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Ahlu Sunna expanding -Aadan Garaaso Joins in

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Sarkaal ka tirsanaa maamulkii DF ee G/Hiiraan oo sheegay inuu ku biiray dariiqada Suufiyada, dhowaana uu xoog ku qabsan doono B/weyne


Duqii hore ee magaalada Beledweyne kana mid ahaa maamulkii gobolka Hiraan oo ay xooggga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga kala wareegeen gobolkaasi Aadan Cabdi Ciise (Aadan Garaase) oo saxaafadda la hadlay isagoo ku sugan qaybo ka mid ah gobolka Hiiraan inuu hadda wixii ka dambeeyay uu ku biiray kana mid yahay dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca, isla markaana ay qorshaynayo inay gacanta ku dhigaan gobolka Hiiraan.


“Muddo dheer ayaa shaati diimeed lagu gambanayay oo dadka culimada, nabadoonada, waxgaradka iyo saraakiisha ciidamada lagu laynayay, sidaas darteed waxaan ku biiray dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca maadaama ay tahay dariiqada dhabta ee ka turjumaysa diinta Islaamka” ayuu yiri Aadan Cabdi Ciise (Aadan Garaase) oo intaasi ku daray in loo baahan yahay inay jilaan riyaadda iyaga loo jilay oo kale.


Duqii hore ee magaalada Beledweyne Aadan Garaase wuxuu sheegay in isagoo taageero ka helaya dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca iyo ciidamadii hore ee maamulka gobolka ay dhowaan la wareegi doonaan gobolka Hiiraan, kana saari doonaan kooxoo uu ku tilmaamay inay yihiin qas-walayaal aan wax dan ah u haynin shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Hadalka duqii hore ee magaalada Beledweyne Aadan Garaase uu ku sheegay inuu ku biiray dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca ayaa ku soo aadaya xilli dhowaan horjooge ka tirsan maleeshiyo Soomaali ah oo ay weheliyaan ciidamada Itoobiya ee soo gaaray qaybo ka mid ah gobolka Gedo uu sheegay inay gacan ka helayaan dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca, mana jiraan ilaa hadda wax hadal oo ka baxay Majmaca culimada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca.

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Xinn's "peace caravan" is moving fast and getting momentum. Sheikh Shariif has broken the hymen of hate and division, and hey, caring mothers-in-law may start breaking skirts in leaping joy.

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change the title and call it, " ahlul xabash wal warlord expanding". It is more fitting.



who is garso? another warlord, eh?

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Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Falastini:


who is garso? another warlord, eh?

Haye Haye! A&T bal car ka jawaab. :D

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He is another warlord in the warlord TFG government. I heard his name only once before, when he was fighting for the governorship of Hiraan with another one called Dabageed. I remember the name because of "GARASO" of cars. I think he was Kirishboy in his past life.

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I am not surprised at all. Just an upgrade from the previous boring Warlord version to a new exciting one, this time with more raw recruits (new blood) to be involved.

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LOOL. Thats a nice one Ahlu Clan Wal Jamaca, is a new hit... Barre as usual will just kill more kids and stop the development of gedo which has started to take pace.

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