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SSC: 34 polling stations closed

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Somaliland: 4 killed in election-day skirmish


(AP) – 1 day ago


HARGEISA, Somalia — Officials in Somaliland say a voting-day skirmish killed four people in a contested area of the self-declared republic.


The election board says a militia from neighboring Puntland region tried to raid a polling station in an area claimed by Somaliland and Puntland. Officials said late Saturday the disturbance forced them to close 34 stations early in that area.


The International Republican Institute, a U.S. observer group, said Sunday their observers found few voting irregularities in the region.


Three men ran for president of the region, a haven of relative peace in northwest Somalia that declared its independence in 1991. Somaliland has its own security and police forces, justice system and currency, but is not recognized by any other state.

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^^^ Dont matter that 34 station got closed the fact is Los voted, Western Sang and some parts of Eastern Sang and sum parts of Sool Voted.


Plus the world commnity saw the election free and fair something unheard of in East Africa.



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