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Maaddeey Script Enhancement is Needed

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As a user of Maaddeey script, I am not at all satisfied with its latest output. Below is what Maaddeey script displayed in reference to a general statement I uploaded into it.


Kuwa aad Takfiiri u taqaanno waa min khayrin-naas, in la laayo ayaadna u ololeysaa! sidee waa tragedy u leedahay Date: April, 7th, 2010.


I’ve put in an IT work request to the original developers of this script. Following are the enhancements I would like to see.



* Xiin’s general approach as to what should the ultimate resolution of the current Somali conflict be has not changed. Simply put, what xiin and likeminded people would like to see is the cessation of hostilities among Somali parties. We firmly believe this conflict can be resolved by compromise and peaceful political settlement among Somali factions. We would welcome if alshabaab enters negotiation with TFG. We don’t hate alshabaab; we just oppose violence as a strategy to attain military and political dominance.

We support TFG as a temporary political arrangement. We understand it could be vastly improved, and we are certain it will be if the security conditions improve.


*Our general stance against violence does not however preclude TFG and other entities to engage self-defense or remove saboteurs of peace and stability by force, if capable, or seek outside help, if need be, to oppose the agenda of those who are so deluded that, in their books, any compromise to the other party is akin to a treason.


*We also take a note alshabaabs takfeeri undertones in labeling others murtad and riddah. We think that strategy or theological disposition, which ever it may be, is utterly misguided, and complicates the efforts to end Somali civil war.


*The Somali civil war is not jihad. Partaking in it won’t get one to jannah. It’s a fitnah in the first order.


AT&T and NGONGE, could you please make these enhancements as soon as possible. These enhancements would improve the quality of this product, not to mention delight the users.


Thank you,

xiinfaniin, Sr. Maaddeey Script Analyst

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^Allow Alle,


paragraph-ka hore, kan xiga & kan ugu dambeeya waa is khilaafsanyihiin!


Shabaab oo gobolada: Galgaduud, Hiiraan, Sh/dhexe, Banaadir, Bay, Bakool, Sh/hoose, J/dhexe, Gedo & J/hoose si nabad & kala dambeyn aan 20 sano la arag u maamula aad rabto in la weeraro sidaad hore ugu faantay waxaad tahay fattaan doonaya qaska Soomaaliya inuu sii socdo!.

Thank you,

xiinfaniin, Sr. Maaddeey Script Analyst

:D kii magacyada badnaa=fiqikhayr=shihaabudiin iska celi!

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:


Shabaab oo gobolada:
Galgaduud, Hiiraan, Sh/dhexe, Banaadir, Bay, Bakool, Sh/hoose, J/dhexe, Gedo & J/hoose si nabad & kala dambeyn aan 20 sano la arag u maamula aad rabto in la weeraro sidaad hore ugu faantay waxaad tahay
doonaya qaska Soomaaliya inuu sii socdo!.

This is aserious malfunction. I have created a script bug entry for NGONGE and AT&T.


Maaddeey Script accepts all types of data files with no regard to user specification, or without performing requered data validation. It loads data about war regions and stable regions together, stores them and incorrectly displays them on the screen.


Jubbooyinka, Benaadir and Galgaduud are fiercely contested areas by different armed groups, but the Maaddeey Script considers them stable, and under one entity. That is wrong. Please fix this bug before you take up my enhancement request.

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^You must not gotten that email.


This script is running unscheduled loop on its own. It needs a major upgrade but due to recent budget cuts, the developer said it's abandoning it all together and these out of memory errors yield only blue screen of death. Release indicates they are planning a better friendlier alternative module ASWJ. Just install ASWJ and Maaddeey script will disappear on ts own. No need to reboot.

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Mr. Xiin and Mr. Jacfar Please, Please and Please let Sheikh Maadeey alone and piece for he never used to show any kind of revenge towards some unworthy words you accustomed to reitrate like script and so so and according to me (how ever he insists to be alshabaab fan) he has a demeanor of religious and decency... walaa tanaabazuu bil alqaabi bísa ismul fusuuq...

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cool.. xiinafiin and maaddeey know what they're doing...


This is aserious malfunction. I have created a script bug entry for NGONGE and AT&T.


Maaddeey Script accepts all types of data files with no regard to user specification, or without performing requered data validation. It loads data about war regions and stable regions together, stores them and incorrectly displays them on the screen.

my computer was about to start a party ..but i told it this should not be the exception...

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Destroy the operating system, and replace it with Ubuntu, the more you use open source codes, the better for all develelopers to access, and users can run the system smoothly, problem solved.

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nuune suu usoo noqdayba wax hala destroy gareeyo baa kasoo hartay :D


but i got your point, you are attacking the heart of the problem. ngonge and at&t should not be the only subject matter expertise fo this script baad leedahay. that would've been all good and dandy but I am afriad it is more complicated than that since there is ownership/authorship rights involved


war bahasha rag muruq iyo maal ba ka galay oon ciyaar ciyaar uga fuquyn

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Xiinfaniin, lol@destroy, war balaayada iyo qaxarka waan necbahay :D


sxb as long the codes can be edited regionally to some extent, then enhancements and improvements can come automatically without any intervention of third-party intruder programmes.

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