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General Duke

Former big shots Goobale, Cirfo, Qare captured + Ahmed Diriye house searched AUDIO

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The security sweep in and around Bakarah market resulted in the capture of Goobanle former boss of JVA, former occupier of Afgoyee district Cirfo, and the inciter of the clan courts Qare. All these men were captured laying low in an apartment inside the market.


They were taken for questioning, warned and released to the Banadir police chief who led them out.


This is a clear message to the former big shots, no one is safe from the law and that their cover of hidfing behind militias is no more.


2. Ahmed Diriy, the spokesperson for the Looter Inc militia's house was raided by the police. They searched the house and left.


The Duke will now provide the news clips and audio [of Diriye[/b] regarding todays security sweep.

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Muqdisho:Warar dheeraad oo ka soo baxaday howlgalkii maanta ay ciidamada DFKMG iyo Kuwa Ethipia ay ku qabteen Goobaale Xusen Cali Cirfo iyo Sh Axmed Qare


Ciidanka dowlada Ethiopia iyo kuwa dowlada fadaraalka KMG somaliya oo saaka aroortii hore isku gedaamay suuqa ugu weyn somaliya ee bakaaraha ayaa markii ugu horeysay tan iyo markii ay gacanta ku dhigeen bartamaha iyo koofurta somaliya dabayaaqadii sanadkii tegay ee 2006 kii midowgii maxaakiimta oo ka ariminaayey mudo lixbilood ah.


Waxaa baaritaano lagu sameynayey dadka iyo guryaha la soo bartilmaameytay oo markii danbe laga soo baxay qaar ka tirsanaa mas.uliyiintii midowgii maxkadaha iyo rag kale oo laga yaqaanay magaalada muqdisho waxeyna kala ahaayeen ku xigeenkii madaxa arimaha bulshada axmed maxamed cabdulle ( axmed qare ) xusseen cali weheliye ( cirfo ) iyo maxamed rooble jimcaale ( goobaanle ) waxaana la arkayey ciidamo badan oo si aad ah u hubeysan iyo kuwa dowlada oo ku sugan wadooyinka soo gala suqa weyn ee bakaaraha iyaga oo sameynayey howgalo ay ammaanka ku sugayaan xalay ayey ayed markii lagu weeray bamka gacanta laga tuuro waxeyna ku jawaabeen rasaas fara badan iyada oo saaka lagu arkayey wadada laba qof oo meyd ah oo la garan waayey cidii ka danbeysay dilka labadaas ruux waxaana la fiilayaa in ay waxyeelo ka soo gartey rasaastii xalay ay ridayeen cidamo ku sugan isgoyska adan cade ,


Wixii warar ah ee ku soo kordha muqdisho isha ku haay Shabakada.



Muuse Maxamuud Jiisow



Kismaayoppst Muqdisho

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MUQDISHO: Baaritaanno maanta laga sameeyay Suuqa Bakaaraha iyo Agagaarkiisa oo lagu qabtay saddex xubnood oo...

Posted to the Web May 11, 17:19


Muqdisho (PP) - Ciidammada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Ethiopia ee maanta howlgallada ka sameeyay Muqdisho ayaa waxay gacanta ku dhigeen saddex mas'uul oo mid ka mid ah uu ka tirsanaa Maxkamadihii Islaamiga ahaa.


Xubnaha la qabtay oo kala ahaa: Axmed Maxamed Cabdulle (Axmed Qare) oo ahaa madaxii Urur lagu magacaabi jiray Difaacada Diinta iyo Dalka lana ahaa olog Maxkamadihii Midoobay, Xuseen Cali Wehliye (Cirfo) oo isaguna ahaa guddoomiyihii Degmada Afgooye ee Shabeellada Hoose iyo Maxamed Rooble Jimcaale (Goobaale) oo isaguna ahaa madaxii ciidammada ee Isbahaysigii Dooxada Jubba.


Guri ku yaalla suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa laga qabtay xubnahaan waxaana gacanta ku dhigay ciidammada Dowladda iyo kuwa Ethiopian-ka ah iyagoo u gudbiyay isla markaaba taliyaha ciidammada booliiska ee Gobolka Banaadir Cali Saciid Xasan Cawaale oo markii dambe sii daayay.


Xubnahaan ayaa la sheegay inay sii daysmadooda qayb ka ahaa Xildhibaan C/llaahi Geeddi Shadoor oo ka soo jeeda Beesha ******, waxaana loo sheegay ciidammada Ethiopian-ka inaysan xilligaan raggaan ku jirin dagaallo ka socda Muqdisho, isla markaana aysan qaraxyada dhaca habeenkii lug ku lahayn, balse ay ahaayeen rag isaga jira guryahooda oo aan soo dhaafin.


Markii la sii daayay xubnahaan ayay u sheegeen saxaafadda inaan wax dhibaato ah loo geysan isla markaana aan si xun loola dhaqmin, balse loola dhaqmay si wanaagsan oo insaannimo ah.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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^^^How come they were all including Ayrow, Xasan Dahir, IndaCade and Seeraar top officials of the clan courts movement, and all were occupiers of the lower Shabbele as well as Kismayu?


Coincidance I guess. :D

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^^^How come they were all including Ayrow, Xasan Dahir, IndaCade and Seeraar top officials of the clan courts movement, and all were occupiers of the lower Shabbele as well as Kismayu?


Coincidance I guess.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^How come they were all including Ayrow, Xasan Dahir, IndaCade and Seeraar top officials of the clan courts movement, and all were occupiers of the lower Shabbele as well as Kismayu?


Coincidance I guess.

So you admit this tragic war was against a single sub-sub-subclan. All the fighting, all those that died and all the uprooted was all a ploy to sideline leaders of a single tiny sub-subclan?


By the way, all the arresting is beng done by another set of occupiers -- Ethiopia and it's sidekicks the TFG.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!

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^^^The war thus was not aganst the faith, nor the Somali people nor aimed at occupiying the country.

The aim was to support the TFG against a coloition of antigovernment groups led by a group who all happen to be from the same sub-clan.


They stuck their kneck out and they send heir boys to fight. Funny how they are willing to now negotiate and meet the governemnt?

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