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Honouring those who hounored us with their blood- The Alshabab

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Somalia is at a crtitical watershed. It can go either way. Patriotic Somali's who aspire to see order and prosperity in Somalia are cheering for the election of Sheikh shariif, a man despite number of short-comings,is from a different league of his predecessors. He has not been part to the looting of the nation in those good days; he hasnot been part to the madness and killings in that land.


But his ascendancy to power must not overshadow the immense sacrifices young Somali's paid to make us proud and to liberate their country from the tryanny of Ethiopian colonialists. The real heroes must not be pushed to the footnotes. The likes of Mukhtar Roobow Abu-mansoor, Macalin Adan Hashi Cayroow, Abu-zuheir and thousands of faceless somali boys slept in muddy fields infestd with malaria and travelled for days under the scorching sun to see the will of Somali's dictate who runs the nation, and by extension, who dictates our social orientation. credit goes to these men of courage and we need to recognise their selfless sacrifices. They are the immortal heroes of Somalia.


While there are plenty of reasons why we should remain optimistic with the election of Sheikh Shariif, we should also urge him from all sides that he recognise the real heroes in Somalia. He needs to talk to them in an honest manner and should do the following immediately:


(1) Declare that there is no need for foreign troops and should ask the Amisom forces to leave with immeidate effect


(2) Declare that Ethiopia has perpetrated war crimes in Somalia and call for an independent investigation. He should demand an apology from ethiopia and a compensation.


[ This will serve as a symbolic move that the Sheikh shares the feeelings of many Somali's and the Muqaawama vis-a-vis Ethiopia]


(3) Denounce the acts of phoney groups such as Ahlu-sunna wal jamacaa, and declare they will not be an equal partners on Somalia's issues along with the Alshabab and the Muqaawama.


(4) Call on US and the west to take leaders of the Alshabab from the terrorist list, in exchange for a peace offer from the group.

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al shabab made somalis feel pride and dignity again.


Something the so called somalis on here will never have and will never attain.



One al shabab fighter is worth a 100 somalis.

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Slanders are cajeeb and to me are gareeb/strangers.


JB, when the U.S. was flattening somebody's ayeeyo in Xamar with their F16 fighter jet, where were were the Slanders?


Al Shabaab deserve massive credit. They got the Ethio's out and they resisted and now this is the thanks people give to them.

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^ There is plenty of men from who are willing to sacrifice everything for their religion so don't generalise kheyr badanow.


We are still waiting for sheikh shariif's response about the massacre of the 18 civilians in Moqdishu. He said he will work with AMISOM and that is not a good start.

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^^ why now? They already made it clear that they won't join any secular government or one that is based on 4.5, nor will they ever agree to any international peacekeepers. Now, why does everyone expect them to suddenly compromise on everything they believe in, just because the faces have changed and a sheikh is the helm of tfg? Secondly, they want to be on the terror list.

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Of course, then marka we will see and the people will know the reality. But, hada, I don't think everyone should expect them to change because a sheikh was chosen in a hotel.

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I don't get your point. Let us not debate about technicalities. My point is simple: people should not expect the armed groups to change their ideological stances just because a sheikh was elected; otherwise, they are setting themselves up for a big dissapointment. They will see him as the same as the previous tfg leaders. Whether or not they will continue their violence or make excuses is another debate.

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