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The Nugaal Diaspora Send Their Support For SSC Fighters And Condolences To Victims

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Jaaliyada Nugaaleed | Baaq taageero geesiyada Cayn iyo tacsi ehelada dadkii la xasuuqay

Haddaan nahay Jaaliyadda reer Nugaaleed oo qurba joogta ah, waxaan aad iyo aad uga xun nahay xasuuqa iyo dhibka weyn oo ciidamada huwanta ah ee Itoobiya iyo SNM ay u gaysteen shacabka reer Sool iyo Cayn.


Waxaan cambaaraynaynaa gardarada qaawan iyo gumaadka loo gaystay shacabka walaalahaya ah, waxaan tacsi tiiraanyo leh u direenaa eheladii dadkii lagu xasuuqay magaalooyinka Buuhoodle, Widh-Widh, iyo Bali-harac. Waxaan kale oo taageero iyo hambalyo u diraynaa Geesiyiinta/Soomajeeste yaasha Darwiishta Buuhoodle iyo Widh-Widh ee sida sharafta leh u difaacay shacabka reer SSC.


Waxaanu ka digaynaa inay markale dhacdo gardarada foosha xun ee la gula kacayo shacabka gobolada SSC, waxaana u digaynaa huwanta, inay ka waantoobaan inuu markale dhaco gumaadkan oo kale waxaana ogaataan in colaadu nin waliba gurigiisa ugu tegayso.


Jaaliyadda qurba joogta reer Nugaaleed

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looool reer nugaal


they famous from running away in battles, the bullets always strikes them in the butt as they always running from fights loooool.

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Qudhac if their so much of cowards, then they would not be residing in nugaal today. Get real bro. All ssdf people are battle hardened. They didnt sit aideed down in galkayo and dahir aweys in bossaso because their running away from battles.


They are supreme kings of eastern somalia and always have been and are today. Infact our power base has stretched. We control sharif and make sure he sticks to out political system "federalism". We control Burco and Erigavo finances as they are depedent on our port and therefore use our currency.


We have galmudug set up to chase after the usc elements in gobollada dhexe so they can come under galmudug system and thus make my federalism become a REALITY on the ground. As of now my system is just recognized but only effective in puntland/tfg/galmudug. But we are expecting galmudug to expand its operations into galguduud. We are expecting new players from somaliland shortly such as silanyo and toghdheer if riyale refuses to hold an election however if silanyo does become president we will get awdal and erigavo to be new federal players.


You really under-estimate the easterners. But we are the movers and shakers when all is said and done and that really makes you angry doesnt it

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Oodweyne, I am not the one living fictious story but just telling how things will play out in the long run.


Puntland is doing quite well and the doom and gloom the haters have for puntland won't stop the state from thriving whilst playing an important role in in all of Somalia.


Just make sure riyale holds that election, thats all you need to concern yourself with, because if he doesnt it could have devastating effects on somaliland unity!!!

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one man and one vote? lol you can't hold registrations properly and even donkeys and goats as potential registrants lol. Where the transparency? Somaliland= A QOWDHAN DREAM THAT'S HEADING NOWHERE EXCEPT TO THE HARGEISA MERFISH"

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the days of merfishland are numbered what we see here is the begining of the end of merfishland presence in ssc egion.

the people of the region who are well known for their gallant will not longer tolerate the presence of filth msn militia in their cities.

the sooner merfishland understand this the better.

all the puntland citizen and the administration should support these cleaning efforts started by locals otherwise it will be a grave mistake that puntland to watch this as bystander, Faroole's lack of action or clear strategy regarding these region will harm the integrity and long term interest of puntland.

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I am actually against having democracy, i prefer the traditional democracy system, it however needs to be fine tuned better not replaced all together with foreign system that doesnt work in africa nor the middle east.


I believe in using local systems to address local people, not using foreign systems for local people because that is just repeating the same mistake of the colonial past and that is something that I want to spare my people.


Whats the point of having multi party democracies when parties become qabil based anyways. I personally think puntland shouldn't introduce multi-party I am not big fan of it at all. I prefer sultanates approach similar to dubai :D

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Oodweyne, Duke is right their is alot of talk in puntland regarding transitioning to multi parties, but I just said that am not fan of it doesn't mean puntlandwont implement it because of me.


I've looked at it and assessed africa and the middle east which both influence somalia and have found that both those people dont have successful democracies with the exception of "south africa" and that most likely can be attributed to white settlers who nurtured the system up untill 1990's.


Multi parties does have it's good points and will give everyone a fair chance of running the state but after weighing up the pro's and con's for puntland it seems not to be ideal.


You said about multi parties will gain the world support. No thats not true, the west highly respect a nation to have a secular democracy that doesn't mean 1 man 1 vote which is just a 1 form of democracy in. Puntland already has Parliamentary democracy and it's the parliament who elects the leader its not dictatorship because the clan elders are representatives of each of the various clans that reside in the state and they partake in the decision making process by voting for who they think is the best man for the state.


Anyways parliamentary democracy and 1 man 1 vote democracy are still democracies just different form and the west doesn't say you must have 1 form of democracy in order to gain their support.


But as always it's important to put your people first before others, whatever works for the people should be the system used. This system of parliamentary democracy has worked for us for 12 years therefore it must be doing something right.


The parliament has its flaw in puntland, it gives alot of seats to 1 clan even though they do deserve it because if you look at the tfg powersharing formula specifically within the ssdf/darwish/makhiris they are allocated 27 seats in hamar and it is divided up as follows


12 seats=ssdf

8 seats=darwish

5 seats=makhir

2 seats=waciye ppl



Do the percentage of what the ssdf gets? 12 divide 27=44%. Darwish gets 8 divide 27 =29%. Makhiris gets 5 divide 27=18%. Waciye Gets 2 divide 27=7%


So thats the powersharing within the recognized tfg signed of by the international community and the somali people.


If you look at puntland you can do the calculations and see it's not much different at all.


Puntland parliament has 66 seats in total. 31 seats to ssdf. 17 seats to ssc. 9 seats to makhiri. plus the rest to others.


Now I won't state the other seats because the other tribes are not complaining, but if you look at the ssdf seats and try to work out the percentage similar to the way I worked out the tfg percentage you will see its pretty much consistent.


31 seats from 66= 46%. that is the ssdf portion in puntland. darwish portion is 17 seats from 66=25%. the makhiris is 9 seats from 66=13%


So roughly what we are looking at is

SSDF has 46% in puntland and 44% of the seats within 4.5 formula for puntland section


Darawish have 29% at the tfg level under 4.5 formula whilst having 25% in puntland 66 man system. The makhiris enjoy 19% at the tfg level and 13% at puntland level.


Its not 100% the same figures but as you can see theirs not much inconsistency between the how much the puntlanders divide their seats at federal level and how they divide it up at the state level.


I must say however my recommendations would be rather then multi-parties is to fix the 66 man seat system of garowe and debate whether to share seats based on tribe rather then degaans. Because as of now puntland shares it seats based on degans and since they have 4 gobols just to themselves obviously they are going to have more representation in puntland. Where as the makhiris have 2 states and the darwish have 2 states.


So I prefer that we stick with our own local system and were not being pressured to democraticise by anyone, puntland needs justice not foreign based system.


I would love to see the puntland local system recieves updates/corrections/negiotations etc with clan elders and see if their satisfied with the system and if not debating what can be done to make all stakeholders pleased or coming with alternatives that can satisfy everyone but first and foremost all proposals need take "justice" as its first priority. We can move to multi party also but that just means parties became clan based also and doesn't solve the issues that people are complaining about now.


The main issue ppl have with puntland is they want to see president who is not from the ssdf bloc, why not have system that says if an ssdf person is president then at the next election no ssdf persons can run and the competition only goes between other clans who are not of the current president clan.


Same deal if makhiri rules, then at election time let the race be between with non-makhiris I think that would be alot better and more realistic and solve alot of the clan tensions we see because everyone wants to be president and so forth.

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