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Dowladda Mareykanka oo Golaha ammaanka u gudbiyay Qaraar qabyo ah oo ka hadlaya in soomaaliya laga qaado xayiraadda hubka si ay Ciidamo Nabad ilaalin ah oo ka socda Midowga Afrika u imaadan ayaa ka reebay qorshiisa in dalalka Kenya Itoobiya iyo Jabuuti ay ka mid noqdaan ciidamada imaanaya soomaaliya.

Sii aqriso




Qaraarka uu Mareykanka wato ee uu doonayo in ciidamo loogu diro Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa ku jira in ciidamo Afrikaan ah oo tiradoodu gaareyso ilaa 8,000 oo askari loo diro dalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo aaney ku jirin dalalka Soomaaliya la deriska ah sida Itoobiya, Kenya iyo Jabuuti.

Sii wado



Now waxaan ayaa macquul ah. Wax laga hadli karo waaye now. Amxaaro/Tigrey iyo Kenyaati ciidamo dalkeena keeno wax suuroobi kartay ma'aha, oo damiir saafi iyo daljacel Soomaaliyeed yeeli karay.


I am not fond anything ciidamo shisheeye dalka loo diro, especially not poorly armed and paid ciidamo ka socdo dalalka Afrikaanka ah, whose own countries are beset by their own civil wars, such as Ugaanda iyo Suudaan. If, however, this helps to keep Amxaaro/Tigreey out officially at least, so be it -- as long as Amxaaro/Tigreey iyo Kenyaatiga do not have an official seal of approval from the undemocratic Golaha Ammaanka.


Golaha Ammaanka won't also ka qaadaayo cunaqabateynta iyo xayiraada hubka saaran dalka, even the new resolution submitted by Mareykanka, kaliya uu jilciyo to allow those foreign troops in.


Will the subordinate stooges, Geedi and C/llaahi Yuusuf, of Sanaawi agree with this since obviously their masterlord won't be satisfied?


It will be seen.

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