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NGOs are out of control: Somaliland Minister of Planning and Development

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Originally posted by Qandali:

One thing is for a fact. The NGO's have contributed nothing to the Somalis.


Neither Non governmental nor govermental organisations have worked in Somalia, it is only the private sector that has surpassed all expections.


The other two silly bodies only work for their bellies.

I couldn't agree with you more: NGOs operating in Somalia are the single most barrier preventing most Somalis from depending on themselves and working towards becoming self-reliant.


NGOs are by far more corrupt than the average regional administration in the horn of Africa. Because, all they do is enjoy their heavy tax breaks from the respective governments, give themselves huge salaries and once in a while build the odd school, here or there. In order for Somalis to develop their home regions, they must learn to solely rely on themselves and the free market economy!


Personally, I'd urge that minister to kick 'em all out!

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I know for a fact that the Halo Trust in Somaliland carry out some very critical work. Demining is no joke and frankly they get it done. So lets not generalise here. There are those that do f~*k all and there are some that are hardworking, and frankly a godsend.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

He can't even come up with the exact number of the NGOs registered ...... Not a good choice at this time.

The man has been in office for 2 months, so if his numbers are wrong, then who is to blame?


He is raising valid points that needs answers, especially accounting/auditing transparency as long as the aim is not to shake NGO's for some personal benefit. I was told that some Ministers also benefit by having some of their people employed at NGO's.


Aid agencies spend a lot money on housing, employees, SUV's etc besides the projects they undertake. I think their benefit outweight their harm if govts manage them properly, meaning guiding them to undertake needed and critical projects rather then giving carte blanche to do as they please.

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There needs to be a planned approached for development, many NGOs are doing the same thing, focusing on same areas, it does not help that they have to fit the proposals with the global agenda's to seek funding.


It is about time the government planned the work and areas that NGOs work in so that a structured development can take place. Then the system for these developments to be monitored and measured needs to be put in place. Only then can we evaluate and say NGOs did this or that.


The important things is that WE NEED NGOs because the government has no money, and NGO can be an extended agent who are part of the government’s plans to enhance public services.


I agree with Sa’ad that things need to be done about the situation, but I fear his approach may undermine the effort and work some NGOs have been doing for the last 10-15yrs, practically filling government role to provide basic services. Lets not be thankless, the government should say thank you but lets make it systmatic.


In saying that, I've know Sa’ad since I was a kid, he is a calm, responsible and very methodical, if something needs to be formalised and a system in place, he is the man for it.

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Correction on previous news: Minister of Planning and Development did not say NGOs are out control



Hargeisa (SomalilandPress)—SomalilandPress reported on October 5th that Somaliland Minister of Planning and Development told Somaliland Parliament that NGOs are out of control. SomalilandPress would like to clear up at the behest of Dr. Saad Shire Minister of Planning and Development on that news. It appears that our reporter in Hargeisa misunderstood some facts and also unintentionally misrepresented.


Correct News

On Tuesday October the 5th Minister of Planning and Development addressed the Somaliland Parliament about the Millennium Development Goals of the country. The purpose of his visit to the Parliament was to inform the members of the parliament about the importance of Millennium Development Goals and where Somaliland stood with regards to targets set.


SomalilandPress would like to apologies to Dr. Saad Shire for misquoting him on our previous news.

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^Intee loo laabay? These NGOs run the show, and am definitely sure, after some bribing, the Minister gave this press release.


These NGOs must be stopped, as thrive and live off the Somali problems.

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^^^^The said Minister is a rich man, has been a rich man for some time, NGO bribe poor farahs icon_razz.gif In any case it is not the NGO or Shire making the new press release but the SL Press. Wax fahan!



JB, I knew there was something fishy about that news, he has more diplomacy than that. :D

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

^^^No you didnt, you got angry and then through your toys out saying because wa Kulmiye you indheer waxba ma garanyo

Wuxu is idhi shaqadaa ka dhamaan maalin dhow :D

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^North, Shaqada JB waxaa ka muhiimsan danta ummadda iyo dalka, :D


Ibti, Is he richer than Riyaale, Silaanyo? smile.gif


Duulkan wax ma deeqaan.

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