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Xabashi Daba dhilif,xaarka isku celiya...tick tack...

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I have said many times before,the ICU has declared holy war on the Xabashis,it didn't have to go into effect right away,well as you know it will officially start this upcoming add injury to an insult,the Ugands and some other nations backed off their deal to bring foreign "peace" keepers,which make is it that much tougher,and thus leaves things for the Xabashis and their puppets to defend themselves,they have their backs against the xaarka ha isku celiyaan waxna ha iska celiyaan as they claimed they would.

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Waryaahee dagaal wiil kuma dhashaa la yiriyee waa sidee inankoow! ICU should try to stop this unnecessary war as much as they can. War does no good to any side and definitely not to the masses.


The ICU should come up with better alternative and get Amxaaro out of Somalia and its affairs without firing a single bullet. They should outsmart and outmaneuver Eithopia as they did to the warlords in Baydhabo.

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^ are ajoker.


Jimcaale,I know that very well,but how long will we be under the amounting pressure of Xabashis,we have to fight our way to getting rid of these S.O.B.once and for all and their supporting puppets whoever they are,whether it's Oday or Buubaa.



Horaa loo yidhi wanka indhihiiso cirka ma arkaa,ilaa la qalo(bireeyo).

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

I have said many times before,the ICU has declared holy war on the Xabashis,it didn't have to go into effect right away,

special kind of holiness. Actions speak louder than words and by their actions the ICU "holy" has been found wanting.

What we found them to be is everything of material and misusing and abusing the faith contrary to what is prescribed.

We have the same books as received and we don't find ICU to be holy.

If AminArts is any indication of opinion, the people of somalia also find ICU to be this:

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^what do you know about the faith and are you even Muslim to you qualify you to have a say in anything regarding Islam.Besides,do you think your opinion matters to me or most of us here,when you are cheerleader of Melez Zenawi,I dont'think so.



yes the ICU is hollier,better,and stronger than the Son of B*^ch in Addis.damn straight they are,you feeling me dawg.



Lt.Xalane,come back to me on Tuesday,I will let you know.

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Mr. Red Sea,


I don't think that is an argument we can have on the internet. In case you are like the ICU, trying to paint a different image of ethiopians than the reality on the ground here are a few facts for you:


1. There are between 40-50 million Moslems in Ethiopia

2. Moslems have lived in that part of the world for all the 1500 years and more

3. There are more Somali in Ethiopia than there are in Djibuti, Somaliland, Puntland all put together.

You can do all your holier than thou somewhere else. If AminArts got under your skin, he seems to do it better than anyone else, you are not alone.


He does more against ethiopia than any other country, but it comes with the territory. We are neighbors for more distance than any other. We share 6-7 million people.


Here is what AminArts thinks describes the Jihad call of ICU.

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^YES,and you should see how Most Ethiopians feel about Melez and his aggression towards his neighbors,not very good.What kinda faith does he have,this is Somalia,the people are Somalis,if they fight it out,then they will settle eventually,but here you are promoting and supporting the naked aggression of Melez,it's this that I appose.I do not have anything against my Muslim bretherens from Ethiopia,in fact many of them are in the war joining the Jihad against teh evil regime of Melez,offcourse you are showing different colors by siding with Melez thus I cant tell if you are a Muslim or not.


P.s.I lived in Ethiopia for almost a year,so I know how things are,save your time for someone who isn't aware of the facts.


The oromos,the Uragis,most of Ahmaras are against this tigray regime,correct me if I am wrong.


As for the cartoons,check out the other ones and how Melez is in every other cartoon in that site,that should tell you enough.

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I think red is under the false impression that if the ICU and the government fight, Somaliland will get international recognition.

Did not now Abdulahi-Ahmaar supporters can read minds.. :D

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Jimcaale,I know that very well,but how long will we be under the amounting pressure of Xabashis,we have to fight our way to getting rid of these S.O.B.once and for all and their supporting puppets whoever they are,whether it's Oday or Buubaa.

Amxaar/Tigreey controls the Berbera port, where in fact laga soo dajiyo hubka la iskugu dhiibo Soomaalida iyo kan maanta lagu tirtiraayo.


Shouldn't then wadaada ku sheega liberate and cleanse that town from Amxaar/Tigreey as well?


"Odeyga" kaligiis Baydhabo ma degno. Hundred of thousands aan waxba galabsan ayaa la degan that city and its vicinity and millions more around the region, laakiin waa gartaada, when it is about your own tuulo, it is reconciliation, hadana u gurbaan tun dagaal iyo wax aan loo joogin. Reer Arlaadi had seen dagaal iyo dhibaatadiis, isburbursigii Caydiid iyo Siyaad Barre. They wouldn't tolerate another isburburis in their midst. Iyaga ayaa ku martiqaaday C/llaahi Yuusuf magaaladooda, iyaga alone can kick him out if he overstayed his guestnimo.


As worse as one should despise Amxaar/Tigreey, dagaal laguma ordo, especially anaga dibadaha afka kasoo leerineyna.


Marka haddee Soomaalinimo dhab kaa tahay, ha u gurbaan tumin dagaal; anybody who can't wait or sugi karina ha aado safka hore ee dagaallada ula rabaan oo yaa kaa haayo. Minankeey oo aan ku nabadqabaa aan fadhinaa, hadana si fiican aan ugu gurbaantumaa dagaal lagu hoobto ma soconeyso igaarkiis.


Lix iyo toban sano bilaash dhiig Soomaaliyeed ma u daadan haddaanan ku baran dagaal micnihiis. Maxaa laga dheefay 16 years of dagaallada sokeeye ee isku soo dabanoqnoqaayo ka ahayn qax, qaxar, iskufshasho, dhiig aan waxba galabsan daado iyo maato la laayo.

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^I get what you are saying buddy,but listen,what makes you run to berbera when we are discussing the issues regarding the current political fiasco in southern somalia,do I have to touch someone's else's city whenvever I need to mention another city.It's sad how somalis feel very offended when mentions in rather unpleasant way sort of.


brother you must I have nothing against the inncoent civilians living in baydhabo and whatever qabiil they belong,however what I do have problem is that they are being used as a for xabashis to launch their dirty work from,this is what I am precisely against,don't feel offended when I mentioned baydhabo in this way.


somalinimo iyo waxan aad sheegayso magaran,ee Muslimnimo ayaa dhab iga ah,oo waxaan rabaa dadkan masaakiinta ah ee ubaahan dawlad wanaagsan oo hogaamisay in ay mar uun ay dagaan oo dulmigan lagu hayo laga dul qaado mar uun Insha allah,taas ayaan rabaa.


Insha allah waxaan rajaynayaa in si fudud wax kasta lagu soo afjaro,laakin sida ay umuuqato,dagaal oo kaliya ayuunbaa looga biyo gaadhi karaa dadkan dulmiga ku haya dadka,sidii xamar ba warlords looga nadiifiyey ayaa INsha Allah baydhabo na looga bixin doona xabashida iyo kuwa lawateenka ah INsha allah tacalaa..


Ha iiga qaadan in aanan waxba ila ahayn dadka meesha kudhiman kara hadii dagaal dhaco,waan lasocdaa,waxaana rajaynayaa in nabad wax kasta lagu soo afjaro,laakin ethiopia nabad diyaar uma aha,ee dagaal ayuubay amaan lagaga heli karaa,taana way heli.Ilaahay wuxuu yidh "Al fitnatu ashadu minalqatli",dulmiga ayaan ka daran dilista iyo dhimashada,sidaa awgeed Insha allah dulmiga waxaan rajaynaynaa in koonfur somaliya laga dul qaadi doono,oo wanaag iyo sharaf ay kadanbayn doonto,hadii Allah qadaro,


Allah og sidii faxan,

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