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Honouring those who hounored us with their blood- The Alshabab

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Horta, you cannot rightly blame Alshabab. Shariifku dee isagaa kaga baxay balankii.


(1) He fled the battlefield

(2) He is now shaking hands with Meles

(3) Kitaab in wax lagu xukumaa la isku ogaa and he is not saying so

(4) Dastuur ayuu ku dhaartay

(5) Wuu mirqaansan yahay uun sidii xilka loogu dhiibay, oo he is not following issues in Somalia and making comments on events that warrant his attention- like the massacre by Amisom.


So, it is hard to blame the Alshabab. What we want them to do is to forgive him, pity him, and move on for the sake of the somali people. It is not the good guy calling the bad guys to join him for good cause. In many ways, it is the reverse. The good guys joining the bad guy for the good cause.


Sheekhan ilaa xalay waan fahmi la'ahay!

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Inuu xeyraamey laba isma weydiineeso horta, ee muxuu la xeyraamey weeye su'aasha, jawaabtuna waa fududahay!!



Kursigaasaan caashaqayee, kursigaasaan caashaqayee, madaxweyne madaxweyne ..........

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al shabab has done more for somalia then most somalis will ever do in their lifetimes.


sheikh sharif has disgraced himself by shaking the hands of a man who who troops murdered and raped somalis.


what a gutless coward.


not even one word said about amisom recent massacre.

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