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In a Rigged Election, War Criminal Ahmed Siilaanyo is Elected Leader ofSNM/Somalidiid

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According to our reporter in Hargeisa as the Somaliland Clan Militia flag continues to burn across the SSC towns and villages, the Somaliland Clan Militia have today spoke of their bogus unrecognised and illegal clan head counting, which has not been participated by the people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn (SSC regions). According to our reporter the SNM Clan known as the Somaliland Clan have chosen from their tribe the criminal and most hated Siilaanyo.


The East Burco sub-clan have been threatening the Awdal Clan (Ryaale) in the past years, especially in the past months so this is seen as the only way the Somaliland Clan Militia could keep peace with each other.


The international observers are already aware of the Somaliland Clan Militia’s failure to receive neither support nor involvement from the SSC people. It has been reported that the allotted SSC boxes 34 were destroyed and 5 were taken for international media display and those found to be responsible for bringing the Somaliland Clan Militia boxes to SSC were arrested. Thus, hitting home to every Somaliland Clan Militia that recognition is far far and so far away, as even the Somali Clans living in Sool Sanaag and Cayn do not see them as nothing more than another tribe in Somalia.


Due to the cruel treatments of the Somlialnd Clan, the people of Sool Sanaag Cayn have elected and chosen their SSC leader, which 100% of the people in Sool Sanaag and Cayn support (Dr Saleban Xaglatosiye), also the Sool sanaag and Cayn people only recognize Somalia not any other fabricated clan name.


Warlord Siilaanyo that has been chosen to lead the Somaliland Clan Militia is known for his extreme hate for the people of SSC solely because of their tribe and non-***** roots. He is accused by many SSC families to be behind the killing and tortures of many Children and Families in Sool Sanaag and Cayn.


The record of Siilaanyo in Northern Somalia is well documented and will never be forgotten, thus, this clan leadership he is taking today will only increase the hatred the SSC people feel towards him and the Somaliland Clan Militia. As no doubt he will increase the tribal cleansing in the region and make efforts to kill as many SSC people as possible, but one thing to also take note is that choosing Siilaanyo to lead the Somaliland Clan Militia comes as a blessing for the SSC people and a good time, because the popularity and support for the SSC will undoubtedly increase due to the personal objections that many people across the region from Saylac to Garowe and even people in the Somliland Clan inhabited regions (Hargeisa and Burao)feel towards him.


No doubt Siilaanyo’s sub-clan the SNM Clan will do all they can to safe their ageing criminal, however, the SSC people are united and are ready to protect their people against the evil doings of the tribal cleansing agenda of Siilaanyo and the Somaliland Clan Militia.

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Be nice to your elected president. He will soon come to Buhoodle, Xudun, Dhahar, Badhan and Las qorey and there is nothing the delusional crazies can do about that.

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God bless the new somaliland president mujaheed axmed maxammad maxamuud silanyo :D he knows all about khusuusi and darawishism Xaaji suudi and ina shixiri wa awoowyaashi :D






Now say hambalyo to your new leader liibaan

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Originally posted by Qhalib:

Be nice to your elected president. He will soon come to Buhoodle, Xudun, Dhahar, Badhan and Las qorey and there is nothing the delusional crazies can do about that.

None of those areas population even voted, so who is delusional the clown who claims this land or the people of these regions who are waving the beloved blue flag? :D


Good to see you lad.

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Xildhibaanad Baar Siciid oo ka waramaysa siday doorashooyinku uga dhaceen Dhahar iyo Sanaag bari.

Warkii 28-Jun-2010 iyo Qormadii: NEWS

Xidhibaan Baar Siciid Faarax (Dhahar) oo ka mid ah xildhibaanada Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ee bariga Sanaag kana soo jeeda degmada Dhahar ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dil ka dhacay shalay magaalada Dhahar aanu wax siyaasad ah shaqo ku lahayn, iyadoo intaa ku dartey in degmadaasi ay doorashadu si rasmiya uga qabsoontey maalintii doraad, isla markaana ay si nabad galyo ah ay u dhacday.





Xidhibaan Baar Siciid Faarax oo aanu xalay khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhnay iyadoo ku sugan magaalada Dhahar waxna ka waydiinay iska hor imaad qof ku dhintey oo la sheegay in uu ka dhacay magaalada Dhahar, iyadoo arinkaasi ka hadlaysaana xildhibaan Baar waxay tidhi “Wax dagaal ah oo deegaanka ka dhacay ma jiro, balse laba nin oo gacan ka hadal dhexmaray ayaa nin ka mid ahi dhintey, ka dib markii uu tooray ku dhuftey kii kale, marxuumka dhinteyna edo ayaan u ahay oo walaalkey ayaa dhalay, magaciisa waxa la odhan jiray Jaamac Axmed Siciid, wakhtigan xaadirka ahna aaskiisii ayaanu ku hawlahanay, ninkii dileyna gacanta ayaa lagu hayaa sidaa darteed dilkaasi wax siyaasad ah kuma shaqo lahayn oo laba nin oo iskood isku dilay ayey ahaayeen”


S:Doorashada waxa la sheegayaa inaanay ka dhicin degmada Dhahar, arinkaasi maxaa ka jira?


J:Waxaasi waxba kama jiraan oo waa iska hadal, si fiican bay doorashadu uga dhacday deegaanka.


S:Ma waxaad leedahay sanaaduuqdii codbixinta doorashada ee la geeyey goobaha degmada Dhahar way ka hirgaleen?


J:Markii shalay galab(doraad) gabalku dhacay ayaa la wada xidhay goobihii codbixinta ee sanaaduuqdu yaaleen ciidamaana lagu wareejiyey.


S:Ma waxaad xaqiijinaysaa in doorashadu ka wada dhacday degmada Dhahar iyo tuulooyinka hoosyimaada?


J:Ma kitaabaan kuugu dhaartaa inay ka dhacday Dhahar, way ka dhacday.


S:Goobaha codbixinta doorashada ee degmada iyo tirada guud ee sanaaduuqda la geeyey ee laga codeeyey waa imisa goobood?


J:Goobuhu waxay ahaayeen dhawr iyo labaatan, laakiin anigu tirada guud ee sanaaduuqda si rasmiya uma hayo, laakiinse shaqaalihii Komishanku way wada gaadheen goobihii doorashada.


S:Ciidamo Puntland ka yimid ayaa la sheegay inay ku sugan yihiin magaalada Dhahar ee aad joogto, arimahaasi maxaa ka jira?


J:Ciidamo Puntland ka socda oo jooga Dhahar ma jiraan, ciidamo Somaliland ka socda ayaa ku sugan.


S:Waxa la sheegay in dilkan dhacay uu sababay iska hor imaad lagu diidanaa doorashada Somaliland oo lagu kala qaybsamay, arinkaa maxaa ka jira?


J:Wax mudaharaad ah oo magaalada ka dhacay ma jiro, dilkaasina wax siyaasad ku shuqul leh ma ahayn, magaaladana xaaladeedu waa caadi, haduu siyaasad ahaan lahaa rasaas ayaa la isku adeegsan lahaa, laakiin gacan ka hadal laba qof dhex maray oo tooray mid ku dilay kii kale.


S:Maxay sababay oo ay isku qabteen marxuumka iyo gacan ku dhiig luhu?


J:Walaahi si rasmiya hada uma hayno waxa uu ka dhashay, laakiin marka maxkamada la horgeeyo ayey soo bixi doontaa sababta uu ku dilay iyo waxay isku qabteen.


S:Ma xilal ayey ka kala hayeen Somaliland iyo Puntland, maxayse ka kala shaqaynayeen?


J:Wax masuuliyad ah may hayn.

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This does not concer Pirateland. You're excused. :D




I hope the New President will make a priority to first put the SSC thingy to rest by peaceful means before he gets his hand on bigger projects.

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