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General Duke

Mogadishu: Terror bomb kills 20 civilians mostly cleaning women

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Muqdisho: Qarax lala beegsaday haween waday howlo nadaafadeed oo sababay Dhimashada 15, dhaawac fara badan iyo Dagaal culus oo ka dhacay Muqdisho

3. August 2008


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)-Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in qarax miino lala oo ka dhacay wadada Maka Al-Mukarama ay ku naf waayeen dad gaaraya Shan iyo Toban qof oo haween ahaa kuwaasi oo ku howlanaa ololaha nadaafadda Gobolka Banaadir halka tiro intaa ka badan ay ku dhaawacmeen.


Qaraxan ayaa ahaa miino dhulka lagu aasay iyadoo halka uu qaraxa ka dhacayna ay ku sugnaayeen haweenkan oo wadada qashinka ka qaadayey, waxaana sidoo kale halkaasi ka ag dhawaa ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo halkaasi fariisin ku leh, iyadoo arintani ay dad badani ka xumaadeen.


Horay ayaa sidaan oo kale haween ku howlanaa howlo nadaafadeed lala beegsaday qarax miino xili ay qashinka ka qaadayeen wadada Wadnaha waxaana ku naf waayey in ka badan Sagaal haween ah,mana jirto ilaa iyo weli cid sheegatay qaraxaasi in ay ka danbeeyaan.


Dhinaca kale waxaa saakay dagaal xoogan uu ka dhacay qeybo ka tirsan degmada Yaaqshiid ee magaalada Muqdisho, dagaalkaasi oo la isku adeegsaday hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan.


Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dowladda KMG iyo ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa weerarkaan saakay waaberigii ku soo qaaday fariisimo ay deganaayeen ciidamada, waxaana goobahaasi ka mid ah garoonka ciyaaraha Muqdisho, xaafadaha Towfiiq iyo Carafaat, iyadoo khasaaraha uu dhaliyay dagaalkan aan ilaa iyo hada la ogaan karin sababo la xariira ciidamada oo xeray xaafadaha uu dagaalka dhacay.


Afhayeenka howlgalada Ciidamada Maxkamadaha islaamka Soomaaliyeed Shiikh Cabdi Raxiin Ciise Caddow ayaa sheegay in dagaalkaasi uu ahaa mid ay ka danbeeyeen ciidamada Maxkamaddaha oo uu sheegay in ay weerareen fariisamada ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya, wuxuuna intaa raaciyay in ay ciidamada Maxkamaddaha ay qabsadeen isgoyska Towfiiq ee degmada Yaaqshiid, isagoo meesha ka saaray khasaare soo gaaray dhankooda.




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Originally posted by General Duke:

This has happened before. The cleaning ladies were working for the local admins.


Who is against cleaning? Al Shabaab

War miyadaan Illah ka cabsaneyniin maxaa beenta kugu wata - ma hubta in ay Al-Shabaab ahayeen?

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You don't how way off you are with your sentiments here.


If you truely believe Alshabaab would want to kill innocent women sweeping street corners and not fully armed invasionist, then you need to think twice.


Alshabaab' objective isn't to kill women, it's to kill the Ethiopians and their puppets. Simple.

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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

This has happened before. The cleaning ladies were working for the local admins.


Who is against cleaning? Al Shabaab

War miyadaan Illah ka cabsaneyniin maxaa beenta kugu wata - ma hubta in ay Al-Shabaab ahayeen?
ASk you self, what are the choices you have:


A- the Banadir administration employed these woman in order to do what they can about returning some form peace, stability, employment... only to blow them up?




B- bunch of silly dowladiid trying to cause instability however they can killed this women.


Come on people, they have did it before, killing women and children, beheading civil servents, raiding towns, assassinating foreign aid workers and Somali businessmen and intellectuals.

Hooray for the latest achievement of you "freedom fighters"

Get real people, you all know who and what these moryaans where supported them. whats pathetic is that every time they do something like this, you shabaab supporters try to blame on other entities only to defend what you know is morally indefensible. islam, islam, we are fighting for religion and country, what a joke.

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Alshabaab weeyaan waxa dariiqyada miina ku aasa inta badan. Ma hubno for sure but iyaga ayay u badantahay umana aysan wadin hablahaas masaakiintee waxay u wadeen kuwa kale oo TFG ka mid ah...

Cidii ka danbeysayba waa wax laga naxo ilaahay janada haka waraabiyo hooyoyinkaas la waxyeeleyay.

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Those who have history of killing civilians will be to blamed. That is puppet Mohamed dheere, the TFG militia and the Ethiopian invaders.

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ASk you self, what are the choices you have:


A- the Banadir administration employed these woman in order to do what they can about returning some form peace, stability, employment... only to blow them up?




B- bunch of silly dowladiid trying to cause instability however they can killed this women.


Come on people, they have did it before, killing women and children, beheading civil servents, raiding towns, assassinating foreign aid workers and Somali businessmen and intellectuals.

Hooray for the latest achievement of you "freedom fighters"

Get real people, you all know who and what these moryaans where supported them. whats pathetic is that every time they do something like this, you shabaab supporters try to blame on other entities only to defend what you know is morally indefensible. islam, islam, we are fighting for religion and country, what a joke.

Spot on brother.

The admin, employed them to blow them up..yeah right.


The cleaning ladies are an extension of the admin


Who kills small time sivil servants?


Al Shabaab, this their trade mark, lets not lie people.

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Since those who have been killing, raping, looting these same civilians for last 17 years are all in the TFG, I am very much convinced they are behind this as well. This is small timer compare to what they have done in the past and what they will do.God help the people.

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^^^lool. Adeer stop the bull. Will you, the TFG parliment is made up good folks.

You have Dhagawayne, Riyaale a Barre stooge, Warrabe a racist clanist and SNM commanders who butchered the people of Awadal.


As for this incident we know its the fake religious clan cowards who target the women who were working for Mogadishu admin or TFG.

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^past is the past no one is being butchered today. Thanks to Somaliland government. With a mayor refering to his own people of being terrorists, killing inncent women so that blame can befall on Alshabaab to a puppet President using his country' foe's military hardware to kill and maim his own country. It can't get any worse than that i think. And it's disgrace for you to stand by that and cheer.

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^^^LOOL. You mention a fake past and hide the real past when it comes to the secesionist fake leaders. Adeer keep the hot air, you can not even get your Mujahids out of a hotel jail.

Your first leader Tuur renounced the fake country and worked for warlord Aydeed movement.


Adeer even the Ethiopians know you aint important, look at your great leader Warrabe's commnets, and look what it got you nothing.


Fake ignorant dudes who are confused as hell.

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