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Meles in Moqdisho

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Kulankii ugu horeeyey oo ku dhex maray xarunta Villa Somalia Meles Zenawi iyo waxgaradka, siyaasiyiinta iyo odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha ******


Ra’iisal wasaaraha dalka Itoobiya Meles Zenawi oo maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqidsho ayaa kulankiisii ugu horeeyey oo fool ka fool ah la qaatay waxgaradka, siyaasiyiinta iyo odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha ******.


Meles Zenawi oo la hadlay xubnihii kulankaasi ka soo qeyb galay ayaa u sheegay in ciidamadiisa Itoobiyaanka uu kala bixi doono dalka Soomaaliya haddii la helo xasilooni iyo nabad ka dhalata Somalia.


Sidoo kale, Meles ayaa sheegay inuu magaalada Muqdisho u yimid, sidii uu wax uga ogaan lahaa amni darada ka jirta caasimadda, iyo sida lagu xalin karo amni daradaasi, wuxuuna waxgaradka iyo odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha ****** ka codsaday in si wada jir ah loo soo celiyo amnigii iyo kala dambeyntii, lana taageero dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya.


Sidoo kale, kulanka ayaa waxaa ka hadlay ugu horeyntii Ugaas Cabdi Daahir Ugaas Nuur oo isagu ka mid ah odayaasha beelaha ****** isagoo sheegay in ay iska cadahay amni xumada ka jirta caasimadda Somalia, ayna sabab u tahay dagaaladii ka dhacay magaalada, isagoo sidoo kalena sheegay in beelaha ****** ay diyaar u yihiin in xal laga gaaro arrimaha murugsan ee Somalia, balse loo baahan yahay in dowladda Itoobiya ay dhex dhexaad ka noqoto siyaasadaha Soomaalida dhexdeeda ah.


Sidoo kale, waxaa isna hadlay xildhibaan Max’ed Qanyare Afrax oo ku dheeraaday amni darada ka jirta caasimadda iyo sida wax looga qaban karo, wuxuuna sheegay Qanyare in wax lagu qaban karo in la isla wada shaqeeyo, dadka degaanka Xamarna arrimahooda ay iyaga ka arrinsadaan.


Ra’iisal wasaaraha Itoobiya ayaa u riyaaqay hadalada ay soo jeediyeen xubnaha siyaasiyiinta iyo odayaasha ah ee ku hadlay magaca beelaha ******, wuxuuna u sheegay in isagu uusan wax ka qaban Karin amni xumida ka jirta caasimadda Somalia, balse loo baahan yahay in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay dhexda u xirtaan sidii loo xasilin lahaa, sida uu hadalka u dhigay Zenawi.


Xubnihii kulankan ka qeyb galay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Axmed Diiriye Cali, Ugaas Cabdi Daahir Ugaas Nuur, xildhibaan Max’ed Qanyare Afrax, guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir Max’ed Cumar Xabeeb M/dheere, taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid, agaasimaha idaacadda Hornafrik Axmed Salaan, Xasan Dhimbil Warsame, wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Max’ed Maxamuud Guuleed Gacmadheere iyo xubno kale oo aad u tiro badan.


Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee aanu ka helnay illo ku dhow dhow xarunta madaxtooyada Villa Somalia ayaa sheegaya in daqiiqado ka hor uu ka dhoofay garoonka magaalada Muqdisho ra’iisal wasaare Meles Zenawi, inkastoo galabta saxaafada lagu war geliyay in maalinta berri ah uu saxaafada war siin doono ra’iisal wasaare Meles.

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Meles Zenawi oo isla galabta dib uga laabtay magaalada Muqdisho


Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen saraakiil ku sugan xarunta madaxtoyada ee Villa Somalia, waxaa galabta dib uga laabtay magaalada Muqdisho ra’iisal wasaaraha Itoobiya Meles Zenawi oo isagu manta duhurkii soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho.


Ra’isal wasaaraha iyo wefdigiisa ayaa caawa maqribkii ka dhoofay garoonka magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo ay sii sagootiyeen madaxda ugu sareysa dowladda.


Ra’iisal wasaaraha ayaa ayaa laga filayay inuu caawa ku hoydo Muqdisho isla markaana maalinta berri ah uu warbixin ku aadan safarkiisa siiyo warbaahinta gudaha iyo dibedda, gaar ahaana kuwa Muqdisho.

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Xiin, quoting :D


Its progress that Mogadishu is safe enough for a leader of another country to visit.

The Italian deputy minister came, who will follow.


The Ugandan President?

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Xiin, quoting


Its progress that Mogadishu is safe enough for a leader of another country to visit.

The Italian deputy minister came, who will follow.


The Ugandan President?

Safe for Meles but not so safe for the Prime Minister eh?

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^^The PM of Somalia and otehr leades have never left and are not leaving.


Suicide bombers are the despearate act of the defeat foreign elements in Somalia. Those who used to launder money, live in safety while the Somali people suffered.


They shoudl be exterminated.

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^^Dayniile reported that Zenawi met with his subjects and gave reassurances. It also reported that the man left and didn’t stay as some expected. I don’t see any objections to that yaa Duke? As for Xamar being safe, well lets pray it becomes safe.

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^^^Adeer get of the inferiority complex, we are not subjects to Zanawi, the man is an ally and was once a refugee in Somalia itself.

Insha Allah Xamar will be safe no thanks to the cult that things bombing civilains and suicide bombs are the way to heaven.


Somalia has turned a corner and is heading to stability like any otehr nation.


PS: Somali leaders and otehrs visit Addis and Asmara why shoudl those leaders not visit Mogadishu, oh I forgot its the fourth holliest place in Islam :D

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^^At least you would agree that his army is providing whatever security there is for both the tfg personnel and the general masses of the city! I am gonna let the semantics be your forte but confirm that point for me :D !

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^The PM of Somalia and otehr leades have never left and are not leaving.


Suicide bombers are the despearate act of the defeat foreign elements in Somalia. Those who used to launder money, live in safety while the Somali people suffered.


They shoudl be exterminated.

Xiin,forget the semantics,Duke here has a had time differentiating between the PM not being safe & him not leaving.


Duke,You dont have to be in a place to feel safe & Yes Meles came to check on his little bi

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^^^Adeer, the PM is facing what anyone in his position would, however he is in the capital and is doing his work. leaders from stronger nations have been executed in their own countries, Kennedy, Lincoln and even Reagen was shot in the US. Musharaf of Pakistan was targeted twice, Sadat was murdered and Hosni Mubarak escaped with his life. Even in Somalia in 1969 the President was murdered in home soil.


What I find ammusing is that you actually try to make Somalia or Mogadishu seem a unique place of violence.




Its a given the Ethiopians are helping with security, though the TFG has a far larger number in terms of Police, NSS, and so on. The Ugandans are also playing a key role in security.


What the Ethiopians bring is the wepaonry and know how that we have lost over the past 16 years.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

[QB] leaders from stronger nations have been executed in their own countries, Kennedy, Lincoln and even Reagen was shot in the US. Musharaf of Pakistan was targeted twice, Sadat was murdered and Hosni Mubarak escaped with his life. Even in Somalia in 1969 the President was murdered in home soil.

And you have the audacity to compare these men with Geedi...waale adiga iyo xishood kale dheer.


Its a given the Ethiopians are helping with security, though the TFG has a far larger number in terms of Police, NSS, and so on.

Xa ku booto ah..wir, car ha baxan Tigre..I promise you your frontier-post will be Godey and Haraar. Helping kuma lahiino - they are your entire security, and you are their pawns - ha ka been sheegin ruunta saxiib.

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Anwar...I know this guy, who has lived in the US and originally from less than 35 miles East of Bargaal, who went to Mogadishu on a mission of greed, and lost his two eyes and got badly wounded in that big explosion that happened on the same day the UN guy was there...


Be wise stay where you are...if you ever want to improve someone else's life or yourself, do it in an honesty way...

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I have no time to debate with you on such issue, my former posts should be enough for you.


As for Geedi you are right we should not comoare him to those men, since their assailents were successful and he is still standing.


However he is a leader of a country just like those one were.

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