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Channel 4 report on Somali clan courts..

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Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane:

Brother Khalaf,war is inevitable and who ever wins,will bring back peace but that being that,the kufar governments aid every
existing islamic nations
,including saudi itself so if they aid us,why would we have a problem with their aid?The pple are tired Khalaf and its time all this craziness stopped.One Government inshaAllah,and we'll get that after this Great War,the one we await.Things look Good Khalaf.

My brother with due respect u dont know what is islamic government and what is not. KSA is not islamic government hence why it is supported by the west, because an islamic government is not in the interest of the west it doesnt serve its masters, it serves its ppl and looks after their intrests and the spread of Islam. Algeria elected an islamic party democractically, but quickly overthrown becuase the party was truely islamic. There is vast difference between those who wear islamic garb (KSA) and give lip service to Islam, and those who actually follow and implemnet Islam. The latter is not liked by the "world" the West and will be discredited and fought...that is why more links to so called terrorism more positive my view more they say moderate democratic muslims more negative my view., in due time islam will prevail, walaa its no secret why every muslim country is having an islamic revival someway or another.


Narrated AbuTha'labah al-Khushani:


The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Allah will not fail to detain this community for less than half a day.



Narrated Sa'd ibn AbuWaqqas:


The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: I hope my community will not fail to maintain their position in the sight of their Lord if He delays them half a day. Sa'd was asked: How long is half a day? He said: It is five hundred years.



^^^Not maintaining our position means fighting amongst eachother as other hadiths say. When u dont rule by the Quran, fitnah results amongst the muslims-fighting, hatered, envy, ect, but Allah Will take care of His Ummah and unite our hearts no doubt....its been almost 500 years since the fall of Spain hence the fervor to return to Islam amongst the Muslims across the world.


peace out.

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