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Ex Rulers of Kismayo.

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Correction, Sheikh Yacquub is the spokesman. The most recent mayor was a Somalilander.



Anyways, Al-Shabaab names new admin today




Xarakatu Shababul Mujaahidiin ayaa uga dhawaaqey Gobolka Jubooyinka, Maamul Islaami ah oo hoos tagaya, waxaana magacaabista Maamulkan iclaamiyay Afhayeenka Xarakada, Sh Cali Maxamuud Raage.


Afhayeenka oo Shir jaraa’is Saxaafada u qabtey ayaa sheegay inay Gobolada Jubooyinka u magacaabeen Maamul Islaami ah oo hoos taga Xarakatu Shababul Mujaahidiin.


Ujeedka Maamulkan loo magacaabey ayuu ku sheegay Sh Cali Maxamuud inuu yahey sidii loo dhameyn lahaa khilaafka, tafaraaruqa iyo kala shaqeyntii ka dhex jirey.


Intaa ka dib waxa uu akhriyay Magacyada Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Gobolada Jubooyinka kuwaas oo kala ah sidatan:-



1- Waaliga Walaalayada Islaamiga ee Jubooyinka :-Sheekh Abuu Bakar Al Saylici



2- Kuxigeenka W/Walaayada Islaamiga ee jubooyinka:-Sheekh Xuseen Cabdi Geedi



3- Taliyaha Xisbada Guud ee Walaayada Jubooyinka:-Sheekh Aadan Salaad C/raxmaan.



4- Taliye Ku Xigeenka Xisbada Walalayada jubooyinka:-Sheekh Ciise Sheekh Max’uud.



5- Masuulka Dacwada Walaayada gobolada Jubooyinka:-Sheekh C/raxmaan M.Nuur



6- Ku xigeenka Masuulka Dacwada Jubooyinka:- Sheekh c/naasir Yuusuf Cabdule



7- Masuulka Maaliyadda Walaayada Islaamiga ee jubooyinka:-Cabdi Wali aadan Max’ed



8- Ku xigeenka Maaliyadda ee Maamulka Jubooyinka:-Yuusuf Saciid Tooxin



9- Masuulka Warfaafinta ee Walaalayada Jubooyinka:-Sheekh Xasan Yacquub Cali



10-Ku xigeenka Madaxa Warfaafinta ee Jubooyinka:-C/Fitaax Ibraahim Cali



11-Masuulka Hormarinta Walaayada Jubooyinka:- Sheekh Farxaan Daahir Warsame



12-Ku xigeenka Masuulka Hormarinta Jubooyinka:-Sheekh C/raxiin Cali Muudeey



13-Masuulka diiwaanka Sakada ee gobolada Jubooyinka:-Sheekh Fu’aad Sheekh Axmed.



Sidoo kale Sh Cali waxa uu sheegay in Magaalada Kismaayo si gaar ah iyana maamul Islaami ah oo kan Jubooyinka ka tirsan loo magacaabey. Waxa uuna bogaadiyay Maamulkii hore oo uu sheegay inuu wax badan soo qabtey. Waxa ayna kala yihiin Xubnaha Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Kismaayo:-



1- Gudoomiyaha degmada Kismaayo:-Ugaas Max’ed Ugaas Cabdule



2- Taliyaha Ciidanka Xisbada ee Kismaayo:-Sheekh C/raxmaan Cali Axmed



3- Taliye ku xigeenka Xisbada Kismaayo:-C/raxmaan Wacdi Barre (Carab)



4- Masuulka Dacwada ee Maamulka Kismaayo:-Sheekh Ibraahim C/raxmaan



5- Masuulka Garsoorka degmada Kismaayo;-Sheekh C/raxmaan Xuseen Jarato



Ugu danbeyntii Sh Cali Maxamuud Raage, waxa uu sheegay in Sheekh C/qani Max’ed Yuusuf Kaba-Jecel oo horay u ahaa ku xigeenka waaliga Magaalada Kismaayo laga dhigey ku xigeenka Waaliga Gobolka Sh/Hoose.

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Quote of the day :


Ama Shariif Raaca, Ama Shabaab Raaca, Ama Shacab noqda :D:D


Waxa meesha ka socda waa qabiil. Al-Shabaab iyo Xizbul Islaam waa magac u yaal!

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Today's alshabaab announcement of an ad hoc admin shows two things:


1. They are politically immature--- a characterization that runs contrary to their previous reputation.


2. They are ready to jihad on Xizbul Islam --- this will be a desperate move and will expose their shaky Keligii Muslim theological basis even more clearer

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Dhubad, from what I heard this conflict have not taken a tribal dimension yet. And out of the list of the names alshabaab published as the new governorrs of Jubbooyinka, I can only recognize three person, the second highest one being a man close to Ahmed Islan (Madoobe).


So where is the clan in this?

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Xiin, they both accusing each other of recruiting their fighters a long the clan lines.


On the link you have provided the Hizbul Islaam spokes man is accusing Al-Shabaab arming clan militia. Its a fact sxb!

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I dont blve this is a tribal war Dhubad. And as Juje noted in the other thread, this war may not be limited to Kismayo. It may errupt in other places where these two share today.

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Originally posted by Dhubad.:

Quote of the day :


Ama Shariif Raaca, Ama Shabaab Raaca, Ama Shacab noqda

Godane, Mansuur, Shangoole, Yacquub and others don't have a clan agenda in the grand scheme of things. Axmed Madoobe does. Raaskamboni/Caanoole in its raw package is a loose collection of clan-oriented trailblazers, and is more susceptible to the whims of the clan grievances. The end goal for Al-Shabaab is not to get the better off clan this or that. Theirs is rather more principled, more focused agenda based on common conviction, me thinks.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Today's alshabaab announcement of an ad hoc admin shows two things:


1. They are politically immature--- a characterization that runs contrary to their previous reputation.


2. They are ready to jihad on Xizbul Islam --- this will be a desperate move and will expose their shaky Keligii Muslim theological basis even more clearer

Talaabadan cusub ee shabaabku ku dhaqaaqeen waa mid aan sinaba waxba u soo kordhinayn isla marka u badan in ay tahay odhaahdii ahayd socon weyne aan cararno, what ever that means?

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

Godane, Mansuur, Shangoole, Yacquub and others don't have a clan agenda in the grand scheme of things. Axmed Madoobe does. Raaskamboni/Caanoole in its raw package is a loose collection of clan-oriented trailblazers, and is more susceptible to the whims of the clan grievances. The end goal for Al-Shabaab is not to get the better off clan this or that. Theirs is rather more principled, more focused agenda based on common conviction, me thinks.



Ras kamboni is just trying to regain its rightful position in kismayo they are not fighting for clan. Rather, its Shabab who have been distributing weapons to the local favourable clans.


As for Madoobe, bal noo sheeg, markii ay gaaladu bada, cirka iyo dhulkaba ka soo weerartay ee tobaneeyo xabo dhabarkiisa ku dhacaysay clan agenda miyuu lahaa?


Mujahdeenta kolkeey soo jabeen ee uu dhulkiisa keenay to save guard them even if it meant beshiisa oo la carpet bomb gareeyey ma clan agenda ayuu lahaa?


When shabaab were infants crowling around and he took them in and trained them with his own weapons and wealth ma clan agenda buu lahaa?


Saaxiib nin weyn oo hadal ka dhacay waa geed qolof ka dhacday. Markaa waxaa ila quman inaadan ku degdegin, sheekhan ku danbaabin.

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

quote:Originally posted by Dhubad.:

Quote of the day :


Ama Shariif Raaca, Ama Shabaab Raaca, Ama Shacab noqda

Godane, Mansuur, Shangoole, Yacquub and others don't have a clan agenda in the grand scheme of things. Axmed Madoobe does. Raaskamboni/Caanoole in its raw package is a loose collection of clan-oriented trailblazers, and is more susceptible to the whims of the clan grievances. The end goal for Al-Shabaab is not to get the better off clan this or that. Theirs is rather more principled, more focused agenda based on common conviction, me thinks.
two thumbs up. Well said sir.

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The Zack   

If one is talking about Godane and his likes, one should also mention Aweys and Turki and not madoobe. Are Aweys and Turki fighting for clanish reasons? Illeen ayagaa XI chiarmen ahe.

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Waaliga Walaalayada
Islaamiga ee Jubooyinka :-Sheekh Abuu Bakar Al Saylici

Dadkaan waa soo dhigteen. Dhaqankeena dagaal joogto ah ee ku haayaan. "Waaliga Walaalayada" mee sheegteen. Maxaa ka qaldan 'guddoomiye' iyo 'gobol/gobollada.'

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