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OK ,,,,,,, Before you jump to my face, first read what i mean. :D



I said i like they i didn't say i love them.



I like them coz they have one goal, since Melinik impire, they have their own target and no matter what government take over, they all have that goal of nationalism and fulfilling their long time set goals.


It was Melinik, then others until Haile Salase, then Mingistu came to power, then now Melez. They all have one goal, one objective and one target. They have the same dreams and they all running to make that dream to come true.


I like them coz they know what they want,

I like them coz they suffer and pay high costs for what they want,

I like them coz they think da same way ,

I like them coz they know how to use our people against our people,

I like them coz they managed to kill somalis by somalis when they failed to kill somalis by themselves,

I like them coz they have one flag that never changes,

I like them coz they don't have warlords, but they create warlords in other nations,

I like them coz they have a big country with 60% of muslims and they still dominate the power,


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a big country with 60% of muslims and they still dominate the power,


the 60% are also ethiopians..


Anyway, like them or not, they rule Somalia now.

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Ragannimada iyo dadku waa kala laba ,,,,,,,,,, waxay leeyihiin ragannimo ay waxa ay rabaan ku gaadhi karaan oo xataa hadii ay u suurageli waydo ay isku dayaan intii karaankooda ah.

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"It was Melinik, then others until Haile Salase, then Mingistu came to power"


All this leaders are from the minority ethnic groups of Amhara and Tigree. They would not have been in power that long without the help of outside Christian powers such as Portugal, the Soviet and finally the US. You are right they have same policy and dreams which is to dominate the Muslims in Ethiopia and the region with the support of outside forces ofcourse.


"I like them coz they know how to use our people against our people,"


Idea they learned from colonial powers and became very successfull to weaken Somalia.


"I like them coz they have one flag that never changes,"


Old flag under Mingistu[Amhara Ethiopia]




The new flag under Meles[Tigree Ethiopia]




I like them coz they have a big country with 60% of muslims and they still dominate the power,


"Even outside help their domination will soon end IA"


One important note, Eritrea is a prove Ethiopia could be balkanized one day even with strong US support IA.



"At this stage Ethiopia veritably lost its military power. The Eritrean PLF was the group that really beat Mengistu’s army. The other liberation fronts such as the Oromo were manifestly not as critical or threatening. In the end, the U.S. tried to negotiate the final term of the war. The U.S. that had historically opposed Eritrea’s independence agreed to recognize it as independent.


International law that warns that you cannot change the boundaries was faced with a “fait accompli.” That is to say, the idea that borders could not be modified in Africa was reversed with Eritrea liberating its country. Shortly after the end of the Cold War, In 1991, the EPRDF (Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front) ruled Ethiopian government.


The U.S. saw this coalition as a great hope to keep peace, live up to its commitments and initiate a process of democracy and stability within the country. Interestingly enough, like in the sixties, Ethiopia quickly became one of the closest allies for the U.S. in the Horn of Africa region. "

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

I like them coz they managed to kill somalis by somalis when they failed to kill somalis by themselves

That's a deeply troubling statement. You admire those who have indirectly caused the killing of thousands innocent Somalis? If you didn't know, it's unethical to show admiration for killers, whether they directly or indirectly killed others. :confused:

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

At least they are better than you ,,,, they doing da real things while u like to sit in front of your PC and chatting on the forums.

You do da real things? I mean, what's the point of telling me I don't do da real things if you don't do it? I wouldn't want to do da real things, like directly or indirectly killing innocent Somalis. No sir.

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See ????? ,,,,,,, they are in da reall business now while we are arguing on the net and fighting on the ground ,,,,,,


now say with me: THEY ARE BETTER THAN US

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Naceyb Soomaalinimo halkaan ayee dadka gaarsiisay.


Xabash qofna kaaba haayo, ee u tag, isku dhiib. Dhulkooda kaama dheero maadaama aad Hargeysa joogtid, starting right after Xarare on the highway to Addis Ababa, ugu tag meeshaas.

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Beri hore baynu isu dhiibnay ,,,,, uma baahnin inaynu Addis ugu tagno ,, they are already in the Capital, Mogadishu.


isn't that enough ????????

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Waxaan jeesto jeesto iyo ku xumeys ee kaa tahay, oo Soomaalidii kale in la heysto kula tahay, adigana lagu heystan.


Maanta rumeyso ama ha rumeyso, Xabash Soomaalida dalkooda ayee ugu amartaagleyaan, meeshee ciidamadooda ka joogaan mise meeshee ka joogin, qof juuq u dhihi karo maleh.


Maxaa ugu wacan?


Xabash awood ma gaarsiin heerkaas, ee Soomaali iyagaa isdhigay [ari meeshuu isdhigaa lagu qalaa], oo midnimadii iyo qaranimadii ka doorbiday masuuqmaasuqnimo iyo qabyaalad.


Haddee Soomaalida isku duubnaan lahayeen, sida ee ahayeen '60s iyo '70s, Xabash awood ee nagu soo haweysato iska dhaafee, xataa dhankeena masoo fiirin lahayn.


Teeda kalena Soomaali dhulkeeda shisheeye kusoo duulo tan ma ugu horeynin, oo in la isku dhiibo ma'aha, damiirkana ma galaayo, inkastoo jeesto kaa tahay.


Cismaaniyiintii baa yimid, Burtuqiis baa yimid, Masaaridii ayaa timid, Cummaaniintii ayaa yimid, Ingiriis, Faransiis iyo Talyaani ayaa halmar isla yimid, kuligoodna laga raacdeeye dhulkeene hooyo. Wax isku dhiibayna ma jirin. Maanta Xabash ciyaalkiisa xataa waxee cunaan heysan iskuma dhiibeyno, habeenkii xaley tagay.


Sheeko aan hadda kahor maqli jiray ayaaba soo xasuustay. Nin ayaa laga hayaa asagoo yiri:


Reer Qansax ayaa shisheeye soo weeraray, oo laaye.

Juuq ma dhihin, oo maxaa iga galay.

Reer Qurac baala soo weeraray, oo la tirtiray.

Jiiq ma dhihin maxaa iga galay, tolkeyga ma'aha.

Reer Boocbooc ayaa lasoo weeraray, la wada dhameeye.

Afka ma kala qaadin, iskaba dhaaf hiilis.

Markii dambe reerkeyga Reer Tiintiin ayaa lasoo weeraray, qof ii soo gurmato ayaan waaye maadaama walaalaheey la wada laaye.


Marka sheekadaas ayee ku jirtaa Soomaalida, marxalada maanta jirto tol/jilib/laf/bah/reer/qoys waaka weyntahay. Halhal hala isku fiirsado, intii halhal loo dhameenaayo walaalaha Soomaaliyeed.


Laakiin ma dhaceyso, as long as damiir Soomaali leh, qaranimo iyo daljecelnimo ku jirto noolyihiin.

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^And if I may add, so long as dad Ilaahooda garanaya oo Imaan leh, oo Haqqa ku dhaqmaya badhilkana ka fogaanaya inagu jiraan. Nevertheless, from the looks of things, damiir iyo dadnimo toona Somaalida badhkood laguma tuhmi karo maanta.


PS: Rag kusheeg isku dhexyaacey boardkan kuma yara walee. It's very disturbing to say the least!

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MMA, Adiga uun baa i fahmay aan filayaa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Soomaalidu iyadaa halkaa isu dhigtay cadawgeeda iyadaana is jebisay ,,runtiina maaanta maalin ay ka liidataa ma jirto. dhulkeenii baynu burburinay, dadkeenii baynu gacmaheena ku laynay, sharaftii oo dhan baynu iska qaadnay, markaasaynu intaas sii dhaafnay oo aynu xabashi waddankena ku soo hogaaminay weliba.



Yes, Turki, masaari, ingiriis, france iyo talyaaniba way ina qabsadeen laakiin fili maayo inaynu midna xoog kaga saarnay waddankeena ee ama iyagaa kala qabsaday oo kala xoog batay ama iyagaa goáan ku gaadhay inay iskaga baxaan sidii xornimadii 60kii oo kele.


Taariikhda waxa lagu hayaa keliya inaynu xabashi weligeenba ka adkayn inagu. waana ta aynu ku faani karno inaynu weligeenba eryan jirnay. Laakiin maanta inagaa isu jebinay oo halkaa isu dhignay.


Anigu wax rajo ah kama qabo inaynu sidan dhaami doonno laakiin ILAAHAY waxba kuma aha inuu helkeenii inagu celiyo oo uu sharafteenii inoo soo celiyo aynu inagu iska tuurnay.

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Xaniifa, nice to see you again, walaashiis.


Haka walwalin qashinka ee qoraan Soomaali ku sheega inta ku jiro, maba aaminsani inay saas u badanyihiin.


Internetka ay iskaga noolyihiin because you can never see them in real life or don't dare to say that in real life waxee inta ku yada-yada-yada ku leeyihiin, for I hadn't seen qof dowlad ku sheegaan Xabashada wadato taageero, meel walbaa tagee, qabiil walba haka soo jeedaanee.


Qashinkee qoraan dhag jalaq ha u siin, sister. smile.gif

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Wuxuu yidhi geedkii, gudin yahay imaad goyseene badhkay baa kugu jira ,,,,,,,,,,,


xabashi sow soomaali uuni ma waddo ???



maxaa loo waayay xabashi soomaali kaxaysa oo dhulkooday geysa waa suáale ??

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