr Meles' image as a favourite of Western donors and one of a new wave of reforming African leaders.



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The guy is doing fine and got the blessing of great uncle Sam to kick some more black arses as long as he wholeheartedly serving uncle Sam's ineterest and instructions. So he is not like Mugabe, nor Al Bashir.... Go Melez!

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He is there by force and no one cal talk about him just like the Saudi Royal family was living in the 80s but this one didn't do anything for the public and tanks are everywhere in the city.


I was there for the last 20 days and you can't imagine how they really scare of him by just hearing his name.


I think 80% of the population are against him and they would shoot him on the head if they see him but this huge support of his uncle Sam and all these weapons he is gonna stay until he is burried under his bed one day.


During the last elections, thousands of people were killed in the streets of Addis and no one can even talk about the issue. He is spraying the poor people just like flies and mosquitos.

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what would uncle sam want with a bunch of aids ridden black fokes? surely theres no oil involved?!

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Originally posted by tHe oNe aNd OnLy:

what would uncle sam want with a bunch of aids ridden black fokes? surely theres no oil involved?!

To stop the spread of Islam into Central Africa!

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